A Crazy Love - S01 E36

Story 3 weeks ago

A Crazy Love - S01 E36

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 36


“It’s not that serious.” Kizy was trying to console ‘Him’ while doctor was removing bullet from her leg.

Fortunately the bullet had not damaged any vital part, and was located superficially, making it easier to remove and treat the area.

But the scenario was somehow funny in the room.

Kizy, who was getting her bullet removed, was trying to lessen the intensity of the situation, while ‘He’ looked as if the one to receive the injury was ‘Him’.

‘His’ silence and that continuously deepening frown was making Kizy more terrified than the bullet and her treatment right now.

Kizy tried to signal First sister, Harry and man in formals to help her out, but all of them simply ignored her, never intending to even glance at her face.

Finally the doctor successfully wrapped her leg in bandages, warning her to rest and not to apply any pressure on that leg. The doctor only left after warning her thrice, knowing how Kizy’s behaviour was.

“So Diamond, is this what you were seeking? You should have told me. I would have shot, injured and maybe even killed you if that was your wish.” ‘He’ said in a very low voice, but it was exactly this voice that was sending chills down her spine.

“Jason it’s not like that.” Finally Kizy could no longer tolerate and called him by his name, which she only did when she was about to say something serious.

“Then what it’s like? Explain Diamond.” Jason continued.

“My plan was entirely perfect, and I would have succeeded as well, just that those damned backups had to enter at the wrong timing.” Kizy spoke honestly.

“Diamond, don’t let me remind you of your careless behaviour which is the reason we never let you plan. Anyways you know this is not what I am asking. What were you planning to do if we had not arrived on time?” Jason continued questioning.

“I don’t know about that.” Kizy answered dejectedly.

“If you don’t know how to plan, why would you walk into a trap?” Jason spoke, still in lowered volume.

“Who was going to plan it for me? You know that I am never good at it. But you were already furious the last time I asked Harry and first sister to help me.” Kizy complained.

“Is that my problem? If you don’t know how this world works, you shouldn’t have left in the first place!!” Jason shouted.

“Jason, you already know why I left.” Kizy said.

“Fine, have some rest first. We can talk later on.” With that Jason left the room.

Soon Harry, the man in formals left the room as well, with first sister was about to follow them out.

“First sister can you help me one more time.” Suddenly Kizy’s tone changed from shouting to buttering.

“What now?” First sister asked.

“Can you please lend me your phone?” Kizy asked, knowing she had a husband who would be wreaking havoc somewhere.

“For what?” First sister asked.

“Please first sister. You are the bestest. Pleaseeee.” Kizy spoke in a pleading voice.

“Fine.” First sister gave her phone to Kizy before standing at the door to keep a watch for Kizy’s sake, knowing what Kizy was about to do.

Kizy quickly dialled Markus’s phone number, which she had memorised for a day like one today.

“Hello Markus.” Kizy said when he picked up on the first ring.

“Kizy? Finally oh god!! Where are you?” Markus asked.

“I can not tell you about it. Just wanted to inform you that I am safe.” Kizy said.

“Do you plan to keep all of this a secret forever?” Markus asked a little frustrated.

He had now understood that his enemy had already involved Kizy in their plans since beginning, but she hide it, even going to the length of risking her own life, to find the enemy on her own. And this entire thing was frustrating him like hell!!

“What about you Markus then? Don’t you intend to do the same?” Kizy asked.

Her past was very complicated and she didn’t want to implicate others, but what about Markus. Wasn’t he doing the same?

“I am only doing what is good for us.” Markus said angrily.

“So am I Markus.” Kizy retorted.

“You dumb woman!! You will never understand. Forget it. Have fun, enjoy your days, stay wherever you are and keep that a secret forever. Once you feel that you are bored and you should return, you may come then, we will definitely welcome you.” Markus said sarcastically before hanging up.

“Who the hell does he think he is?” Kizy said to herself.

“Second sister, can I have my phone back now?” First sister asked.

“Yeah but why are you being such a petty first sister?” Kizy said.

“Try losing your phone to Jason! You will become one as well.” First sister said before leaving.

Since Kizy was back after many days, members decided to let her rest for the time being and then chat with her.

Jason ordered his chefs to make her favourite cuisines, to make sure that Kizy will eat a lot for her lunch.

