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'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 146 Recap - Aired: Monday 25 September 2017

Episode 6 years ago

'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 146 Recap - Aired: Monday 25 September 2017

'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 146 Recap - Aired: Monday 25 September 2017

Outside the palace, Sonayan screams out of frustration as she sees the elders approaching the palace.
She makes a call to the police inspector to complain that her son was taken away.
She listens, then explains what happened to the officers was not her fault.
The inspector hangs up on her.

Fonton tells her that they need to be patient as they are sure Mausi means Sewedo no harm.
Sonayan yells at them to get out.
She attempts to throw her slippers at them.
Nowheyon stops her.
The elders leave.

Nowheyon asks what they would do.
Sonayan says she's going to Lagos as nobody knows or fears Mausi there.

Oviyon catches up with Senami.
He asks why she's so scared and since when did she begin to take Mausi seriously?
Senami calls him Mausi's new golden boy.
He asks if she now listens to gossip then explains that he went to Mausi for answers and she was talking in riddles.
She asks if he now believes in Mausi.
He says he doesn't know but Senami herself saw what happened to the policemen and asides that, he has seen several other things.
Senami says haven't they all?
He asks what she saw.
She asks how much he remembers from when they were kids.
He says he's not sure of what he saw.
She begs him to tell her.
He says they were at the shrine and he can't remember how they got there but they were really scared and Senami told Mausi that she saw Oviyon's father dragging Miyise and Mausi tried to get her to say otherwise but Senami wouldn't budge.
Senami begs him to continue.
He says they ran away but Mausi caught up with them and touched Senami.
Senami screamed and all he remembers is that they both passed out and when he woke up, he saw Mausi looking at Senami funny.
Senami says Mausi was scared.
He says so she remembers?

He gets a phone call before she can respond.
He tells her that he has to go but they will continue the conversation later.

Petunia's relatives come to Fonton's house.
He returns home to meet them knocking on his door.
He asks what they want.
The sister accuses him and his 'girlfriend' of killing their sister so that his girlfriend can become his wife.
Petunia's uncle tells him to open the door so they can pack their daughter's properties.
Fonton asks if they have no shame.
He asks if they know the number of wrappers Petunia came to the house with.
They say they want her things.
He says they are the cause of her death; they made her so greedy that she got in the way of the people who killed her
He tells them that the girlfriend they are talking about tried to save Petunia's life.
They continue to challenge him.

It is nighttime at the shrine.

Sewedo is lying on the ground, unconscious.

Akweyon brings a tray to Mausi.
Mausi looks inside it and says there are strangers coming to Aji.
She tells Akweyon to go and wait for their arrival as Akweyon would be her eyes and ears.

Akweyon leaves with the tray.
Mausi appears to be in pain.
She stops to catch her breath then limps.

Folake wakes up in Obi's bed and sees him watching her and smiling.
She says 'Good morning my Prince.'
He says he is scared and hopes Mausi hasn't kill Sewedo.
Folake says 'He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword' and she is sure Mausi would have plucked out his eyes by now.
Obi cautions her.
Folake says it's the truth.
He asks when she's leaving for Lagos.
She says too soon.
He says he would miss her too.
She says she knows.
He says he's thinking of getting to Wesere with her to talk to the zonal inspector about his arrest.
He shows her an almost empty bottle of liquor and says they didn't finish celebrating last night.
She tells him to come and feed her.
He tosses the bottle aside and grabs her for a kiss.

Oviyon gets home and meets Nowheyon.
She tells him that his mother let her in and has gone to the market.

He asks how she is.
She says she's not fine and he saw everything; Sewedo needs medical attention and she wants Oviyon to help her get him away from the shrine.
Oviyon says he can't do it because he doesn't want to get killed crossing Mausi.
Nowheyon says she thought he was better than the superstitious back-water, uneducated villagers but he's just like them, no brains and no balls.
He says she didn't mind superstition when it was Miyise involved.
She says Miyise took her eye.
Oviyon says Sewedo also took Glory's eye and now Glory is dead.
She looks at him in disbelief, clutching her chest.
She pushes past him, shoving him aside and leaves.

