The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 49

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 49


She hummed as she stood over the camp gas, making sure the flame was on low heat so as not to burn the french toast she was making.

She had checked all available flights to jos and she had an idea what time to expect Rex.

She was going to make sure he hit the ground running. Ryan Bigelow was a spy. That was the best word to describe him. Little wonder his life had needed saving on more than one occasion and there were still about one or two other people he owed ‘big time’
He had been asignend to the counterterrorism unit and had been part of the squad that had operated in Egypt in the late 90s.
During the time of the Ikeja bomb blast in 2002, A young cleric who attended prayers fervently in a small mosque in a village in North Cairo happened to gather intelligence from nereby charter about a possible strike on the ‘cantonment’

The cleric had immediately radioed the information to his superior. Agent Bigelow.
Bigelow had been momentarily confused, was it an attack on Egyptian soil or what? Cantonment….was that some kind of code word or…

The next day which was the second day in January, the news shocked the world that one of Nigeria’s largest military cantonment had suffered an ‘amoury explosion’

A large stock of military explosives stored in the baracks had ‘accidentaly’ went off as a result of a fire that started in the street market next to the base, or as a result of careless handling or as a result of an itentional act. Whatever the cause, it was a disaster

Over a thousand people had been killed and over 20,000 had been rendered homeless and severely wounded.

Bigelow never forgave himself.

So when years later, the cleric had given him information he intercepted once again about this time about ‘severing the North from south’…Bigelow had immediately reached out to a senior agent.

A race against time and frantic investigation led the agents to the Niger bridge. Bomb sniffing dogs were deployed and a stop and search had been set up immediately. Bigelow himself had flown to Lagos and he and the senior agent who was officially called ‘agent John’ but whose real name was Bami oversaw the stop and search themselves.

The traffic they caused stretched for miles and Bigelow was begining to think they had misinterpreted the information when suddenly a young pregnant woman came running towards the bridge from her vehicle which was stuck in traffic miles from the bridge.

One of the agents cautioned her to stop but she ignored. At the time Bigelow was searching a transport bus and about to wave it on when he glanced up and saw the woman running towards him with madness in her eyes and he thought; this is it…..

But suddenly her body was lifted from the floor and she landed with a violent thud as the life left her eyes.

She had been shot, right between her eyes….a perfect head shot.

Agent Bami stood behind his smoking gun and warned the agents to keep away. Then he and Bigelow (who had ‘almost’ lost control of his bladder) approached the body and found out the bump beneath her dress was not a pregnancy but about ten kilos of c4 taped to her stomach. The timer showed they had less than two minutes before detonation.
Bami instructed every agent to bring their handcuffs and in a matter of seconds the dead bomber had been handcuffed up to her elbows and down to her knees. Even the handcuffs were handcuffed.

Then she was thrown over the bridge into the river. The weight of the explosive plus the added weight of the handcuffs sent her to the bottom immediately. The bomb went off 30 seconds later and the vibration shook the bridge, threatening to collapse it. But that was all. The civil engineers would need to go under water and have a look at the foundation of the pillars but the important thing was no life had been lost.

A month later, a bomb went of in the mosque in Cairo, Egypt. Killing about a dozen men who had gathered for a secret meeting.

Bigelow could never forget that day, the day Bami had saved his life. He owed the man and if there was one thing Ryan Bigelow never failed to do, it was pay his debt.

So he took the task Tonye had given him very seriously. It was bad enough Bami was blacklisted as a defector but to start digging into the hierarchy of the agency was simply a death wish.

So as he drove to the counselor’s office he cracked his mind on ways he could get the information without rousing suspicion.

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