He then personally picked a dress and pair of shoes, matched them with minimal accessories and sent it to her room for changing, something he had done countless times now.

“Jason not again!! You know I never like to doll up accompany you to those stupid missions. Also you know the reason why I left. Do you still have to do this again?” Kizy asked while literally pleading Jason.

“Diamond, you know you don’t have the right to reject, especially not after all the mess you created this morning.” Jason simply replied with a shrug.

“But you see, my leg is injured. Doctor asked me to rest and have proper medication. I am not supposed to do anything.” Kizy immediately thought of her perfect excuse.

“Yeah, you won’t be doing anything Diamond. Rose will help you to climb the car and then you simply have to sit for an hour long ride. After going there, we will take an elevator and then the only thing left for us is to sit.” Jason replied.

“You never know how to pity me right?” Kizy retorted.

“Why should I pity you Diamond?” Jason said before leaving the room.

Kizy was frustrated, but deep down she knew that Jason was doing this for her sake. This time he was truly angered, and if he was to behave according to his rules, she would be guarded down in this room for three days.

But he didn’t want that, thus he was taking her with them to do some research on their next targets, even when Kizy wasn’t a part of the team anymore.

Hence she quickly dressed up and left with the help of first sister along with the three men.

“So first sister and Harry, I guess both of you are playing bodyguards today and Charles must be the chef?” Kizy said, trying to control her laughter after looking at Charles, who though was wearing a formal dress of chef, looked very funny.

“How I wished we could exchange roles and I would be the pretty girlfriend that this rich youngster dotes on.” First sister said with envy.

Though first sister was truly beautiful with a ravishing figure that could make any man kneel down and propose to her on the spot, that was exactly the reason she was never selected.

Whenever Jason planned this setup, he tried to make the enemy believe them and relax around them, not suspect them. Thus Kizy, a heavenly beauty with that innocence was a perfect partner.

She was exactly the type that rich boys and men would want to take out and show off, the characters he usually played.

The group thus went on with their regular plans, the way they had done in the past. They were able to see their enemies, know a little more about their habits while enjoying their own meal from afar.

But suddenly something totally unexpected happened, and that was Markus entering the same dining place, talking with Joel and Mr. Lee while his face had turned the darkest shade Kizy had ever seen.

She quickly tried to hide herself, but with the ever so attractive face of hers, along with the unnecessarily expensive dress that was standing out the most, Markus took no time to recognize her.

He immediately took long strides before walking upto her and then looking her in the eyes.

“What are you doing here?” Markus asked.

“Markus go now, I can’t talk now. I’ll explain this later on.” Kizy quickly tried to push him a little while whispering softly.

“Why the fuck are you sitting here, wearing such exposing dress while pleasing another man, when I your husband was busy searching for you the entire fucking time?” Markus shouted.

‘Young miss what are you doing here with another MAN!! Boss had been racking his brains and using all his resources to locate you, while you were dining here completely unaffected. Don’t tell me you were cheating on our boss this whole time!’ Joel thought suddenly.

“Markus please don’t overreact and create a scene here. Leave now.” Kizy said.

She knew how important these missions usually were, and Jason never tolerated any mistake. Thus if their plan was to be screwed by her, he won’t let that go.

Meanwhile on the side, first sister, Charles and Harry were watching this scene with interest, waiting to see how this situation would turn out to be.

“I am overreacting? And what about you? Is it okay to leave your husband worried to search for you while you have dinner with some random man?” This time Markus said in the coldest voice that he had ever spoken with Kizy.

Kizy knew that she had actually managed to anger Markus to his peak..

“She is mine.” Suddenly Jason spoke from the side.

‘Have I ever offended you man? Are you trying to kill me? Please let this woman live happily for some more time.’ Kizy cried internally.

“My wife.” Markus spoke only two words, but that was enough to freeze all the people present.

“Do you know this person?” Jason asked Kizy, while completely ignoring Markus.

But this single statement had put her in a very tight spot. On top of it, their enemy was already watching them, maybe suspecting a little as well.

How was she supposed to answer this? If she said yes, she would definitely spoil the well planned act Jason had set up. But if she said no, she was sure that Markus could kill her just by his single angry glare.


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A Crazy Love - S01 E35

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A Crazy Love - S01 E37

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