The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 47

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 47

“what was Fome and Mona after the night you came?” I asked again although i was getting frustrated with the lack of control I had over the situation.
“face it Rex…the world may see you as the people’s defender…as the defender of the universe” he said mockingly “but you and I both know who you really are….a misguided soul whose heart is as dark as mine…even darker”

“what are you even saying for God’s sake?!”

“I’m saying you’re a murderous sociopath hiding behind the flag of goodwill to carry out your fantasies”
“would you answer the question….all these comfort that is deceiving you can be taken away in the blink of an eye…and I can make that happen” Bami said with chagrin.

The chief held my gaze before he turned slowly to Bami. “you know I seriously doubt that”

“Look here you cocky bastard” I kicked the half eaten fish on the floor in his direction Leaving a trail of fish bits all over the floor. “you’re right about one thing….I’m feeling very murderous right now and i could just act without thinking”
“Now you resort to threats….you see what i say about double standards…one minute you’re begging the next you’re bragging….forgetting that YOU made yourself my foe….you could have been my right hand man, but you had to get self righteous with me!”
Bami looked at me with intent. He stepped back, not taking his eyes off the warden then locked the door.

I looked around and saw the remote on the bed. I picked it up and increased the television just a little. My intention was clear, and the chief’s speaker would frown any sound effectively.

“I’m going to ask you for the last time…what was Fome after that night…and why did you put the hit on her?”
The chief sighed, crossed his legs on his table and blew the poisonous smoke in my direction.

“Don’t think I’m telling you what I’m about to tell you because of your theatrics…” he looked at Bami “If Rex is deceived by his rare victory two years ago…you should know better. At least you’ve seen me in action…I’m not the kind of man you threaten”
He looked at me “my boy…I never knew Fome was aware of what the widows initiative was really about..but apparently she was aware all along same with her sister, your friend’s LovePeddler of a wife or wife of a LovePeddler” he laughed merrily.
“Anyway” he resumed when his cackling had died down “when your greedy self stole the money from me she went beserk and demanded I remove you from my carefully spun web of strategies that would have made you a very rich man by the way. And when I refused, she threatened to expose the widows initiative” he took another long pull from his drink ” And like I said earlier…I don’t respond well to threats”
He slammed the half empty juice box on the table and belched loudly. “there you have it….you know the rest”
“So what did they want that night?” Bami asked.

The chief rolled his eyes at Bami and crushed the cigarrete which had been smoked to the filter in the ash tray.

“Didn’t you hear what I just said? try and keep up okay….she managed to turn the hit I put on her around and she came for the money…she had been a poor church rat most of her life so the idea of 250 million was just too great….”

“What else where they after? you’re hiding something chief….what were you trying to protect that night?”
“I was trying to protect my daughter!”
I rubbed my tired eyes slowly. “chief something else was going on…they were not just after money, please tell me anything you know…please”

The chief warden cleared his throat “ehem…i believe that’s enough for now”
“you stay out of it…you’re already in enough trouble for running this place like a hotel” I snapped at him.

I focused on the chief whose focus was now on the news cnn was currently breaking on the Tv.

“okay, why did you give the contract to an outsider when you had the effective sunset shadows under your employ?” I asked him
he didn’t look away from the television but I saw the disgust run over his features and he couldn’t keep it out of his voice when he replied. “I gave the job to the top shadow himself, but I don’t know how she did it but she s£duced the idiot and he abandoned his duties and even helped her evade capture so many times from the ever incompetent agent Bami” he said with biting sarcasm.

“that was why you were able to take out the most elite and effective strike team this country has ever seen….they were without a leader and tasked with the successful…err…emigration of our widow friends” he said indignantly.

“There was something else in the house that night….something you wanted safe at all cost, something i’m guessing fome wanted to have” I said
“There you go spinning tales again as if you didn’t know I had coke worth millions in the house” he shook his head “stop searching for what isn’t there, it can’t be found”
“are you aware their father…the man you murdered years ago survived and was bent on having revenge on your family?”
His eyes widened and for the first time he didn’t seem so comfortable “but you stopped him, saved everyone that attended my crowning as the man of the year for my efforts and philantropy.” he smiled, remembering the irony of the award “I must admit I’m upset he couldn’t even take the time to visit an old friend in prison”
I rubbed my head as the pounding ache resumed. This man was impossible and it was already past 7am….we were wasting time without getting anything done.

“Chief I believe your children are in danger…mortal danger…you’d be helping them by telling me what I need to know”
He scoffed “please, unlike you I know how to protect my family”
“there’s only so much you can do from a prison far away” Bami said irritatedly. He seemed really pissed off with the chief and his voice didn’t hide it.

“It matters not…all I need is to make a call” he made a telephone gesture with his thumb and last finger. “ring ring, hello two men are in my place…they interrupted my breakfast and are getting on my nerves…take care of them when they leave the prison” he put his imaginary phone in his pocket and smiled “Just like that and you’re gone….all for throwing my fish on the floor”
I was dumbfounded. I hadn’t expected to meet the chief in such comfort still with his connections and still very much in charge more or less. I turned and glared at the chief warden who was shuffling his feet restlessly.

“can’t you hear this?!” I shouted “Its just like he was never locked up..your actions put him back in power and lives are in danger because of you”

“Oh calm your tits my boy…no one is in danger, I’m just serving my hundred year jail term in peace and quiet, thats all” the chief replied

“with or without your help, I’d find out what I need to know” I narrowed my eyes. “And don’t call me your boy”

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