Fate - S01 E54

Story 4 weeks ago

Fate - S01 E54

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 54

Francis POV

I was still on my bed when Jasmine call but i didn’t pick up, i told her i’ll be with Erica so i can see her reactions, she’s still acting tough maybe she’ll never get to love me cos i expect her to be jealous but she didn’t. My phone beeped and i saw a message from her:

“meet me at jez street, hurry up,”

What sort of crazy message is this, what is she even doing there. I close my eyes to sleep but i couldn’t,

my heart keep beating fast-er, seems Jasmine want to tell me something serious but i didn’t give her any listening ear, maybe i should go and ask her why they heck did she need my help. I called her back but her phone is switch off. Maybe something is wrong, did she get herself involved in something? but she should have call her dad and not me! I stood up from my bed and quickly dressed up, i picked up my car keys then drove to the place she texted me. I arrived their and the street was damn quiet, it already 8pm. Where the hell is she and what will she be doing here. I called her on phone but it still switch off, i thought of calling Sean maybe to ask him about his sister but i moved around to check if i could see a glimpse of her.

“Jasmine,” i called again but kept quiet because the street is getting me scared, no single soul is seen their. I kept moving to no particular direction then step on something hard. I look down and saw a wrist watch.

“this Jasmine wrist watch, is she kidnapped? or killed? i don’t want to think of that, i won’t forgive myself if anything bad should happen to her because she’ve been calling me but i refuse to listen to her. I picked up her wrist watch which was close to a gutter i looked around but couldn’t find her. I need to inform her dad right away. I switch on my little flashlight and keep moving to places.

⏩After like twenty minutes of waiting and looking around, i guess i have to go home, maybe she texted me the wrong address. Well i don’t know why i do that afterall Jasmine can never be their. I moved closer to the digusting gutter and flash light in it.
“Jasmine! I called. What on earth is Jasmine doing inside this place. I felt my body shivering, i hope she’s not dead.

“Jasmine… i should have pick up your call,” i said almost in tears, thank goodness i was putting on a boot, i hurriedly jump inside to help her out. She was damn looking dirty with blood staind on her cloth, i didn’t care about it, i hurriedly put her at the back seat of my car then rush her to the hospital.

⏩ I paced up and down at the hospital, i don’t know who to call first, should i call Ethan or Erica or her family. I hope she’s still alive. The doctor came out then walked to me.

“doctor please tell me, is she alive? i asked my heart was beating so fast-er. She was lying so lifeless, what if she’s dead? then i won’t be able to see her again, whoever do this to her and am gonna make that person pay.

“please Doctor, she need to survive,” i said.

“well it a good thing she’s still alive but she has lost a lot of blood and she also had a fracture on her left hand by her wrist. She might not wake up soon because she’s not breathing so well. Her case is just so complicated for now. If only she added like ten minutes then she would have been dead,” the doctor said while i closed my eyes in tears.

“can i see her now? i asked while he nodded. I hurried to her ward and saw her lying almost lifeless on the sick bed. I sat down on a chair next to her bed then held her right hand, her body is connected to lots of wires.

“am sorry Jasmine, i should have pick up your calls, i don’t know what will have happen if i haven’t come on time and haven’t come completely, am sorry, i won’t be able to forgive myself for all this. please be awake for me,” i cried, i feel guilty. But who could have done this to her!

The next morning…☀

My mind wasn’t at peace throu-ghout the whole night, where could Jasmine be! Just this morning i called her on phone but it was switch off and Karen kept telling me to calm down. This time my phone rang and it was a new number.


“am i speaking with Anton Santagio? the voice asked

“you are needed at St. Mark hospital,” he said while i almost dropped my phone.

“why? i stutter, but the he has already hunged up.

I looked at Sean and Karen with a worried look on their face.
“dad.. is it about Jasmine? Sean asked

“maybe, we need to go now,” i said then hurried out.

