Fate - S01 E55

Story 4 weeks ago

Fate - S01 E55

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 55

“dad,” Sean called then sat down next to me, i quickly wipe away the tears in my eyes.

“dad… why did you allow her talk to you that way, i wanted to stopped her but i held myself back because i could see the pains in her eyes.” he said.

“it nothing Sean, she was right about everything she said that’s why i was speechless, i don’t know what to say again, i feel so useless, i feel like am so horrible,” i said.

“no dad, i don’t actually know what happen between you and that woman in the past but i want you to know your the best father,” he said while i smile a bit. Even Jasmine has never told me that.

“maybe you’re just saying that to light up my mood,” i said while he nodded.

“no dad, am saying that because that what truly you are, i don’t care about what people see you as, all i know is that the father i have is the best and will always be the best. Please don’t feel too bad, i know Jasmine will survive because she so much love our family,” he said while i nodded.
“i don’t know what i would have done without you Sean, thank you so much,” i said while he nodded. He just make me feel better.


Camille’s POV⏩

“thank you so much Sebastain,” i said then hug-ged him when he walked in, i told him what happen to Jasmine ad he immedaitely came to check on her.

“i know how you feel Camille, but i want you to know you’ve survived every storm that come your way and am sure your children too can survived that with your prayers,” he said while i nodded.

“thank you so much Sebastain,” i said while Karen walked up to us.

“this not a hugging ground, you should be ashame of yourself, your daughter is still not awake and here you are hugging someone like a puppy, you don’t even care so you should leave,” she yelled while i sighed.

“Karen… get that to you empty skull, Jasmine isn’t your daughter and i have every right to be here,” i said.

“too bad Camille.. too bad your own daughter hate you.. well let wait and see, if she wakes who is she gonna ask for first! she smirk why i felt so hurt. karen is right, Jasmine is my daughter but is still eqivalent like she isn’t my daughter, she keep chasing me away.

“if you don’t have anything good to say i guess you should keep your mouth shut,” Sebastain said to her while we walked out of her. We walked to the door but almost bumped into Anton and his son who were coming in.

“Camille we need to talk,” he said looking at Sebastain.
“no Anton, i have nothing to talk about with you. The Camille you knew back then is different from the Camille you know now,” i said in a cold voice while i and Sebastain walked pa-ssed him.
Three weeks… later⏩

.?This week has been so miserable for me, i need to stay at the hospital till Jasmine is awake, i promise to make it up to her, i hope she agrees this time. i wish she would just wake up and call me mother. Anton still wanted us to talk but i refuse to it, seeing him irritate and make me hate him the more, am only here for Jasmine and her alone. I have nothing to talk to about with Anton again, he might only end up adding to my pains.

.? Later in the evening, i was seated beside Jasmine while Anton walked in.

“you need to go and atleast eat Camille, Jasmine will be fine,” he said while i looked at him, our eyes met and quickly look away.

“you’re not to tell me what to do, i guess you came here because you wanted to talk to me,” i said then stood up to leave.

“it okay if you don’t want us talk,” he said while i nodded then walked to the door.

“Jasmine.. you’re awake,” i heard him say then turn to him, maybe he’s joking so something. I walked back to them and felt so happy seeing her eyes open.

“dad,” she called while i smiled as Anton held her hand gently.
“glad you’re awake, i miss you so much Jasmine,” he said while she smile weakly. She frown when she saw me and i felt hurt.

“what are you doing here? she asked still looking at me.
“Jasmine,” i called with a small smile.

“please leave…” she said.
“Jasmine.. she’s your mom. She has been the one here with you, she haven’t eat since morning, all because she want to keep watching over you, she want to be your guarding angel, please allow her stay,” Anton said while i smile sadly, she doesn’t even need me here.

“no dad.. i don’t want her here, i want to see Mom Karen,” she said.


“no Anton.. if she insist then i’ll have to leave i guess that what you’ve always wanted,” i said then hurriedly walked out in tears but Anton was fast he quickly pulled me back and held me by my wrist.

“Camille, please stay backi’ll talk to Jasmine,” he said while i jerk his hands from mine.

“you’ve always want to see hurt Anton.. and now you’ve succeeded,” i yelled at him then walked on, i bumped into Chloe, Ethan and Declan at the door.

“mom,” Chloe called but i ignore her then walked pas-sthem.

“mom…. is she awake? Chloe asked while i nodded.

“she is, but she doesn’t want me with her, all she keep requesting is to see her mom Karen….what has Karen done to my daughter.. why will Anton allow all this happen,” i said while Chloe hug-ged me.

“all this will gonna be over someday,” she whisper while i nodded.

“i need to go and see her, maybe she’ll like to see me,” Chloe said while i nodded.

.?Chloe’s POV.?

I walked in as i saw Anton. Ethan and Declan stood beside him while i also join them.
“Jasmine,” i said happily, i wanted to hug her or hold her hand but i don’t know if she’ll allow me do that.

“Ethan..” she said while he held her hand.

“Ethan.. are you still with her.. are you serious with her? don’t you love me again? she asked still holding his hand.

‘Jasmine you need to save your strength for some other thing,” Anton said while she look at me.

