A Crazy Love - S01 E37

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A Crazy Love - S01 E37

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 37

She was still contemplating what to do when suddenly Markus could no longer tolerate her silence and jerked her to stand up.

“Aarrgghh” Kizy shouted.

Jason immediately stood up and crossed the distance to Kizy’s side before bending down to check on her bandaged leg, where he could see a spot of red blood.

Markus noticed what had happened and remembered Alex had told him about Kizy receiving a gunshot on her right leg.

He quickly bent to check the same but Jason simply pushed him away.

“How dare you hurt her.” Jason said.

But this made Markus remember all the time he was trying to use every single of his connections to find Kizy, while she was enjoying a lavish dinner behind his back.

“She is my wife.” Markus said, stressing on his last word more than required.

“Does that give you the right to hurt her?” Jason asked.

“Then who gave you the right to meddle in our lives, taking my wife away and dine with her?” Markus asked, equally enraged.

Kizy knew she needed to stop both the men instantly, or the situation would turn dire.

“Sorry. I didn’t want to cheat you, but I think I should go now.” Kizy said to Jason before holding Markus hand and bidding her goodbye to Jason and his team.

“Where are you going?” Suddenly Jason grabbed her other hand, stopping her from moving ahead.

“I am leaving with my husband.” Kizy said before gently removing her hand from Jason’s grip and limping ahead.

Markus bent a little and lifted Kizy princess style before taking huge strides towards the exit. Joel and Mr. Lee quickly left behind him with their men.

Jason kept standing still in his place, even when Kizy and Markus were completely out of sight.

“It happens young man. Don’t be fooled by those young girls again.” The enemy they were supposed to spy upon patted on Jason’s shoulder and left.

“Ha… At least we were able to keep our identities covered.” Jason said with a smirk and left the place, with the three teammates following him.


“I must have spoiled your plan right?” Markus taunted after watching that Kizy wasn’t going to open her mouth.

“I already told you that it was just a normal plan. It was different than what you think.” Kizy said, without even looking at Markus.

“Yeah, a plan to fool your husband and enjoy your life with some other man?” Markus asked.

“Markus, we were spying on the man who was eating there.” Finally Kizy snapped at him.

“Why do you have to spy someone?” Markus asked.

“That’s none of your business.” Kizy said.

“Off course, why would you explain when you are guilty?” Markus said.

“I am not guilty. And by the way, why don’t you explain the thing about SATAN?” Kizy asked.

“We can discuss that later.” Markus said, brushing off the topic.

“You see Markus, we don’t trust each other. Once you explain your identity, I will definitely come clean with my past to you. Till then let’s respect each other’s privacy.” Kizy spoke.

Markus knew that he won’t be able to explain Kizy about his identity, at least not for now. Plus he agreed with what Kizy said, though they were husband and wife, both of them didn’t trust each other completely.

So it was better to give some time and space to each other, instead of being suspicious all the time.

Thus both of them ended up being silent for the entire ride. Kizy didn’t ate much at the hotel due to Markus’s intrusion. On the other hand, Markus hadn’t had a single bite of anything since afternoon.

Therefore both of them had their peaceful dinner before calling it a day and sleeping soundly.

Since Kizy had already seen the face of their enemy, while the driver said that his grandpa knew about the enemy, Markus decided to leave C City early.

And this way he ended up returning to A city by afternoon the next day.


“Child are you alright?” Grandma asked Kizy, as soon as Markus and Kizy entered the mansion.

“Grandma, I am completely fine. Did you miss me?” Kizy asked cheerfully so that all others would relax.

“Where is Grandpa?” Markus asked.

“He is waiting for both of you in the study. He asked Kizy to go first.” Grandma replied.

“Let’s go.” Markus said before taking a step towards the study.

“No, wait. You can’t go.” Suddenly grandma interrupted, blocking Markus.

“And why can’t I?” Markus asked.

“He wants to have a word with Kizy privately. You will have to wait till then. Kizy, you go ahead.” Grandma said.

Kizy simply nodded and went to the study room while Markus felt a mixture of suspicion, frustration and anxiety, though he didn’t know the reason for this.


“Grandpa, how are you?” Kizy asked as soon as she stepped inside.

Grandpa, who was sitting on his chair, looking at something, immediately lifted his head and smiled at Kizy.

“I am good. Come and sit here.” Grandpa pointed towards the sofa..

Kizy obeyed and sat where grandpa had asked.

“You knew that our enemy was already targeting you?” Grandpa asked directly.

“Yes grandpa.” Kizy answered.

“Then why didn’t you inform me?” Grandpa asked.

“Would you have allowed me to visit C City if you knew about that?” Kizy asked.

“No, of course not.” Grandpa answered firmly.

“That’s the reason why I didn’t disclose this information.” Kizy spoke.

“But that was too risky. Why would you risk your own life for that?” Grandpa continued asking.

