How I came to own her - S01 E09

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How I came to own her - S01 E09

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 9

Just wouldn't be for more than a bit of sexual fun. But we both do enjoy and need a nice hard cock sometimes and we especially need and want yours."

"What we would really like for the future is for us to get married but continue to live with you, at least as long as you want us here. We could tell others we're just waiting until we save enough money to buy our own place as the reason for staying with you. Of course, that's what we want and not necessarily what you want. We're just telling you our ideal of a wonderful future life together. Daddy, we'd really like Mel to be able to move in with us permanently. It would give us the opportunity over the next year or two to really make sure this is what we want and what is possible. It's not really a big deal any more for two women to get married so we don't think the outside pressures will be too great. Daddy, what we really want, though, is to get married but live with you as a thruple, if you'll have us. Obviously, no one would know we're living that way so it shouldn't be any more trouble than we have now. I figure I'd take Mel's last name after we marry so that when we meet new people, they won't know I'm your daughter. Maybe in a few years you'll retire and we can move somewhere no one knows us and we can live a more open life."

One immediate problem we have though is that Mel doesn't know how to tell her parents that she not only wants to marry me, but that she wants to move in with me now. They don't talk too openly, especially about sexual things, in their house so she doesn't know how to tell them that she's marrying a woman. Daddy, can you talk to her parents for us and tell them our plans? Tell them how you support our decision and that you're okay with Mel moving in here.

Before I could speak, Mel made an interesting comment. "Daddy Jim, I just want you to know that am absolutely in love with Julie, but I'm also in love with you. If you had asked me to marry you first, I would have said yes to you. Frankly, I don't care which of you I marry as long as I can be with you two forever. You both make me feel so loved and happy, I can't imagine a life without you both. I think Julie and I marrying is the right way to approach this relationship and hope you support us. But, like Julie sald, we're just telling you what we want. It may not be ultimately what you want. Jim, we want this threesome to be permanent. We both want

to have your babies. Not any time soon, of course. But at some

point, we both want you to be the father and grandfather of our

children. There is no other man we'd ever consider as the father of

our children. We love you so much. What do you say?"

"Wow, where do I start? Of course, I'll always support whatever you two want to do. I only want you both to be happy. If we can arrange for you to move in with us, Mel, we'd both love for you to be here. You know that. It will be a strange conversation with your parents, though. I'll have to think about that. Living as a permanent "thruple" is certainly a different Idea. We've basically been doing it for about six months now and we've, obviously, all enjoyed it a great deal. Whether we could get away with it being permanent is another issue. I certainly don't have any other women waiting in the wings for you two to move out of here so it's not an issue of another woman, but I worry that while we're having fun and enjoying each other, whether it's really a sustainable situation. What happens when you go off to college? What if one or both of you meet some great guys at college? Lots of things can happen. 1 don't doubt for an instant the love you have for each other. I've seen it up close for years so it's not really a surprise that you want to take this next step. It just may be too soon, certainly as far as your parents will be concerned, I think, Mel. And then there's the question of babies. The thought of having babies with the two of you would be any man's dream. But how would we ever convince others that they're not my babies when you live with me full time? How do we get away with that? These aren't easy questions to solve no matter how much we might wish that we can. Lastly, I can't say I don't worry about being with you two young beautiful women as I get older. I've still got some good years in me, but 15 or 20 years down the road it would look like you're taking care of your grandfather. I'm as worried about our age difference just as much as you're worried about being apart from us, Mel. There's so much to consider."

"Well, Daddy," said Julie, "you know we talk about everything all the time and we have talked about college. At this point, neither one of us has a particular profession of some kind we're burning to pursue. So, we figured for the first two years, at least, we'll just stay here and go to community college and take our base courses. From there we'll figure out what we want to do. Maybe we'll just try to get decent jobs somewhere. You know, good looking girls can get good jobs. Hell, we like to be nude, maybe we'll become strippers! Just kidding, Dad, not that we couldn't make a lot of money at that. But we could go into real estate or something. Women realtors usually do pretty good with horny men buying homes. We don't necessarily need a four-year degree to earn a good living. People are finally figuring out that college isn't all that it's cracked up to be and starting a career deeply in debt makes no sense. Anyways, we have a plan or at least a plan to put off our plan for a couple of years. As far as the age thing we really don't care. Like you said, you easily have a good 20 years before you start slowing down. By then we'll be almost 40 and the age difference won't seem that great. After all, everyone will probably always assume you're our sugar daddy anyway. Don't worry about it Daddy, men get better and sexier with age while women wrinkle and sag. We should be more worried about how we'll look in 20 years than you."

"You girls are really something, you know that." I said. You two are always deep thinkers and don't just jump into something. That's why I can be unhesitatingly supportive and Mel's parents should be, too. I trust you both to make good decisions especially when you both work together to make them. I'm really proud of the wonderful women you're becoming. Let me work out in my head what I'll say to Mel's parents and then I'll give them a call and set up a time to go talk to them. would rather you guys did it yourselves, though. For as confident as you always are about everything, it's kind of funny that you're reluctant to face Mel's folks. Mel, how do you think Beth will take this news? Does she know just how close you two are? I'm sure she misses you a lot as it is since you spend so much time here, so having you move out might be kind of hard on her."

Mel replied, "I think she may suspect we're closer than BFF's but we've never told her we sleep together. Well, she knows we sleep together since I spend the night, but not sexually sleep together. But, you know, she's 15 now so she's not a little girl any more. Julie and I weren't a heck of a lot older than that when we started our sexual relationship. Most kids these days don't care about the gender of one's partner. Kids are pretty accepting these days. It's the older folks that still have a problem with it. I don't think she'll care and she and Julie have always gotten along well. She's gaining a sister, not losing one."

Well, I made a call to Emily, Mel's mom, and made a time for me to go over. I'm sure she was curious as to why I'd want to come over to discuss the girls. This will probably be a strange conversation. With the girls naked as usual and making out on the couch, I left for Mel's house. They only live a couple of blocks away so it didn't take any time to get there. Mel's dad, Bill, answered the door. "Hey, Bill, how are you guys doing?" "Just fine Jim, come on in," replied Bill, "it's good to see you." Just then Emily came in. It's clear to see where Mel got her coloring from because Emily is a beautiful woman. She's a little bit chunkier than I like my wonen, but she's not fat, just curvy. "Hl, Jim. Come on in, it's been a while." We sat down in the living room and I wasn't really sure how to start the conversation.

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