Tears Of Summayah - S01 E07

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Tears Of Summayah - S01 E07

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 7

The next day, Azeezah got to school very early- before the daily assembly- with the intention of reporting the matter to the school authorities. She also planned to investigate and find out what happened to her friend the day before. While she was thinking about her next line of action, the time keeper called the adhan for assembly. Azeezah went to the hall and joined the other students for the daily routine. After the supplications and announcements, the principal took the stage and spoke about the students' academic performance and afterward said that he had a very important announcement to make. To Azeezah's surprise, the principal called on Jennifer and her clique to come out to the stage.

"Students, I want you to lend me your ears and listen attentively." The principal's voice echoed through the silent hall. "You see these girls standing in front of you...?" He pointed a finger at Jennifer and her friends. "...they did something terrible yesterday. A student who prefers to remain anonymous, witnessed them bullying a student." Muffled gasps from the students spread through the hall. "Unfortunately, the witness was unable to identify the student being bullied. So, for now, the school authorities will investigate, and until we come up with concrete evidence, Jennifer and her clique will be held in 'detention." Now the hall erupted into shouts, everyone was shocked that the almighty Jennifer was being placed in 'detention' If a UDMC student errs and is placed in detention, it means that they will be locked up in a secluded classroom at the far end of the school. Only students who committed grave offences attracted the punishment.

The assembly was dismissed soon afterwards. Azeezah knew that the bullied student was Sumayyah and wished more than anything to go and tell the principal, but she thought better of it, because she didn't want more trouble for her friend.

"Azeezah, how are you?" Azeezah turned at Jamiu's voice. He had spotted her on her way to class and quickly caught up with her.

"I am fine," Azeezah answered. "Thank you for your help yesterday."

"No problem, you don't have to thank me. How is Sumayyah doing now?".

Azeezah sighed. "My mum gathered that she is feeling a lot better after calling her house last night. But I will definitely go there after school to check on her."

"That is good, just tell me when you are going there."

"You know she said she doesn't want to see you."

"Don't worry, I just want to see how she is doing." Jamiu paused and sighed. "Don't you think we should report the matter to the principal?"

"But remember Sumayyah told us to keep our mouths shut and we need to respect her decision."

"If we continue to do that, you know they could do worse things to her. I have to tell the principal about it and not even you can stop me."

"Please don't do that," Azeezah tried to plead with Jamiu, but he didn't listen and left her standing in the corridor.

Jamiu kept his word and headed straight for the principal's office to report the matter to him. After knocking a few times, the principal granted him entry.

"Good morning sir."

"Good morning Jamiu. How may I help you?"

Jamiu cleared his throat. Sir, I have something to tell you. It concerns Jennifer."

"Go on." The principal urged.

happened the day before to the principal. When Jamiu was through, the principal was nodding his head in anger.

"So, that was what happened." He said before he turned to Jamiu. "Thank you for the information. Get back to your class and leave the matter to me."

"Thank you, sir," Jamiu bowed his head and left the office.

Immediately Jamiu left his office, the principal sent for Jennifer and her clique to be brought before him. He intended to get to the bottom of the matter as soon as possible. The messenger who was sent to fetch the girls arrived soon after and the principal ushered them all in. He wasted no time before he began questioning the girls.

"I will ask you again: Is it true that you beat Sumayyah up in the uncompleted building behind the school?"

"I have told you before sir, I swear I did not. I didn't fight or have any quarrel with her" Jennifer replied.

The principal glared at her. "Young girl, I think you are lying."

"I am not lying, sir, you can even ask Sumayyah herself. I barely know her, so I don't have any cause to fight her, let alone beat her up."

The Principal glared at Jennifer for a while before Instructing the guard to take them back to 'detention". "Jennifer, I want you to know that the truth will be unearthed one way or another, and you will be punished it found guilty."

"I wouldn't expect less, sir," Jennifer said softly, a satisfied smirk creeping up her face.

After school, Jamiu and Azeezah met up at the school gate so they could visit Sumayyah together. The house looked empty when they arrived and Azeezah knocked the door several times but didn't get any response.

She tried the door knob and found it unlocked. Stepping inside she greeted, "As- Salam alaykum," Azeezah was really getting worried because she didn't get any response to her greeting as well.

"Azeezah, I don't think anyone is around." Jamiu stated


Azeezah shook her head. "Someone is leave the door unlocked otherwise." Azeezah glanced around the empty living room. "Wait here, let me check her room first."