“Grandpa, as I said, I already consider all of you as my own. Thus if anyone out of you is in danger, I would definitely step up and protect them.” Kizy paused.

“On top of it, they had already included me in the plan, so if not for yesterday, they would have still tried to harm me in some other way. Isn’t it better to lure them out first and make them act according to us? Afterall we don’t know how they would have attacked if we were to stay still.” Kizy answered.

“You mean you had planned everything from your kidnapping and the events that happened later on?” Grandpa asked with astonishment.

“Sort of, but I miscalculated, as I didn’t count their backup in my plans.” Kizy said with guilt.

“Child you have already achieved a huge feat. Just that you were injured and all of us were worried for you.” Grandpa said.

“Don’t worry about the injury, my body heals real fast.” Kizy answered with a smile.

“Ok then. Were the people who saved you the ones who saved Markus?” Grandpa asked.

“Yes.” Kizy nodded.

“Then were you able to find some information from our enemy?” Grandpa asked.

“Grandpa actually that man only said that he wanted Markus to come there alone. From what I can deduce, he wants to kill him. I feel that there is some history behind his hatred for Markus though.” Kizy answered whatever she felt honestly.

“Ok you can go now. Also, thank those people who saved you this time. We are indebted to them.” Grandpa said.

Kizy agreed and left the study room. Soon Markus entered the study room while Kizy chatted with Mary and Grandma for some time, doing some simple chores.

“Wow, you don’t have anything to throw at me today?” Markus spoke as soon as he entered.

“I guess you are getting used to it. So let’s not do that anymore.” Grandpa said lightly, but the next moment, a knife was sent flying towards him.

Luckily due to his fast reflexes, Markus dodged and caught the knife perfectly between his fingers.

“Sneak attack! Not bad.” Markus said while walking towards grandpa.

“I want you to remain highly alert always. Don’t let your guards down for even a second.” Grandpa said and pointed towards the sofa, gesturing him to sit.

“So who is he?” Markus went straight to the point.

“That’s a long story.” Grandpa said slowly, as if remembering something from the past.

“Coincidentally I have a lot of time.” Markus said.

“Do you remember your father’s death?” Grandpa suddenly asked.

“How can I forget?” Markus said in a low voice.

“Three years ago, after your father died, I found some leads in C City for his case. But I was attacked once I entered there, the way you and Kizy were.

Thus I investigated all the gangs and organizations working there and found one highly suspicious.

That gang was also involved in attacking me. So I attacked them, and was able to kill their leader. But the most intriguing part about that was, the leader’s son had managed to escape. I was searching for him for almost a year, yet there was no news.

But now, the same boy has returned. I think he wants to kill all of us and replace you from your throne to rule the underworld.” Grandpa said.

“So you mean his father was most probably involved in dad’s accident?” Markus asked.

“Yes. That was the reason I was searching for that driver to confirm it, but unfortunately we are still unable to do anything.” Grandpa said.

“Since we already know the enemy, we can definitely plan ahead.” Markus said.

Grandpa simply hummed in response.

“Also you knew about Kizy’s background.” Markus said.

“Not exactly.” Grandpa replied after some thought.

Afterall Markus already knew about her skills, and some sort of power behind her. So there was no meaning in hiding that anymore from him.

“Was that why you were relaxed even when she went missing after her kidnapping incident?” Markus asked.

“Yes.” Grandpa said.

“Since when?” Markus asked his final question.

“The day you were attacked in C City, it was her men who saved you.” Grandpa said.

“Why were you hiding it all this time?” Markus asked frustratedly.

Everyone knew about Kizy and the powers behind her except him.

“She made us promise that we won’t investigate her background, and keep her powers a secret, only then she would save you. We wanted you back safe, thus we promised her.” Grandpa said.

“Great.” Markus said before leaving the study angrily.

Outside in the hall, Kizy had helped grandma and Mary to serve the dishes. But suddenly Markus came and lifted Kizy princess style before leaving the hall and Evans Mansion.

“What are you doing? Put me down!! Grandma and mom are watching.

Kizy kept shouting at him, but Markus simply wanted to drag her out of the place.

Since Kizy was injured, he didn’t want to hurt her twice. Thus he had quickly lifted her up and left the mansion.

He entered the back passenger seat with Kizy in his arms and placed her on his lap after he settled down.

“Markus, stop. What are-” And suddenly his lips slammed on hers, cutting her off.

Markus pressed a button and suddenly there was a partition between the driver seat and back seats.

Markus kissed Kizy hungrily, as if trying to pour out all the emotions he felt, though even he didn’t understand what he was feeling at the moment.

Kizy felt completely overwhelmed by this out of the blue kiss. One moment she was speaking and another moment she was being kissed hard and rough.

Her brain had suddenly stopped working, making her unable to comprehend anything, even making her forget to breathe.

Markus felt that Kizy wasn’t breathing, and would definitely choke and pass out any moment, thus he unwillingly broke the kiss before looking her in the eye.

“Why?” He asked.


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