The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 44

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 44

“Okay okay okay…..i’ll tell you everything! Kehinde stopped visiting the hotel for a while then he shows up one night and instructs me to oversee something for him….” he sneered “Before my eyes this man puts my account number in …I don’t know how he knew my account number. And before I can say Jack Robinson, there’s 750k sitting in my account.” He lowered his eyes “At the time the hotel was in debt so it was a big deal.”
“So what did he want you to watch for him…do you have it here?” Bami asked.

“No…it was a she not an ‘it’ a lady had been involved in a nasty accident and I was to arrange for her to meet a plastic surgeon”
“Plastic surgeon hmm…..the injuries from the accident must have been really bad then”

“It was horrible… she tried to cover it with a scarf and dark shades but the burn marks were too visible”

“excuse me…did you say burn marks?” I asked
“yes….the accident was domestic I think gas leak or faulty wiring was the cause.”
“When was this?”
“errm…I can’t really say unless I check my calender pad inside I have all the information”

Bami and I glanced at each other then nodded. We pulled the manager completely. “So which plastic surgeon did you link her with?” I asked Mr Sylvanus while he gasped for breath and hit his head with his palm repeatedly. His feet were still shaky and not completely under him yet so he leaned on the railing.

“There’s a specialist who runs his practice in Abuja, he was the one that performed the surgery”

I looked at Bami. There was irrevocably no doubt that Fome had escaped the fire two years ago. How had she been able to pull it off? Cause i could still hear the loud explosion and see the roof shoot into the air and the fire burn with fury. How did one walk away from such. I imagined the pain she had gone through….the scars on her soul as a result of my brash actions.

“Do you have any picture of her?” I finally said

The manager shook his head “my job was to connect both of them and settle whatever initial debts that will arise…I tried my best to distance myself as far as i could whenever I could…so I have no picture….but i can give you my diary, it contains all the details of the surgery which isn’t much so don’t get your hopes up…but it has some useful info”
“Okay we’d appreciate that” Bami said and the manager opened the sliding glass and hurried into the room.
“Strange how a near death experience made him very co-operative” I muttered and we watched the manager rush back out, he held two sheets of paper and he handed them to me.

“This is your diary?” Bami asked in bewilderment
“Oh…no….but these are the pages you want. I told you it wasn’t much”
“but why tear it…there was no need for that” I said as i studied the paper at least the writing was neat.
“oh comeon….that’s my diary..”
we looked at him blankly our expression saying So?

The manager’s eyes grew large as though he couldn’t believe we had no problem reading someone else’s diary.
“I’m not going to give you my diary…..its personal” Mr Sylvanus said firmly.
i caught Bami’s eyes and tilted my head, our cue to leave.
“All right sir, thanks for your co-operation” I said and stood up.

“I didn’t have any choice did I…not with the both of you dangling me like a piece of carrot from the last floor of a 5 story building. He stared at the wall for some seconds then sighed. “infact i’m going to pen down a complaint and send to your supervisors maybe with the media, so they can see the unconventional methods you use”
Bami and I left the room before he could fully transform to ‘Mr. Lawyer’ for us.
I started the truck once we were settled in the car.

“So what do you think?”
Bami looked at me “his information was incredible. Its offering a better understanding of the events and now we just have to connect more dots from the chief then We’ll have clarity”
“So what do we know so far?” I slowed down at a red light.

“We know Fome is alive, we know she was connected to the last shadow…probably lovers…..its highly possible she killed him after a disagreement”

“We know Fome has my daughter…put my wife in intensive care…we know she’s going to contact me in the next 48 hours…what we don’t know is which state the operation is running from…is it Lagos, maybe Jos was just a decoy or maybe it was Jos….maybe Fome was so familiar with Jos that she knew where to hide a kidnapped baby?”

We had spent over an hour at the hotel because when i glanced at the dashboard the time was 01:44am.

I did a mental calculation then stepped on the gas….the chief and I had a reunion to attend.


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The Hole In The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 43

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