I, Sean and Karen arrived at the hospital and we saw Francis, i know him to be Jasmine friend.
“are you the one that called me? i asked.

“it was the doctor,” he said in sad voice.

“where my sister? where you with her? Sean asked. While he kept quiet.

“Francis, why are we here? I asked.

“you need to see it for yourself,” he said, we followed him and he took us to ward 10. We walked in i couldn’t believe what i saw.

“what the heck is she doing here? i asked Francis in anger.
“where you with her yesterday? i asked.

“Jasmine dear,” Karen broke down into tears already.

“i found her almost lying lifeless in a gutter,” he said while i gasped.

“in a gutter! what happen to my child..” i asked then turn to Karen.

“Karen, you said she went for a party, now tell me who is that her useless friend, i need to ask her friend what happen to my daughter after the party, is she ra-ped and dumped their, who on earth would have done that to Jasmine,” i said trying to hold back my tears.

“i don’t know who her friend is,” Karen said.

“friend! i don’t think Jasmine was with a friend yesterday because she called me yesterday evening and even texted me where to meet her,” Francis said while i looked at Karen who was still crying. He showed me the message she sent him yesterday.

“at what time did you find her their? i asked

“around 8pm,” Francis replied.
“Karen, you lied to me? you said she was with a friend,” i said while Karen stood up.

“yes.. i said that because i don’t want you to get worry. I have always raise Jasmine to be strong, i thought she’s fine that why i told you that,” she replied in tears.

“you thought! so was she with you yesterday? i asked angrily.
“stop accusing me Anton. I love Jasmine am sure you know how close i am to her and you know how much i love her, I don’t know were she was, i only said that so you won’t get worried, i said that so i won’t add to your problems,” she yelled in tears.

“dad, we are family and we shouldn’t be blaming each other. Mom loves Jasmine so much,” Sean said while i nodded.

“am not accusing anyone, am just so angry,” i said as i watch my daughter struggling for her dear life.

“whoever do this to you Jasmine will never go unpunish,” i said in tears, i picked up my phone then called to report to the police. They need to investigate who is behind this. Am damn tired of having invisible enemies. They kept tormenting my life and that of my family ever since i married Camille but am gonna find them soon.

Later in the evening…☀

Ethan’s POV?

I kept smiling as i watch the movie while Chloe was busy sleeping, with her head on my shoulder. Well we are at the cinema watching a romantic movie. I glance at Chloe’s pretty face then tickle her which make her open her eyes a bit.

“you said you wanted to watch a movie with me here and now here you are sleeping like a puppy,” i teased while she smiled then hit my shoulder playfully.

“am feeling so tired thats why, but the movie is interesting,” she said while i smiled. I entwined our hands together while she smiled.

After watching the movie which was interesting and ended so well, i and Chloe took a stroll down the street and i got her her favorite ice cream. We walked hand in hand and gisted about lots of things. It so sweet being around her.

…. I arrived back home after i make sure Chloe is already home safely.

“Ethan,” Declan called while i turn to him. Am happy he has finally decide to say a word to me.

“Ethan, am sorry for everything that happen, but i want you to know am not against your relationship with Chloe, i was just so frustrated and angry because i love her but now i’ve gotten over everything and i want to see her happy and i also want to see you happy,” he said while i smile.

“thank you Declan. I love Chloe but in as much as i love her i also don’t want my relationship with my brother to be shattered because i love you and i understand how you feel,” i said while he nodded.

“feel free to tell me anything Ethan, no matter what happen you’re still my brother and nothing will change that fact,” he said while i nodded. It a good thing Declan realize his mistakes, am sure Chleo will be happy to hear this. After a little chat with him i went to my room while mom walked in.
“Ethan..” she called then sat down gently at the edge of my bed.

“are you still in a relationship with Chloe? she said.
“yes mom,” i said.