Jonah comes to the clinic and meets Matron sweeping.
He asks why she's the one doing it and not Seyive.
Matron says if she says she knows where Seyive is, she'd be lying.
He asks if she knows anything about Peace and her family as Peace wants him to look for her mother in Lagos and he doesn't now where to start from.
She asks what he wants from her.
He says he wants her to tell him what she knows about her or what she looks like.
Matron says she was very energetic and always wanted to know and see everything; anytime outsiders come to Aji, Medoyomi always found a way to make them her friends and it was what happened during the period the railway company came to Aji and that was how she met Peace's father who was working with a construction company called Diamond but she woke up one morning and they were gone, he didn't tell her he was leaving.
Jonah asks if she knows his name.
Matron says Clement or Cletus or Ignatius.
Jonah scratches his head.

Senami comes to see Dr. Jide in the clinic.
He asks how she is and how her friend Obi is.
She says he seems to be in a much better mood.
He says he's happy she's alive.
She says she wanted to ask him about the low birth rate recorded in Aji and it's environs.
He says she knows the people value Mausi higher than modern medicine and he can't force them.
She says what about the woman who came to demand a birth certificate without showing any signs of a pregnancy?
He says maybe the woman felt she could bamboozle the village doctor.
He bursts into his laugh.
She asks where the woman had the baby since she wasn't registered at the clinic or in Wesere.
He stutters.
She says she wants to know where the women are having the babies.
He says he didn't pay her to be an investigative journalist but he could help her find out.
She says as long as he doesn't take the credit for her research.
He laughs again and she stands up to leave.
As soon as she leaves, he stops laughing and becomes really worried.

Sonayan and Nowheyon come to the clinic.
Sonayan tells Dr. Jide that she needs his help as Sewedo has been taken by Mausi and they need his medical report.
Jide says he doesn't think Mausi will be willing to look at a medical report.
Sonayan says she needs the report to take to Lagos so she can get the police to come and break down her shrine.
He says
Sonayan says she needs proof to show he's being held against his will.
Dr. Jide says he needs to know what's in it for him.
Nowheyon asks what he means.
Sonayan says he will be handsomely rewarded.
He asks what happens if she doesn't return form Lagos.
She says she's leaving Nowheyon behind.

She gets a call from Otogan's lawyer.
She tells him to put the will reading on hold as she and her son are not around.

Dr Jide says he would personally make sure she gets to Lagos before nightfall.

Senami returns to the lodge to meet Sesinu getting ready to leave.
She asks if she leaving already.
Sesinu says yes.
Senami asks what she is going to do about Kingsley.
Sesinu says she can't believe Senami and Kingsley were together.
Senami asks why she cares so much about that.
Sesinu says it's nothing.
She clears her throat.
Senami says she didn't just go to his house to ask about their grandmother.
Sesinu avoids Senami eyes and says that was what she went there for.
Senami says so they weren't just friends.
From the look on Sesinu's face, she can tell.
She cringes and says as if she doesn't feel gross enough already.
She asks how.
Sesinu says they worked together in Lagos, when Kingsley's wife needed a divorce lawyer, she approached her; she was intrigued when she met him because he was from Aji and she had never met anyone else from Aji, one thing led to the other...
Senami says while she was still married.
Sesinu says yes, they were both dirty little pigs.

Senami says Kingsley was the one who saved her from Dad.
Sesinu laughs and says she couldn't stop laughing when their dad told her what he had planned.

Senami says Kingsley is something else, something worse.
Sesinu asks if Senami ahd considered Kingley knew Senami was her sister and he came after her because Sesinu left him and went back to her husband.
Senami says it's a possibility.
Sesinu says it could all be all her fault.
Senami tells her it's not her fault that Kingsley is a bad person.
Sesinu hugs her.
Senami asks what they would do.
Sesinu says he's a criminal and they have to put him away.
She asks Senami to tell her everything that happened and start from the beginning.

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'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 145 Recap - Aired: Friday 22 September 2017

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'Jemeji' Season 1 Episode 146 Recap - Aired: Tuesday 26 September 2017

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