The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 45

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 45


She was suprised that they hadn’t called the cops. Although she had warned them not to, still……

She yawned and took a sip from the mug in her hands. The bug was still transmitting clearly and she could hear their voice clearly. Even hear the faint sound of snoring.

She listened to the plan to split up and watch over Olivia in the hospital. When all was silent and only the snoring that no doubt originated from Alli no joy. She removed her head set then hit some keys on her laptop activating the recording that would kick in and save any conversation that went on in the house.

She swivelled the chair completely and studied the baby. She was beautiful and her features were so much like her father’s. She rubbed her own stomach remembering the secret baby she had been carrying and the pain when she had lost the baby in the fire.
Her eyes grew dark with anger and hatred until her phone rang. The ice cream tune was her alert tone for her special line, not everyone had the number or to be precise…only a select few had the number.
“Just checking in….how is things over there?”
“Under control…any new development?”
“Well…Rex is flying in tomorrow from Lagos”
“Good…be attentive when he arrives so you’ll update me on the going ons…infact just try and get them to the house when they want to discuss anything at all”
“Got it”
“One more thing……be careful”


I was considering the odds in succesfully cheating my body off sleep when my phone rang.

The ringtone jerked Bami awake and he sat up blinking sleepily “who, what, where,…….Rex….”

I smiled as I studied the number. It was an unknown number and I couldn’t help wondering if it was Fome.
I sobered up immediately “hello”
“Rex….everything its a disaster, never do anything like this again you hear me?!”
“Woa….calm down doctor Rasheed….whats happ-”

“It’s doctor Rilwan to you and never leave any of your agents in my office again….in fact you are not welcome here! I’ll need my keys now”

“What happened doctor?”
“To start with, I’m locked inside my office… Andy is out cold in the lab…he had the poo kicked out of him by my shy and meek Christina and the lab is in a terrible mess!!!”
I had to pull the phone inches from my ear as he shouted. His voice still filled the car like the loudspeaker was on. I imagined the river l shaped vein that ran from his forehead to his temple popping out and threatening to implode as it did whenever he was upset.
“Are you serious! Andy is unconscious?” I couldn’t believe it.

“No, no I’m joking…we’re playing hide and seek!!” He retorted
“Just keep calm doc, we’re on our way”
“What happened to Andy?” Bami asked as I made a U-turn.

“He got in a fight with the student doctor and he’s knocked out”

“Really….that slim girl….she beat him?” Bami said in amazed wonder “interesting”
“Yeah…apparently she was just like Mona” I remembered his fight with her and how it had ended. Infact I had live ammo for making fun at both their expense.

“You know what….its not so interesting after all” Bami said.

“So this Christie girl where does she fit? He asked as we neared the hospital.

“Maybe through Fome or Shadow or maybe she isn’t really affiliated with any of them but was recently paid to spy on the doctor but her ability to fight

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The Hole In The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 44

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