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'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 148 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 27 September 2017

Episode 6 years ago

'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 148 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 27 September 2017

Jemeji Season 1 Episode 148 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 27 September 2017

In the palace, the barrister gives Obi, Sonayan, Nowheyon and Jide a copy of the will.
Dr. Jide says Miyise tried to short-change a bereaved mother and her child.

Obi is still too dazed over the will to react.
Sonayan says she just wants to go and she doesn't care about Miyise; she just wants to take her child and go.

Dr. Jide asks the barrister about the real will.
The lawyer says Chief had a change of mind at the last minute.
Jide shuts up.

The barrister says all the properties, deeds and accounts would be transferred to the owners in due course andif there is any problem, they can call on him.
He leaves and Sonayan runs after him.
Jide asks Nowheyon if she wouldn't do anything.

Obi goes to his room.
Jide calls him back to have a word but Obi ignores him.
Senami is at the lodge.
Kingsley walks in and sits.
He says he can give her his theories; first, he thought she emitted some kind of electromagnetic ports but then he thought that would have taken the camera out.

Senami asks what he's doing there.
Kingsley says he now thought she might be a mutant or a result of some weird scientific experiment like in comic books.
She tells him to get out.

He asks if she volunteered for some experimental drug while in medical school that gave her super powers.
She tells him to leave or she would...
He asks if she would use her super powers on him.

He says they all know the real answer is the simplest of them all; maybe she's just a witch like her grandmother.
Senami asks what he wants.
He says a fresh start.

She asks if pigs can fly.
He says they do in the comic books.
She looks at him with loathing.
He says it's all a misunderstanding; he has spoken to Sesinu and they worked it out.
He offers his hand and asks for a truce.

She shoves him and he falls back on the chair then she bends down to pick a knife
He stands up and she grabs him by his right elbow.

He says this is the second time she's holding him at knifepoint and according to rule of 3s, she will have to use it the next time.
She tells him to be more worried because if she stabs him, he would bleed out in 5 minutes and there wouldn't be a 3rd time.

Kingsley says Senami George, doctor, lover, killer? He's never had a more exhilarating relationship in his life.
She drops his arm.

He says he would be seeing her around.
He walks out and she drops the knife.
Sonayan is outside the palace with the barrister.

She tells him that Mausi took her son.
He's surprised.
She is about to tell him why Mausi took him butDr Jide cuts her off and says Mausi accused Sewedo of desecrating her shrine but not to worry, he has called for a meeting with the elders.

He wishes him a safe trip.
The barrister leaves and Dr. Jide tells Sonayan that she needs to handle the matter with the utmost discretion otherwise, the lawyer would have brought the police and the evidence against Sewedo is overwhelming.

She says Dr. Jide didn't mention the soldiers.
He says they wouldn't do the favour for nothing.
She says she is prepared to pay anything.
His eyes get larger.

Matron Zansi comes to the shrine.
She is surprised to see a new Akweyon.
Mausi asks what brings her there.
Zansi asks where Akweyon is.

Mausi asks why the ancestors allow them to see floods and droughts or why they allow babies die young and the old live long?Why they give sense to fools and allow chiefs to run mad?

Zansi says she doesn't know.
Mausi tells her the squirrel doesn't ask questions in the hunter's trap.
Zansi says she's sorry and only came to check on Mausi after what happened in Lagos.
Mausi says she's still useful to the gods.

She says when Zansi gets to Lagos, she should tell no one.
Dr Jide meets Zosu and Tote in the village and offers them a deal that will help them make 150 thousand naira each.

They ask what he wants them to do.
Dr. Jide says he wants them to get Sewedo from Mausi's shrine.
The goons are think about it.
Tote says they would do it but they need to get the money first.

Dr Jide says it's not a problem, he would get them some advance on the payment and he would also give Tote some antibiotics to take care of his hand that he still can't use since the incident with Mausi's egg.

Oye, Alabama and Ruffy enter the palace.
An attendant tells them that he will get Miyise.
When he leaves, Oye asks Ruffy who Miyise is.
Ruffy asks how he's supposed to know; it's been a long time since he and Alhaji came to Aji and everywhere has changed.

Alabama says the village appears strange and mystical.
Oye agrees.
Alabama says when they are done, Oye would arrange some palmwine for them.

Ruffy asks why he's too forward; they are in a Chief's house and palm wine is what is used to welcome visitors.
Oye asks Ruffy how Alhaji Blow knows Chief Adomeh.

