The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 48

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 48

Tonye was earlier than early. She had showered in the office then rushed home for a change of clothes and headed straight to the rendevouz point.

Now she was there, sitted in a lone booth watching the door intently. her stomach growled in hunger and she decided she might as well have breakfast so she ordered a pizza – large (for his sake) and garlic bread.
She glanced round as she waited for her order. She spent the time glancing repeatedly at her wrist watch and watching the entrance. The pizza arrived and she nibbled on the garlic bread, enjoying the way the cheese melted in her mouth.

Finally she saw Bigelow enter the eatery and she checked the time. It was barely ten minutes past 8 and she had been waiting for over 30 minutes. His eyes scanned the faces slowly until they settled on her. He was a light skinned middle aged man with a full head of hair and a shaved jaw.

He made his way to the table and without a word worked open the box of pizza and took a slice. Only after he had swallowed the first bite did he look at her. “Tonye….what do I owe this pleasure…you know you have no right to contact us again, you’re not one of us anymore” he said in a low voice that could only be heard by Tonye although the nearest tables were unoccupied.
” please spare me the sermon Big” she said “I need a favour”
He took another bite “I was afraid of that” he said softly “tell me, what is it?”
“I need you to find out who was responsible for the nation wide A.P.B on Fome about two years ago and put her in the most wanted.”
She took a slice although her half eaten garlic bread remained in the box as Bigelow stumbled about for a word to say.
Finally he said. “That’s a serious offence you want me to commit…and frankly, its way above my pay grade….yours too”
“I don’t have a choice….my husband is in danger my friend also-”
“That reminds me…I heard you got married”

“Yes… agent Bami”
“Woa…the senior agent?” Bigelow asked downing his fifth or sixth piece.

“You know I owe that man my life….he saved me once during the suicide bomber fiasco five years ago….I never had the chance to pay him back….” his voice trailed off as he remembered the event he spoke about.
“Until now” Tonye said

“Now you have the chance to save his life”
“Oh….and I’d do that gladly Tonye but-”
“Ah ah ah… buts…you owe me big, and now you owe Bami too…you don’t have a choice you need to help us”

Actually he had a choice. He could stand up and leave but she was counting on the fact that he was fiercely loyal and her gamble paid of because Bigelow sighed “poo! I hope this doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass.”


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