A new family dynamic

Story 1 week ago

A new family dynamic

πŸ”žπŸ”žA New Family DynamicπŸ”žπŸ”ž





A recent widow is having trouble sleeping and asks her son to sleep with her

My name is Daphne. I am 41 and have kept myself in pretty good shape by eating right and keeping fit, despite having two kids. Kids! They're not kids anymore, actually. Brian is 19 and Stephanie is just about to turn 17. Unfortunately, my husband died from a sudden heart attack a few months ago. We'd been married 20 years. Jeff was out for a regular five mile run one morning when he apparently had a massive coronary about a mile and half into his run. According to the doctors, he was probably dead before he hit the ground. Jeff was always a good provider and he was even in death. He had a large private insurance policy, another policy through his work, and he had even taken out mortgage insurance. So, the house is paid off and we have plenty of money in the bank not only to live on, but to provide the kids whatever kind of college education they want. In addition, I make darn good money myself as a real estate agent.

Written By: Not A Writer

A new family dynamic - S01
Story | 1 week ago

A new family dynamic - S01