Jamiu nodded and stayed put in the parlour. Azeezah walked down the hall to Sumayyah's room and opened the door quietly. She found Sumayyah asleep in bed and heaved a sigh of relief. Alhamdulillah that she is ok, Azeezah thought. She gently shook Sumayyah awake.

"Sumayyah, It's me Azeezah? How are you feeling now.?

Summayah opened her eyes and smiled weakly, "I am fine."

"Alhamdulillah. Listen Jamiu insisted on coming with me to your house. He is in the living room as we speak."

Sumayyah turned to face the wall. "I don't want to see him can you please ask him to leave?"

"Why are you behaving like this? He hasn't been anything but nice to you since yesterday, and you want to thank him by sending him away?" Azeezah took a deep breath to calm herself and pressed on when Sumayyah remained silent. "Can't you understand that he is here only because he cares for you?" Silence.

Azeezah sighed. "Okay I understand that you are doing this because of what Jennifer did right?" You don't have to worry anymore- the principal called them out today on assembly ground because someone saw them bully a student. They are on detention as we speak."

Sumayyah turned to face Azeezah when she heard that. "Really?"

"Yes, for real." Azeezah replied smiling. Her smile disappeared however when she saw the fear in her friend's eyes. "What is it, Sumayyah.? Aren't you happy about the news?"

Sumayyah's eyes misted over with tears. Now that Jennifer was in detention because of her, she could only imagine what punishment Jennifer would mete out to her, when she was released. Sumayyah knew that she had to prevent that from happening no matter what. "Do you remember what I told you yesterday when you asked me who did this to me?"

Azeezah nodded. "Yes. You said it was Jennifer who attacked you..."

"I lied. It wasn't Jennifer."

Azeezah chuckled. "Dan Allah, stop lying to me. Okay if it wasn't her, then who was it?"

"It was me. I tried to commit suicide because I am tired of my life." Sumayyah burst into tears. "That is one of the reasons why I don't want to see Jamiu."

Azeezah gasped in shock. "I don't believe you, Sumayyah. What did those girls threaten you with to make you say this?"

"Az, just drop the matter please.?" Sumayyah cried harder

"Ok, ok." Azeezah put her arms around Sumayyah and tried to comfort her. "Shh, it's alright. Everything will be okay soon."

Sumayyah stopped crying and thanked her friend. "Thank you for everything, Az."

"It's nothing. You are my bff remember?" Both girls laughed at that. Azeezah sobered up and continued in a gentle voice. "But seriously, Sumayyah, the person that truly deserves your gratitude is outside right now. At least, appreciate his effort of coming to see you all the way from school." Azeezah took Sumayyah's hand in hers and pleaded. "Please?"

"Alright," Sumayyah answered feebly.

"Should I ask him to come in?"

Summayah nodded.

Azeezah went outside to fetch Jamiu and returned promptly after. Azeezah stepped into the room and invited Jamiu in. "You can come in now, she's decent."

Jamiu declined. He did not want to make Sumayyah uncomfortable. "Don't worry, I will just stay out here and talk to her."

Azeezah smiled knowingly. "I know how you feel, Jamiu. But what then would be the use of you coming down here if you won't come in to see her?"

Jamiu realized that Azeezah had a point, so he followed her into the room. Once inside, he cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Sumayyah, I am really sorry that those nasty girls did this to you. I promise you that they won't get away with it."

"Jamiu nobody did anything to me. I went to that building on my own because I was fed up with life and wanted to commit suicide."

Jamiu looked up at Azeezah in shock. He couldn't believe his ears. "But yesterday you said..."

"It doesn't matter what I said yesterday. Look I appreciate you for coming over, but as you can see, I am alright now."

"Wait did you try to kill yourself because of me?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. Please leave, I don't want to see you."

"I am sorry if I have caused you pain. I hope you would forgive me."

"Please forgive him," Azeezah whispered, looking into Summayah's dark eyes.

Sumayyah turned to face the wall once again. "I forgive you. Now please leave

Jamiu nodded and left the room.

Azeezah went to sit by Sumayyah on the bed. "I must leave too because my mom is in the shop and I have to give her a helping hand" She kissed Sumayyah's forehead. "Try to rest now so that you can come to school tomorrow."

Sumayyah's eyes filled with tears. "Thank you so much Az, I really appreciate everything you have been doing."

Azeezah nodded and stood up to leave. At the door she turned to Sumayyah and asked "Sumayyah, why didn't you think about me before doing that dangerous thing?"

"I won't do it again, I promise."

