A new family dynamic - S01 E17

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A new family dynamic - S01 E17

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 17


The family works on their new family dynamic. Mom wants her son to control her sex life and he talks her into a gangbang.

The next day, I thought a family meeting might be in order to see how everyone was really doing with this new dynamic we were pursuing. I wanted to make a change to how I wanted to be treated so I thought it would be good to give everyone a chance to air any concerns or changes they wanted to see as well.

Beth was still with us when I suggested the family meeting and said, "Well, maybe I should go home so you guys can discuss what you want."

"Beth," I responded, "I'm sure I speak for all of the rest of us when I say that you are family here. You have been a part of us for a long time and with our recent activities, you are now and even more integral part of our lives. You are always welcome here whenever you want. You don't need permission to come over or to join us for dinner or whatever. And I really want you to be a part of this discussion. If I hadn't wanted that, I would have waited for a time you weren't here to start this meeting. So, please, don't ever think you need to leave because your last name isn't the same as ours."

"Mom's right," Steph told Beth. "You've been a part of our life and to a much larger my life for so many years. You're as much a sister to me as if you were born into this family."

"Alright, alright," Beth laughed. "I get it and thank you. I couldn't ask for a better second family that quite often treats me better than my actual family. So, what are we going to discuss?"

"Well," I started, "I have decided that I want to make a slight change to how started this whole thing with Brian and I wanted to give each of you a chance to also comment on any concerns you may have or suggestions of how we should handle this new lifestyle we are embracing.

When I started this with Brian, I told him that I wanted him to take control of me sexually. While I am a fairly dominant person in my work and as a mother, I really enjoyed letting Jeff totally control

and dominate me in the bedroom. At the same time, I told Brian that we needed to also be free to pursue any other relationships,

sexual or otherwise, outside of the family. I mainly wanted Brian to

know that he is free, and should, find his soulmate to live his life with. And while all that is still true, I have found that I don't particularly want to do that for myself. Last week, I let a client of mine fuck me while I was showing him a house. I had worn pretty sexy clothes and we had flirted a bit before, so I played the wanton slut and let him fuck me. While it was fun, I don't think that's what I want to be doing. So, Brian, until such time as you don't want to continue, I want you to basically own me sexually. I don't need another man in my life other than you so I won't pursue anyone. I will leave it up to you whether you want to share me with anyone, male or female. I will do whatever you want with anyone you want but I want you to be the one to direct me. Just like I did with your father, I will never refuse you sexually. He didn't want to share me with anyone so was just sexy and sexual with him. But since you want me to dress really sexy all the time and because you aren't my husband, I suspect you may want to share me at times. So, I Just wanted you to know that no other cock is going into my pussy without your permission and direction as long as we maintain this relationship."

"Wow, are you sure about that," Brian asked? "I don't have a problem with you having your own sex life like what you did with that client. I actually find that pretty hot. So, I don't have a problem with sharing you. The question now will be whether you want to be shared and how we would go about that. I'll have to give that some thought.

"Otherwise," Brian continued, "I think what we are doing is incredibly hot and wonderful. Frankly, I was very satisfied just being with mom, but adding two more beautiful women to the mix is unbelievable. I have to say, Beth, that I hadn't really given much thought to you sexually before yesterday because you were Steph's friend but between what we've done together so far and what you said yesterday about your feelings for me, I do really want us to go out on some dates and see if there is a chemistry between us other than just great sex. And Stephanie, last night was simply magical. You gave me a gift you can only give once in your life and I will treasure it forever. I have always loved you as my sister, but that love grew by leaps and bounds last night. I am an extremely lucky guy to have this wonderful and beautiful family around me."

"Oh, Brian," Stephanie gushed, "It's me that was blow away by our lovemaking last night. I have always dreamed of it being a special event with someone I loved but never really thought it would happen. Not only were you wonderful, but having mom and Beth with me and loving me at the same time was indescribable. It was actually mom who suggested to me that you would be the right person to give my virginity to, and, as usual, mom was right. My greatest fear, though, was that it would be so good that my love for you would turn into something more than just the love of a sister for a brother. And while that is probably coming true, I wouldn't change it for the world. I want to reiterate what I said last night. As far as I am concerned, I want this to be a lifetime sexual relationship with you regardless of anyone else in our lives. I promise you that I will never refuse you sexually and I will always want you. I don't care if I'm married and you come over for a visit, bend me over the kitchen table, and fuck me in front of my husband. In fact, I hope that someday, you do. I'm yours forever, Brian."

