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'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 146 Recap - Aired: Tuesday 26 September 2017

Episode 6 years ago

'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 146 Recap - Aired: Tuesday 26 September 2017

'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 147 Recap

Sesinu asks Senami if Neza told her that Kingsley killed their grandmother before or after he was arrested.
Senami says it was before and he got arrested almost immediately after.
Sesinu says she's guessing the priestess (Akweyon) disappeared too.
Senami says her sister too.
Sesinu says so everyone who can put Kingsley behind bars has disappeared?
Senami says they need to get a hold of them.
Sesinu says that's if they are alive.
Senami says they are because Oviyon spoke to Neza a few days before.
Sesinu says they have to leave Aji because they have to be alive if they need to get Kingsley.
Senami says she has to take care of something first.

Folake walks in and tells Senami to guess who is getting a free trip Lagos and 500k.
She dances.

Jonah runs to catch up with Peace.
He tells her that he traced the company her father used to work with then he called their number and he spoke to someone who knew her father and he's willing to help.
She tells him not to joke around.
He says he's serious and they have to go to Lagos.
She starts bawling.
He consoles her.

The barrister is leaning on his car in front of the palace.

Oviyon enters the compound.
Zosu and the boys walk in and hail him.
Tote is with them.
His right hand is wrapped in a bandage

Oviyon asks what they want.
Tote says they are willing to assist him with anything he wants them to.
He tells them to go and he will see them later.
They grumble but they leave.

Nowheyon, Sonayan and Dr. Jide arrive.
Oviyon tries to talk to Nowheyon but she ignores him.

Sonayan tells the barrister to come into the palace.
He says he's waiting for Miyise before he can proceed.

He asks who Dr Jide is.
Sonayan introduces him.
The barrister tells Jide that he's included in the will.
Jide is unable to contain his joy.

Akweyon is in front of Peace's house holding up a Calabash.
Peace is about to go into her house when she gets a phone call from Folake.
Folake says she's going to Lagos and wants to know what she needs to get for her.
Peace says she's also going to Lagos to look for her father and it was Jonah who helped her.
Folake suggests they all go together.

Peace turns around and sees the Akweyon.
Akweyon approaches and Peace runs off.

Saul is at Kingsey's place.
Kingsley asks why he has been grumpy lately.
Saul says things haven't been the same since the incident with Senami and he thought they were going to leave Aji because Senami is bad news and her sister is even a lawyer.
Kingsley gets sarcastic and asks him to educate him some more.

Sesinu walks in and Saul leaves.
Kingsley asks if she has come to arrest him.
She doesn't find it funny.
He says he was only kidding.
She asks if he thinks it's funny to have committed murder.
He says it's manslaughter and he's not too proud to ask for her mercy
She says she's leaving.
He begs her to listen to him.
She tells him that she doesn't want to and she warns him not to contact her or her sister again otherwise he would rot in jail.

As soon as she leaves, Saul returns.
Kingsley laughs and says some problems take care of themselves.

Oviyon is with Jonah.
He says Jonah really loves Peace.
Jonah says it is what it is
Oviyon asks if he doesn't think he's moving fast with her; how long has he known her that he's trying to look for her father?
Jonah says it doesn't matter.

They see Sesinu approaching.
Jonah teases Oviyon about she being one of his babes.
Oviyon whispers she's Senami's sister.
Jonah leaves.

Sesinu tells Oviyon that he needs his help.
He asks what the problem is
Sesinu asks if he knows where Neza is.
Oviyon says he doesn't.
He asks why.
She says it's because of Obi's arrest/ she's now digging into people who were wrongfully arrested in Aji.
Oviyon laughs and says she and Senami are more alike than he thought.
She asks if he has a photo of Neza.
He shows her the photo on his phone and she sends him her number so he can send the photo to her.

Peace and Akweyon are in the shrine.
Peace kneels before Mausi and says she has come to beg her.
Mausi says she knows; the mantle of Mausi is heavy but it will get light with time.
She says Peace needs to go and see the outside world but she hopes she has learned her lesson and won't try to escape.
She gives her only 3 days to go and return and she must remember that she may leave Aji but Aji will never leave her.

Senami enters the clinic and asks Matron if everything is okay.
Matron says she's been unable to reach Seyive for some days.
She says she's worried Seyive and Akweyon might have run away like they planned with Senami.
Senami says maybe it's a good thing then.
Matron asks what she's thinking.
Senami says what if she woke up and realised her fundamental human rights and took off.
Matron tells her there are things she can't understand in Aji and it's best she steers clear of them.
Senami says it's not. like the sky fell down and Mausi already found a replacement.

Matron walks away

Senami gets a call from Oviyon.
He tells her that Sesinu came to see him and wanted Neza's photo.
Senami says Sesinu is working on it the wrongful arrest case.

Oviyon says he called to check up on her after the Mausi thing.
Senami says she's fine.
She asks how the princess is doing.
It takes him a while to realise she meant Nowheyon.
He says Nowheyon is fine but she's mad.
Senami asks if she's mad at him.
He says yes.
He asks why.
She says no reason. She's just curious.
He says he would talk to her later.

Jonah and Folake are waiting at the park for Peace.
Jonah gives her a call.
Folake says Peace is probably still doing her makeup.
They laugh.

A Toyota saloon car and an SUV belonging to a government official stop in front of them.
Alabama and a security guard step out of the saloon car.

A police officer, Oye and Ruffy step out of the SUV.
They approach Folake and Jonah.
Oye asks for directions to the palace.
Folake is confused.
Ruffy and Alabama tell her to cooperate.
They explain that Oye is the special adviser to the governor ok communities and communication.
Folake tells them that her boyfriend is the new Chief.
She gives them directions to the palace.
Oye thanks them and she goes back into her car.

Dr Jide is on the phone with the man who is an army officer.
After the call, he tells Sonayan that his friend will handle everything.
She thanks him.
Jide asks if they can proceed.
The barrister says they can't proceed till everyone is represented.

Obi walks in and asks what's going on.
The barrister says he has identical copies of the will.
Dr Jide tells him to read it.
Otogan bequeaths his 4 bedroom duplex in Abuja to Sonayan to he transferred to their children after she passes.
The 3 bedroom duped in Ikoyi to Nowheyon and the 3 bedroom duplex in Ikeja to Sewedo.
He leaves the sum of 50 million to Sonayan and to Nowheyon and Sewedo, he leaves a trust fund of 60 million.
Obi asks if there wasn't another will.
The barrister says this was made after..
Obi tells him to continue.
As soon as he mentions Jide.
Jide drinks a glass of water.
The barrister says Otogan left him a wooden statue he always admired.
Jide coughs up the water.
Obi tries not to laugh.
Otogan also leaves him a bag full of his traditional attires as he thinks they are more suited for Aji than Jide 'sjackets.
Jide continues coughing.
Otogan also leaves the bus parked at the back of the compound to be used as an ambulance for the clinic; it only needs minor servicing.

To Miyise, Otogan says he knows it's too much to ask him to remain in Aji so if he chooses to leave, 20 million naira is his but if he decides to stay as Otogan and spend the rest or his days in Aji, in addition to the 20 million, he will inherit the sum of 100 million in a trust fund to be used to live his life as he develops Aji.
Jide is still coughing.
Sonayan and Nowheyon look at Obi with scorn.
Obi looks he's about to faint.

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'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 146 Recap - Aired: Monday 25 September 2017

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'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 148 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 27 September 2017

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