"See that you don't" Azeezah said finally before she walked out of the room.

Jamiu arrived home to meet his mum waiting for him. She had travelled to Ghana for an event over the weekend and arrived while he was still at school.

"Mom! You are back." He hugged her. "How was the wedding? Did you enjoy your stay there?"

Mrs. Aminat smiled. "Yes, I enjoyed myself and even bought some of your favorite things." She handed him a bag containing stuff that she had bought him

"Oh, mom thank you. That is why I love you you are the best mom ever!"

Mrs. Aminat laughed. "It was my pleasure son. By the way how is Sumayyah doing?"

"She is very sick, so I paid her a visit at her house today. She's getting better alhamdulillah"

Mrs. Aminat sighed in relief. "Thank God she is okay. She patted the seat next to her. "Sit down, Jamiu. I have some questions to ask you and I want honest answers"

Jamiu joined his mum on the couch and nodded.

"Do you like Sumayyah or not? Just tell me the truth before we finalise the wedding date with her parents."

"Yes, I like Sumayyah despite her cold attitude towards me, but..." he let the sentence trail off.

"But what?"

Jamiu had wanted to say: 'I don't think we should rush into marriage'; but the expression on his mother's face changed his mind, so he said instead. "Did I just say 'but? I wanted to say we should end the discussion because I have missed your cooking and I am hungry."

"Naughty boy, you should start to learn how to cook." Mrs. Aminat laughed

"I can't even hold a matchstick and you're talking about cooking." Jamiu rolled his eyes.

They both laughed at that and his mother got up to prepare his meal.

Good evening guys, i want to say a very big Sumayyah rose up from bed very tired early the next morning but she still managed to clean the compound and start breakfast. After she finished her chores, she took a shower and got ready for school. Hajia Fatima was already in the sitting room when Sumayyah passed through on her way to the kitchen. She was surprised to see her daughter already dressed and ready for school.

"Mom, good morning," Sumayyah greeted her.

"Haba Sumayyah, don't tell me you want to go school! Remember you aren't well enough yet."

"Mum, I am okay now,"

Hajla Fatima walked up to Sumayyah and felt her forehead and whole body. Satisfied with what she saw she pronounced: "Alright, but be careful and don't stress yourself at school, ok?"

"Mom I won't."

"That's my girl." Hajia Fatima got her purse and gave Sumayyah some money for lunch and transport.

"Thank you, mummy."

"Please be careful, ok?" Hajia Fatima called to Sumayyah's retreating back.

"I will!" Sumayyah said over her shoulder.

At the school gate, Sumayyah met Jennifer, who had also just arrived and was talking to some of her friends. Sumayyah didn't want any trouble, so she hid her face with one of her notebooks and tried to pass through the gate without being seen

Her efforts were futile however, because Jennifer had already spotted her. She immediately dragged Sumayyah into a nearby bush and covered her mouth, so she couldn't scream.

"I want to warn you, girl. If you so much as tell anyone that I had a hand in what happened to you, you will suffer a fate worse than the last time. Do you understand?" Jennifer whispered menacingly, digging her freshly manicured nails into Sumayyah's chest.

Sumayyah nodded her head, fear evil

"Good" Jennifer's spat before she strutted away, leaving a trembling Sumayyah staring after her.

Sumayyah remained in the bush for a while to regain her composure before she entered the school and joined the assembly. After the assembly was over, the students were ordered to march to their various classes. Sumayyah was just settling into her seat in the classroom when one of the school prefects, Fareedah, came to inform her that she was wanted by the principal, Going by what Azeezah had told her the day before, she could very well guess why the principal had summoned her.

Sumayyah dropped her back pack on at her desk and went with Fareedah to the principal's office.

"Here she is sir." Fareedah announced when they arrived at the office.

"Thank you, ASP Fareedah. You may return to your class now." When the door closed behind Fareedah, the principal turned to Sumayyah and asked her to sit, which she did.

"Your name is Sumayyah right?" The principal asked gently.

Sumayyah nodded with fear in her eyes Sumayyah nodded with fear in her eyes.

"Please don't be scared. The school authorities are investigating an incident, and we have reasons to believe that it concerns you." The principal paused, then continued. "I have a few questions for you, and I would appreciate it if you answer them truthfully." Sumayyah nodded again. She already knew what questions he intended to ask her. Her trembling hands rattled on the desk, so she linked the fingers together and placed them in her lap.

"I would like to know what happened to you in that uncompleted building where your friends found you."