"Well, I guess that leaves me," Beth said. "As I guess you all know by now, Stephanie and I have been fooling around together for a couple of years now. We are even closer than sisters. Steph also knows how long I've been talking to her about how much I was lusting for you, Brian. Now that we've actually had sex a couple of times, I can tell you that my imagination did not do you justice. I won't go out on a limb and start telling you already that I love you, but I can assure you that I don't think it will take very much more time with you for that to happen. But I also want to assure you that I won't pressure you for your feelings. I just ask that you be completely honest with me. If you find, at some point, that you don't have those kinds of feelings for me and don't think that you will, please tell me. I can't say that I won't cry my eyes out for a while if that happens, but I will still want to be your friend with benefits. Just like these other two women in your life, I want you sexually for as long as you want me. And like your mom, until such time as you say you don't want us to be together, no other cock is going in my pussy unless you tell me to. Sadly, you weren't my first, but I would be very happy if you were my last for the rest of my life."

"I guess that makes it unanimous," I said, "Brian, you have three very willing sluts for your pleasure. It's a shame that we can't all just live together forever loving each other as we do. Life will, invariably, get in the way. But until that time, let's live each day to the fullest. I just wish that Beth lived with us as a permanent part of our family, but I'm sure her parents wouldn't be too thrilled with that. But just know, Beth, that at any time that you do wish to move in with us, you don't have to ask. Just do it. The only thing you need to ask for is help moving your stuff. I would also like to say that while we have all been openly having sex together, if Brian and Beth want to spend some time alone together, you should just do it. Don't worry about Stephanie and me; we'll make our own fun. If you two want to explore having a real relationship, you will need to spend some quality one-on-one time together. And since Steph and I would be absolutely thrilled if the two of you ended up falling in love, we'll give you all the space you need to figure things out. Won't we, Steph?"

"You're right, mom. I'll probably be jealous as all hell, but there is no one I would rather see Brian with, than Beth. Maybe, someday, Beth and I can both be carrying Brian's babies at the same time. Wouldn't that be a fun time?"

"Now you're really getting ahead of your skis there, little sister," Brian said. "Beth and I haven't even had our first date yet. There's a big difference between liking someone and loving someone. It doesn't happen overnight. It's the first time I've fucked someone before even going out on a first date well, except mom, of course."

"Yeah," Beth replied, "you've got some catching up to do with me, Brian. You may not have been thinking of me sexually or romantically before, but I've been thinking of you like that for a long time. So, I can tell you, my feelings for you are already way beyond being a friend, especially after yesterday. I've been around here long enough to know that you are a great guy. You always treated Stephanie so well; not like a lot of brothers treat their little sisters. You never treated either of us as little kids, even when we always wanted to hang around you. And don't think for a moment that I wasn't usually the one insisting that Steph and I hang around you. So, it's mainly going to be on you to decide if I am the person for you. Am I pretty enough? Sexy enough? Sweet enough? Smart enough? I hope we can spend plenty of time together for you to really get to know me to see if I'm the one you want to spend the rest of your life with."

"I don't think there's any question, Beth," Brian replied, "that you are pretty enough, sexy enough, sweet enough and smart enough. If it was as simple as those criteria, I would be on one knee right now. We have plenty of time ahead of us to find out if we are truly compatible anywhere outside of a bedroom. I promise you, that I will not date anyone else, until you and I know if we're right for each other. With three beautiful, sexy women in my life, my sexual needs will be more than met. I agree with mom. I think it would be wonderful if we just all lived together for the rest of our lives. We'll just have to do this for as long as we can, but each of us has the right to look for and have a life outside of this family. You never know where you'll find love. We all just need to be honest with each other and happy for each other no matter what direction we end up going."

Beth finally had to go home. She didn't want to leave and, frankly, none of us wanted her to leave either. She's been around our home so much over so many years that she is like another daughter to me. And then after what has happened over the last couple of days, there is a whole new area of our relationship we are starting to explore. Maybe once she turns eighteen, which is only a few months away, she'll tell her parents that she wants to move in with us. She can always tell her parents that she and Stephanie are an item and want to live together without revealing her relationship with me or Brian. I'm not sure, though, what her moving in with us would do for her relationship with Brian. That might be too much, too soon. We'll just have to play it by ear and see what happens.

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A New Family Dynamic - S01 E16

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A New Family Dynamic - S01 E18

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