Tears Of Summayah - S01 E08

Story 2 days ago

Tears Of Summayah - S01 E08

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 8

The next day was a weekend. Summayah was currently in the market with her mother buying foodstuffs because her brothers and father would be back the same day.

Summayah was happy because her brothers, whose names were Kabiru and Musa, had left Sokoto for a long time just because of their studies. So, she was anxious to see them.

Musa and Summayah behaved like twins because they did almost everything together and people didn't even know that they were just brother and sister.

After they left the market, they started cooking immediately when they got home Her mother knew that she was really happy because she did everything with a smile.

"I am happy because my brothers are coming back home. I am not going to feel lonely anymore," Summayah said with a smile.

"Oh, you feel lonely with me. And now you won't because your brothers are coming."

"No, mom that is not what I meant." She hugged her mother. "I just missed them, that is all."

"I am jealous." Her mother laughed.

Summayah laughed too. "There's no reason to be jealous, they are also your sons."

"Let's be fast before they come back."

After an hour and a half, Summayah's brothers arrived from school and they were very delighted to see their sister.

When Summayah heard the horn of her dad's car, she came out running to meet both her brothers.

She excitedly opened the door of the car.

Musa came out of the car. "Don't you want dad to park the car very well before opening the door?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Because I really missed you that's why." She smiled at him.

"I know, but you know it is dangerous." He scowled at her while smiling.

"Sorry," she muttered, bowing her head.

Summayah heard a laugh before she felt herself being engulfed in a hug "I am not angry at you. I'm just telling you not to because of next time purposes."

"Okay," she quietly responded.

"Summayah, how are you, my little baby?" Kabir asked.

"Brother Kabir, I am no longer a little baby. I am a big girl now," she corrected him.

"You may think you are a big girl, but to me, you are still my little baby," he said to Summayah giving her a huge hug.

"Please let's go in because I am tired," Musa complained.

Musa and Summayah laughed before they all went to the house. The boys greeted their mother.

"Umu (Mother) Salam Alaikum," they said in sync.

"Walaykum salami (Very happy). Oh, my sons, I hope the journey wasn't stressful."

"It was a bit. Mom I really missed you. I can see Sokoto state has really changed. If I had come here alone, I would have gone missing." Musa joked.

"Mom, I am exhausted and famished," Kabiru started before their mother could even speak.

"Before eating you need to shower."

"Okay," They said in sync once more.

"Summayah, have you cleaned their room?" Summayah's mother asked her.

"Yes, mom."

Musa and kabiru went to their room as Summayah prepared dinner and placec food on the dining table. They came back after a couple of minutes had passed.

"Did you enjoy your meal?" Summayah inquired, picking the dirty dishes.

"Yeah, it was really good. I enjoyed it."

She cleared the table and went to the kitchen to wash all the plates. After washing, she went back to meet her brother Musa.

"Do you know how lonely I was since you went to school? Nobody to interact with and I felt very bored sometimes." Summayah poked him in his tummy.

"I am sorry, my lovely sister, but look on bright side I'm here now. You can tell me everything that has happened so far. I even heard from dad that you are getting married very soon, but I don't even know if the guy is responsible and would be able to take care of my baby sister."

"I have seen him many times at school but I didn't know he was the person I am betrothed to. We were both surprised when we saw each other, but he is a good guy in school with no bad record. He is my senior."

"Can you give me his number? I need to talk to him tomorrow which is Sunday. He will be very busy on weekdays because of school." he said.

"I don't have his number."

Musa glanced at her surprisedly. "Don't you talk to him in school?"


"But why?"

"No reason," she replied casually.

"How would you know each other before getting married? I have to get his contact from mum. We have so many things to talk about."

"I will go and get it from mom," Summayah said, getting up from the couch.

She went into her mother's room and told her that her brother needed Jamiu's contact. Her mother happily gave her the digits and she went back to Musa.

"This is it," Summayah said, holding up the piece of paper.

He grabbed it from her before dialing the number. To her surprise, Jamui picked up the line instantly.

"Hello? Is this Jamiu?" Summayah's brother asked.

"Yes, who am I speaking to?" she could hear Jamiu's voice from the phone.

"This is Summayah's brother. I need you to see me tomorrow. Will you be available?"

"Oh, good evening. I will be available and I will be very happy to meet you."

They discussed with each other where to meet and the time to meet at.

"Goodbye," Musa said and he cut the call.

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Tears Of Summayah - S01 E07

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Tears Of Summayah - S01 E09

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