Ruffy says it's been a long time and they used to do business together.
Obi walks in.
Oye addresses him as 'Your Highness' but says she thought the chief would be older.
Obi says he's the Chief's son.

Oye asks where his father is
Obi says he's dead.
Ruffy is shocked.
He asks when it happened.
Obi says a few weeks ago.
He asks Oye who she is.

She introduces herself as Oye Tsenogu, special adviser to the governor on community and communication.

Obi tells them to sit.
Oye offers their condolences.
Ruffy says Chief wouldn't like what has happened.

Alabama offers Obi his 'Compliments.'
Obi looks confused.
Oye is highly embarrassed.
Obi says he's assuming they are not there on a condolence visit.

Oye says it's an official visit; the governor has a massive rural development project but she is not at liberty to discuss it with Obi.
He says he is Chief's son.
Oye says he's not the chief.

Obi says she can verify from the council of elders that he will be the next chief.
Oye asks Ruffy if the elders were at the last meeting.

Ruffy says they were there.
Oye asks Obi if they can meet tomorrow morning.
Obi says it's fine.
He asks where they are staying.
Oye says they will be staying at Wesere.
They say their goodbyes and leave.

Dr. Jide comes to meet Sonayan who is waiting for him outside the palace.
Obi comes out with Oye and her entourage.
He introduces Sonayan to her.
Sonayan asks who she is.

Alabama tells her.
Dr. Jide is starstruck to learn she works for Alhaji Blow.
Ruffy tells Alabama that Alhaji is very popular around there.

Alabama asks Jide who he is.
Dr. Jide says he's a nobody and just a lowly civil servant, saving lives in the community and he voted for the governor.

Obi tells them that Jide was Chief's personal physician.
Oye says he's sure Jide did his best.
Obi, with sarcasm, says yes, Jide did his very best.

Oye and her entourage leave.
Obi goes back into the palace.
Sonayan asks Jide what the soldiers said.
Jide say they demanded for the sum of 5 million naira

Sonayan takes out her phone.
Dr. Jide asks what she's doing.
She says she wants to send him an advance.
She asks for his account details.

Mausi asks Akweyon if Sewedo has woken up.
Akweyon shakes her head.
Nowheyon comes to the shrine.
She goes on her knees and begs Mausi to let her brother go as he's not well.

Mausi grabs her by the jaw and asks her if she misses her eye.
Nowheyon says she does.
Mausi says she spoke to Glory's spirit and she misses her eyes too and can't even enjoy the afterlife.

She says Nowheyon knows what needs to be done.
She orders her to leave.
Nowheyon runs away crying.
Mausi doubles over in pain.

Holding her waist, she tells her ancestors that her time hasn't come yet.
Jonathan brings Folake and Peace to his house in Lagos.

Peace asks if the people they passed on their way are all going to buy food.
Folake laughs and asks if she's never been to an eatery.

Peace asks if they don't have food in their houses.
Jonah says for that, they are going to a dinner.
Folake says she wants to go into the house.
Jonah gives her his house keys and she goes in.
Jonah tells Peace that this is Lagos nightlife.
She asks what's going on.

He says they can go tomorrow.
Peace says she thought they would settle down first.
He says they can go to the restaurant tomorrow.

She asks if it's compulsory for everyone to go to a restaurant.
Jonah says the person who knows about her father is meeting with them at the restaurant too.

He tells her not to worry as they will find out together.
He kisses the top of her head.
The two police officers are behind the counter at the station.

Sesinu walks in and shows them a photo of Neza on her phone.
She asks if they know his whereabouts.
They shake their heads.

She says after an anonymous tip about the blood theft, he was taken into custody without any prosecution and it would seem the station has a penchant for wrongful arrest.

She holds her phone to her ear and says they will see what the state commissioner has to say about it.
One of the officers says they are sorry; Neza was there but they released him.
Sesinu says their mission is to find Neza and report back to her.

Tote and Zosu are waiting in the dark.
Tote says if he doesn't carry out the mission, he wouldn't be able to treat his hand.
Dr Jide comes to them and hands out envelopes containing 75 thousand each.

He says they will get the other half when the job is done.
He tells them to rescue Sewedo by any means necessary and bring to him.
He sends Tote to go to the back of his car and get the drugs he got for him.

Tote leaves.
Dr Jide tells Zosu that he has another job for him; after the deed is done, Tote must not leave the forest alive.

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'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 146 Recap - Aired: Tuesday 26 September 2017

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'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 149 Recap - Aired: Thursday 28 September 2017

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