“where’s Francis? she asked.
“he was the one who saved us afterall, but he’s not here at the moment,” her father said while she nodded.

“Jasmine i love you but only as a friend, remember you were one who left me. We shouldn’t be talking about this here, you need to recover so well,” Ethan said to her while she nodded then look at me and Declan.
“i want to see mom Karen,” she said while i rolled my eyes, i don’t know why she like that woman so much, so much than her own mother.

Karen’s POV

Later in the evening when i arrived at the hospital and went to check on Jasmine. I should have kill her all this while but the security on her was tight. Her room has cctv camera’s connected, the police guard her room 24hours, am sure Anton did that because he thought someone was now after her life not knowing it someone so close to him. That stupid Camille couldn’t stop visiting her all day. I walked to her room, it a good thing she’s all alone. I broke down in tears while she frown seeing me.
“what are you up to? she asked.

“Jasmine.. i will never do anything to hurt you,” i said in tears.

“but you did, and what were you doing at the ware house, why were you discussing about Chloe? i asked.

“it nothing… Jasmine am not a bad person, i love you so much. The man called me because he wanted to ask some information about Chloe.

I love Anton so much and i want to find out the truth for him. The person you saw me talking to as you said, promise to help find out if Chloe is Anton’s real daughter or not. Am tired of seeing him so sad all day, i want to bring an end to this and am doing it secretly to help out, to make it as a surprise but you mistaken if for something else,” i cried.

” i was hit by something ha-rd and next thing is to see myself in this place… i don’t know what happen to me and you were their but didn’t you help me out? she asked.

“because i don’t know weither you followed me or not, i knew nothing about it. Jasmine the street is so dangerous maybe it one of those stupid street boys that did that to you, hope they didn’t hurt you? i asked while she nodded in tears.

“i trust you so much mom, i just hope you’re not lying to me,” she said while i nodded.

“Jasmine dear, i just want my family complete am scared if Anton knows about Chloe being his real child he might leave us. Jasmine you need to be smart. Chloe took away Ethan from you, Erica is also with Francis you have nothing aside from us your family you need to do something,” i said making her look so angry. Well since she still survived let me just used her until she ruin her family and then i’ll kill her myself.

“Chloe took Ethan from me and now Erica with Francis,

i hate them so much,” she huffed while i smiled. I helped her sat up and gave her some fruits i brou-ght on my way here.

“am not a bad person Jasmine, i know you were just curious to know something, you should have talk to me i would have took you along to see and talk to the man yourself. I just want our family to be whole again,” i said while she nodded.

♥The next morning..☀

Chloe’s POV?

We sat down round the table having breakfast, mom seems to be so sad and i know it all because of Jasmine.

“Camille.. you have to eat, i’ve told you Jasmine will soon come back to you,” Aunt Cecily said.

“i sometimes feel you love that silly girl more than us,” Erica huffed while mom looked at her.

“Erica.. that’s not true, i love you all equal.. am just so worried, just try to be in my shoes. Do you know how if feels for your own daughter to hate you this much,” she said.

“it okay mom, we understand.. we just want to see you happy,” i said but quickly stood up the rush to the toilet then throw up. I rinsed my mouth then walked out to the dining room.

“are you okay? mom asked while i nodded with a faint smile.

“are you sure? Aunt Cecily asked. Now am feeling so dizzy. Mom stood up and placed her hand on her forehead.

“you are runing out of temperature,” mom said, but this time I’ve already collasped.

?Camille’s POV?

Chloe was rush to the hospital. I hope it nothing serious disturbing her.. i don’t want to die of high blood pressure, first it Jasmine and now Chloe.
“Doctor how is she? i asked so worried.

“well congratulatons, due to our test she’s four weeks pergant and all these are the early sign of pregnancy,” she said while i gasped and i saw the surprise look mixed with saddness on Erica face.

“pregnant.. but Chloe hasn’t told me anything,” i said.

“she’s already awake you can go and see her,” the doctor said while i nodded then. We rushed to check on Chloe and meet her seated on the bed.

“Chloe,” i called then hug-ged her so tight.

“Chloe.. how did it happen.. you didn’t tell me anything… who is the father? i asked while she looked at me surprise, it obvious she also don’t know what’s wrong with her.

“what father? she asked confused.

“you’re pregnant Chloe.. you’ll gonna be a mother soon,” i said while she smile mixed with tears in her eyes.

“are you sure about his mom? she asked surprise.

“sure.. who is the father? i asked… i know it might be Ethan but i have to be sure.

“it Ethan mom, i have to tell him this myself,” she smile.

“but Chloe are you sure about this? is this what you want? do you trust Ethan enough? i asked.

“mom i love Ethan so much, i trust him too, we’ll gonna be a parents soon,” she smiled. Erica and Cecily walked in.

“congratulations Chloe…” Cecily said while i smile.

“but Chloe, isn’t that fast.. i thought you and Ethan will gonna wait until you’re married,” Erica said sadly.

“i know what Erica, but everything just happen so fast. I love Ethan so much, so very much,” Chloe said while i smile.
“i hope everything work out well,” i smile.

Chloe is pregnant….?
Erica seems so sad about it..?

….Jasmine.. hmmm how will she react to the news???

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