The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 46

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 46

Now before you judge me for my next actions, take a minute and try and understand where I’m coming from….I mean where I’m really coming from;

Two years ago I came within an inch of losing every one who meant more than a shoelace to me. It was a horrible period to be me and the cause of it all was Chief Amunike. J.
Lives had been lost (Fumi came to mind) and also deaths had been faked (Fome’ came to mind) the root cause of it all was chief Amunike. J

Not to talk of the countless families that had been scattered or destroyed over the past decades all thanks to one chief Amunike J.
But finally lady justice had the last laugh and the very bad chief Amunike had been put away, to pay for the many atrocities he had commited.

Everything was alright with the world again.
I moved on, started a family.

Now my wife was in the hospital.

My child had been taken.

And whose name should pop up but the same chief Amunike J.

The same chief that was suffering in the maximum security prison, struggling everyday not to ‘drop the soap’?

Now here he was, this evil man living like a king. In his robe that was probably 100% cotton, devouring the kind of fish that my family of 5 ate on rare occasions with our meal during my childhood and here I was, I hadn’t even eaten anything since the roadside beans and bread Andy and I had the previous morning on our way to exhume the body.

Suddenly it was too much to take in and I snapped. I grabbed the tray of fish from the table and flung it across the room and I gripped the chief by his robe and pulled him roughly to his feet.

I noticed with disgust that the once slender chief was now quite heavy in the middle. The man was getting fat in prison!

“Rex, snap out of it! what’s come over you?” he cried out in suprise as I forced him against the wall.

The warden protested and from the corner of my eye I saw Bami raise his hand prepared to hold him off.

“I want my daughter back….where are you holding her?!” I barked

He looked suprised and was speechless so I repeated my question and tightened my grip.
“hey you can’t do that!” the warden said
The chief stammered “your daughter….Rex I didn’t even know you had a daughter”

He seemed sincere but I did’t believe the deceitful old fox.

“how long have you known Fome was alive?” I shouted
His eyes widened “Fome is alive?”
I sighed in frustration and fought down the urge to slap him. “don’t play games with me”

“okay that’s enough!” the warden decided and started forward but Bami held up his hand in a ‘halt’ gesture and placed his other hand on his hip just very close to his unholstered weapon. That stopped the man in his tracks.

“No maybe you shouldn’t play games with me” the chief said and his eyes hardened “you come to my place, reject my hospitality, assault me then accuse me of playing games? does this look like a game I’m enjoying?” he asked angrily.
“Why did you order the hit on Fome two years ago” I asked him
The question came out of nowhere and he was disoriented for some seconds. “w-what?”

“that’s it I’m radioing for back up, this is unlawful” the chief warden said and unhooked his walkie talkie from his belt.

The chief shook his head as if to clear it. “Maxwell don’t worry, that wouldn’t be necessary” he shrugged my hands away then strolled to a drawer beside the bed. He removed a packet of menthol cigarettes and a gold lighter. “A new habit of mine….” he said as he lit the stick. He blew the smoke in Bami’s direction before facing me. “Rex i thought we agreed to let sleeping dogs lie”
“There was no such agreement and no sleeping dogs for that matter” I replied with clenched teeth.

“ooooh…..but its in the past my boy, its all in the past”
“No its not….Fome is still alive and she has my daughter and I’m sure its only a matter of time before she comes after you herself”
“frankly I don’t care if she’s alive or dead, I’m sorry she has your daughter, and as for her coming after me….” he smiled confidently “i’d like to see her try”
And he was right….wether we liked it or not he had built some kind of fortress for himself in prison. There was no way we could give him the same treatment we had given the hotel manager earlier. We’d just end up being the ones dangling from the balcony.
“Look chief, please your’e a parent….I know how much you love your daughter…try to imagine how I’m feeling…how would you feel if you lost her.” I said pleadingly
He laughed “you mean the same Ada my daughter whom you put in grave danger?”
I scratched my head remembering how close she had been to joining the unfortunate people six feet under whose only crime had been knowing me.
“you’re just so full of double standards aren’t you..” he smiled and settled in his chair and took a long drink from his juice.
“what was Fome and Mona after the night you came?” I asked again although i was getting frustrated with the lack of control I had over the situation.

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