“okay Ethan, i just don’t want you to get hurt at the end of all this. Well i get to meet with Sebastain, the other time,” she said looking so sad.

“you did? well Sebastain is a good person mom i sometimes wish you haven’t left him for dad,” i said.

“why did you say that?.
“because you said he loves you but you ended up with dad who doesn’t even love you, i sometimes wonder if you two have ever dated or being in love,” i said while she sighed.

“are you regretting what you did? i asked

“no Ethan, am just thinking about my whole life, i hope you’ll forgive me,” she said.

“forgive you? i asked.

“it nothing Ethan,” she said then stood up.

“mom, is their anything bothering you?

“nothing Ethan, i just hope you’ll forgive me when the right time comes,” she said then walked out of my room while i sighed. Maybe she hiding something and i need to find out.

.Karen’s POV?

That same night, i return back home to change. Gosh! why did she even survived, now i have to pretend and even sleep at the hospital tonight, i should have shoot her empty skull with my gun. Well it a good thing Anton doesn’t suspect me.

I walked to Jasmine room in anger, hanny was busy asking me questions about her but i ignore her. I check my drawer and her box to see if she has anything against me but i saw nothing. I guess i have to act smart before she wakes up, or should i kill her???

The next day..?

Camille’s POV?

“Jasmine is at the hospital mom,” Chloe said so worried while i was shocked to hear that.
“Ethan just call to tell me now, he said her brother just told him too,” she said.

“we need to go Chloe. If anything bad should happen to Jasmine i won’t be able to forgive myself, she’s still my daughter,” i said almost in tears.

… I, Erica and Chloe rushed to the hospital, we saw Anton, Karen, Sean and also Ethan and Declan all seated at the waiting area.

“what are you doing here,” Karen said as she walked up to us.

“am here to see my daughter, Jasmine was admitted here and you didn’t even care to tell me,” i said looking angrily at Anton who wasn’t saying anything.

“because you’re not part of her family and you’re not needed here, all of you should go,” Karen yelled while i slapped her.

“mom,” Chloe held me back.
“will you just stop this Karen, Jasmine is fighting for her life she need our prayers and not you fighting,”

Anton yelled while i turn to him.
“Anton why didn’t you tell us about this earlier. Jasmine is also my daughter for crying out loud and i have the right to know whatever that happen to her, why did you keep on hurting me using Jasmine, first you took her away from me, you make her hate me so much and now you’re still trying to take her away completely from my life.

Anton you’re the worst man i’ve ever seen, the worst father ever because you couldn’t even take good care of her, you couldn’t father her well, you raise her anyhow with this devil you called a wife,” i yelled at him pointing at Karen. Anton was quiet as kept looking at me regretfully, his eyes were already clouded up with tears.

“you don’t deserve anyone in your life and if only i can change the father of my children then i will never choose you. I regret ever meeting you Anton if only i knew you were like this, then i would have galdly part ways with you in the beginning, i hate you so much, i hate you Anton,” i yelled in tears while he tears slide down his cheeks.

“mom, enough of this, let go and see her,” Chloe said then held my hands, as we walked to throu-ghthe pa-ssage to ask for Chloe’s ward from then nurse.

We walked to her ward while i saw my Jasmine lying almost lifeless.

“am really sorry child, am sorry for not being their for you, i hope you forgive me someday,” i cried as i looked at her in tears.

“mom if only she’s with us maybe all this wouldn’t have happen,” Chloe cried while i hug-ged her. I hope we pas-sthrou-ghall this without anyone losing his life…

Anton’s POV?

After Camille was done saying all sort of hurts words to me i walked anyway, karen and Sean called me back but ignore them. I walked out,

then sat down on bench alone. Camille is right, am such a horrible person, she’s right about all what she said. If only i can turn back the hand of time…. why do i feel so useless… so so useless, i couldn’t help but to cry. I buried my head in my palm as i cried out my pain…..

poor Anton.?….

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