A new family dynamic - S01 E05

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A new family dynamic - S01 E05

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 5


Mother and son started a sexual relationship and now explain it to her daughter and invite her to join in.

We stayed naked on into the afternoon and we played with each other a couple more times. It was starting to get near when we expected Stephanie home, so I slipped on a pair of shorts and a tank top and Brian put on a pair of shorts.

When Stephanie came home, I told her that after dinner I wanted to have a talk with her in private about something. Right away, she assumed she had done something wrong, but I assured her it was nothing like that.

We all ate together that evening. After the dishes were done, Brian went up to his room to, probably, mess around on his computer while Stephanie and I went into the family room for our talk.

"So," I started, "while you were at Stephanie's some interesting things happened here at home that want to discuss with you. Last night, I was telling your brother that when I go to bed at night is when I miss your dad the most. Being in the big empty bed alone makes me so sad and lonely that I haven't been sleeping well. I asked Brian if he would help me out sometimes and sleep in my bed with me to get me past this. As you would expect, he thought it would probably be a bit weird to sleep with me but said he'd be willing to give it a try.

But then I had to give him a bit of a warning. You see, I sleep in the nude. I have done that as long as I can remember. I've just never liked having something on. I would get overly warm and sweat. And then especially once I started sleeping with your father, I loved snuggling my naked body up against his. thought that that might be a deal breaker for Brian, but it was actually the opposite. He said that it excited him and that was his biggest fear. He was afraid of laying next to me and getting erections. So, it remains to be seen if I did the right thing or not, but I told him that I would be willing to take care of those for him. Long story short, we went to bed together last night and ended up having some of the most

incredible, loving sex of my life. We have barely been able to keep hands of each other since. Before I say the rest that I want to say to you, what are you thinking right now?"

"Well-" Stephanie started slowly, "that's certainly not what I thought we would be talking about. I'm not sure what to think. Obviously, society frowns on such a thing, but on the other hand it sounds pretty hot. I'm guessing what you want to know from me is whether I can handle you to acting as a couple here at home and I don't think I have an answer for that yet."

"That's understandable," I replied. "On the one hand, we don't need your approval, but on the other hand, we are a family and Brian and I love you and don't want you to feel uncomfortable in your own home. There is more, though, that I wanted to say. And that is that I extend the same offer to you as did to Brian. You are certainly welcome to sleep in my bed as well whenever you want whether it's just you and me or even all three of us. And, of course, you would not need to be naked or participate in any sexual activities. But, you certainly can if you want. I mean, I don't really know the extent of your sexual experience as you've never said anything about being with any boys and I don't know if you've experimented with any of your girlfriends. I will tell you that I haven't been with another girl since college, but it was a lot of fun. I can honestly say I enjoy licking pussy just as much as I enjoy sucking on a dick. Again, I'm not saying you need or should engage in any sexual activity with me or Brian. I'm saying that as far as I am concerned, any consensual sexual activity is now acceptable at any time anywhere in our house. Whether that's in my bedroom or you bring someone to the house. What do you think about that," I asked Stephanie?

"The answer to your implied question is 'no,' I've never been sexual with a boy other than some kissing. But honestly, I have been with a girl. Beth and I have been fooling around together for almost two years. Why do you think we have so many sleepovers? I still want to be with a guy, so I'm sure I'm not a lesbian, but I do enjoy my times with Beth. And I guess I can now tell you that for a long time I have thought about being with a guy for the first time and losing my virginity. My friends that have had sex have all said their first time sucked. And, frankly, many times after that have kind of sucked as well. Boys our age just want to get their dick wet and don't give a shit about the girl they're with. So, what had decided a while back is when I felt the time was right, I was going to ask you if you would share dad with me and let him take my virginity. I just assumed that dad would be the man who would always love me the most and care most about my happiness and would make it special for me. And now he's gone so that can never happen."

Stephanie burst into tears.

I hugged Stephanie until she could stop crying and regain her composure. "Well, Steph, I would have certainly shared dad with you and I'm also sure that he would have been excited and honored to be the one to take your virginity. In fact, if you had wanted me to be there with you, I would have been happy to hold your hand, kiss you, or suck on your tits while your dad made love to you. We would have made sure it was special for you."

"Thanks, mom," Stephanie said. "I just wish dad was here to do it. I miss him so much."

"I know honey. I do too every single day. It's interesting that you just said that dad was the man who would ever love you the most. You're absolutely right about that. Brian said the exact same thing about me last night. He said that I was the one woman who would always love him the most. You know Steph, you dad has left us, but he left us with a very fine young man in Brian. You know that Brian loves you. And you must know that he's lusted after you for a long time. He can never take his eyes off of you when you prance around in one of your bikinis."

"I don't prance, mom," Stephanie protested. "But, yeah, you're right. He pervs on me all the time."

I told Stephanie, "I think you should give some thought to letting Brian take your virginity. He's as close to being your dad as I guy can be and I can vouch for the fact that even though he claims to not be very experienced sexually that he's a wonderful lover."

"God, how can I do that, mom, Stephanie asked? "I can't exactly walk up to him and say 'hey bro, will you take my virginity? I'd be so embarrassed."

"Of course, you can't do it like that, Steph. The first thing though is that you need to seriously decide if that's even what you want to do. If you do, then we'll work on it together. It doesn't have to be done right away. For example, you could sleep with us and you guys could start with some kisses. After a while, maybe you graduate to giving each other oral. If you want, I can teach you how to give a blow job using Brian's beautiful cock. In the meantime, we can get you to the doctor to get you started on birth control. And I want you to know that you can talk to be about all of this at any time. If you want me to talk to Brian about it, I will whenever

you want me to. Like I told Brian, all of this is a new family

dynamic. There will be many issues to face and figure out how to handle. We'll just have to handle them as a family. As long as we love each other, we can figure it all out.

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A New Family Dynamic - S01 E04

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A New Family Dynamic - S01 E06

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