"Sir, I don't know where to start," Sumayyah replied in a voice that shook.

"Start from the beginning." The principal prodded gently.

"I-I..." Sumayyah licked her lips nervously.

"Were you assaulted by Jennifer and her friends?" he asked in a soft tone.

Sumayyah knew that she had to lie to protect herself from Jennifer. "N-no, sir. I-I went to that- that uncompleted building because I was f-fed up with life." Sumayyah's lips trembled and she looked down at her feet. "I tried to commit suicide sir."

The principal was shocked when he heard thot, but he did not show it. He believed she was lying, but still he had to be certain. "Why would you want to kill yourself, Sumayyah?" he inquired cautiously.

"Be-because of my illness Sumayyah lied through her tears. "I am sick and tired of being in and out of hospital, so I decided to end it once and for all."

The principal sighed and shook his head. "Are you sure about this? Remember, you don't have to be afraid of anything... or anyone"

Sumayyah wished she could tell the principal the truth, but the memories of what Jennifer had done were still very fresh in her mind. She did not wish to experience such humiliation and pain ever again. "I am sir."

She looked up, into the principal's brown eyes. "Like I said I was really frustrated with my life".

The principal sighed. He had no choice but to accept her story. "Alright, I believe you. But you shouldn't have done something as rash as that, even if you were frustrated. Thank God you didn't succeed." The principal looked at Sumayyah and spoke firmly this time. "When you get home today, inform your parents that I would like to meet with them tomorrow."

Sumayyah began to cry harder. If her parents ever found out, all hell would break loose. "Sir, I am begging you. I don't want to get my parents worried. I WILL NEVER try such a thing again!"

"But if truly you tried to commit suicide, I think your parents should be aware. We have to discuss counselling and..."

"Please sir. I know now that I was wrong. Don't tell my parents please." Sumayyah pleaded

The principal regarded her for a while.

"Alright, I won't inform them. But you must promise me that you won't do that again."

"I promise sir." Sumayyah was relieved.

"Ok. You may leave now."

"Thank you, sir "Sumayyah walked out of the office feeling better than she had in the morning. At least Jennifer would leave her alone now that she had kept their secret.

During break, on their way to the cafetaria, Sumayyah told Azeezah everything that happened with the principal.

"So you just told him that you tried to commit suicide?" Azeezah asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I had no choice. I even had to beg him not to inform my parents..."

"Good afternoon, lovely maidens," Jamiu greeted jokingly. He had been in class and he spotted the girls walking down the corridor and had immediately rushed out to meet them.

Sumayyah ignored him and kept on walking. Azeezah on the other hand, stopped and tugged at her friend's hand so she was forced to stop as well.

"Good afternoon," Azeezah replied smiling

"Sumayyah, I bought this for you to help you regain your strength," Jamiu said handing her a wrapped parcel.

"Thank you, but I don't need anything from you," Sumayyah said and looked the other way.

Azeezah laughed nervously and pulled Jamiu aside. They both whispered for a while and Sumayyah saw Jamiu hand Azeezah the parcel.

Jennifer, who was standing a few feet away, watched Sumayyah and Jamiu, and her heart blackened in jealousy. It was obvious to her that Jamiu was already losing interest in her and was now focused on Sumayyah. So, this girl wants to snatch my boyfriend from me. She thought. That will only happen over my dead body. Jennifer went ahead and devised an evil plan. She wrote on a paper that Sumayyah seduced Jamiu so that he would fall in love with her. The note was plastered on the notice board and all classroom doors.

After the thirty-minute break, the principal addressed all the final year students (SS3) and gave them their timetable for WAEC examinations, which was starting in two weeks' time. He counseled them to do good and be good ambassadors for the school. The students were happy because they would finally leave secondary school and would have no cause to wear school uniform. The principal dismissed them after his speech and they left for revision and practicals. Jamiu walked back to his class, while chatting with some of his friends.

"Hamzat, I am really happy because I am finally going to write my exams. I pray we all come out in flying colours."

"Amin, I am happy too." Hamzat replied

"Jamiu, have you copied your notes?" Fareedah suddenly asked.

"Yes, my notes are all up to date. That reminds me Hamzat, my Agric note is with you"

"You had better get it back from him on time. You know he is a slow writer." Fareedah teased Hamzat.

"Look at the fast writer. You do know I am faster than you," Hamzat said before they all burst into laughter.

"Stop arguing, and let's go for our revision classes," Jamiu said.

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Tears Of Summayah - S01 E06

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Tears Of Summayah - S01 E08

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