A Crazy Love - S01 E27

Story 4 weeks ago

A Crazy Love - S01 E27

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 27

But this time the car that was blasted was the enemy car which had moved and then came to a halt before them.

“What’s happening now?” Markus said in a voice which could only be heard by Captain and Mr. Lee.

They were still trying to understand the situation when two consecutive blasts were heard, each destroying an enemy car from front and back.

“Did you called someone for support?” Markus turned to Mr. Lee.

“No I didn’t.” Mr. Lee replied.

“Since we have a chance, lets go all out..” Markus ordered and the men who were panicking a moment ago, were seen shooting endlessly at those enemies, killing all of them one by one.

Almost all these enemies were killed when Markus received a call from his grandpa.

“Hello Grandpa.” Markus said.

“Listen to me now. You should leave that place and immediately return to our city.” Grandpa said.

“But-” Markus wanted to say something and was interupted by grandpa.

“I said return NOW.” and grandpa hung up on him.

“Retreat immediately. We will be returning to City A now.” Markus ordered and all the cars were made a quick U-turn.

All the cars behind him were soon blasted one by one, making it easier for them to pass through.

Markus turned to look back and saw men coming out and running away from those cars, but somehow all of them were shot down.

Markus was sure that someone had helped him from behind the scenes and the ones helping them were heavily armed and consisted snipers along with them.

Their cars sped all the way back to airport.

In City A, Kizy was looking expectedly at grandpa.

“Since he was about to argue with me, I am sure he recieved the backup and is safe now.” He said while looking at Kizy.

“Thank you.” Grandpa said in a sincere tone.

“You don’t have to thank me grandpa. I haven’t done anything. In fact if not for my delayed news, you would have informed your men earlier and Markus wouldn’t even have stepped outside the airport. It was my mistake which led him into all this trouble.” Kizy spoke in a guilty voice.

“Child don’t say that. If not for you, we wouldn’t have known that someone had laid a trap for Markus. And now you were the one who sent rescue. If not for you, something terrible would have happened by now.” grandma replied.

“Grandma, this will remain a secret, so please don’t ever mention about me bringing the rescue.” Kizy said.

“Yes.” Grandma replied.


Grandpa called back Joel, telling him that neither his men nor Markus was picking up there call. Kizy heard this and snatched the phone from Joel.

“Grandpa can you tell me where Markus is?” Kizy asked.

“That Kizy I-” Grandpa hesitated.

“Grandpa right now we don’t know what situation they are facing. PLEASE TELL ME HIS LOCATION!! If possible I can help.” Kizy pleaded through the phone.

“He is in… C City.” Grandpa said.

“That’s a relief then. Grandpa I’ll get back to you in two minutes.” Kizy said and hung up.

“Don’t track my phone for the next fifteen minutes.” Kizy said to Joel.

Joel was once again stunned wondering how Kizy knew about this. His Boss had asked him to track her phone, her call records and location for her safety. But now was not the time to admire.

He opened his phone and clicked a few times on his screen.

“Its done.” he said.

Kizy still checked her phone once again to be on a safer side. Once she confirmed that her phone was not being tracked, she asked Joel to leave the room.

She knew that there was no cctv or other recording device in Markus’s office. Thus she could now easily continue her task.

She dialed a string of numbers and soon someone picked up the call.

“Black rose this is Black diamond, I need your help.” Kizy immediately spoke.

“Second sister, I can’t believe I am talking to you!!” The person on other side replied.

“First sister, I don’t have much time, I need your help. Please!!” Kizy said in an urgent tone.

“Ok shoot.” First sister said.

“First sister, some of my people who went to C City have been attacked. They landed in C City almost twenty minutes ago, so I guess they would still be on that deserted path. Also my people are strong, so the enemy must be even more stronger to trap them and attack as they want direct kill. So please be prepared according to that and save them. Just don’t show yourself before them.” Kizy said in one go.

“Ohk I will take the necessary weapons, I will contact you on this same number once I reach the place. I will hang up now.” First sister said knowing the severity of situation.

“First sister.. don’t let that person know.” Kizy said before ending the call.

First sister was obviously well aware that she shouldn’t report this to the person Kizy had mentioned, or else even she would be in danger. With that she immediately left her place and asked her lackeys to follow her with weapons.

In A city Kizy had asked Joel to drive her to the Evans Mansion.

“Speed past all the red lights, I will pay for the fine later on.” she ordered the driver.

And within five minutes, they were standing outside the gates of Evans Mansion, after breaking all speed limits.

Kizy ran inside the Mansion while Joel followed behind her.

‘Young Miss is a fast runner, she must be good at athletics! Young miss is definitely the most eligible person to marry Boss’ Joel thought to himself.

“Grandpa!!” Kizy shouted the moment she entered the hall.

Grandpa was seen coming out of the study.

“Kizy did you manage to contact Markus?” Grandpa asked worriedly.

“No grandpa. But I am here to make a deal. I can save Markus.” Kizy said.

Suddenly all the members were shocked. Even elder madam and Mary had entered the hall after hearing Kizy call out for grandpa. And now all the three Evans member along with Joel were stunned at her bravery.

His grandson was about to be killed and yet this girl had the guts to come and negotiate a deal with him. This made all the members somehow create a negative impression about her.

“Speak.” Grandpa said in a cold voice.

“I will save Markus by my own means, but you can never question my background. Secondly promise me you will keep this information a secret from Markus.” Kizy spoke.

“You mean your deal is to save Markus, in returns of keeping this secret that you were the one to save him?” This time Mary spoke.

“Yes.” Kizy replied.

“Ok we will follow your deal.” Grandpa said quickly.

Afterall this was a minor thing. Even if Kizy had asked them to pay her millions or sell there shares of business, grandpa would have easily agreed to it. .

“Ok.” Kizy said and went to sit on the sofa.

Grandpa, along with grandma, Mary and Joel were once again stunned at her behaviour. She was supposed to save Markus. Why was she sitting leisurely on the sofa? All of them wanted to question her, but didn’t knew what to say.

Finally Mary could no longer keep quiet. Alas Markus was her son, how could she tolerate Kizy wasting time when her son was in danger.

“Kizy why are-” Mary couldn’t complete her statement as Kizy’s phone rang.

Kizy picked up the call while ignoring the looks grandpa, grandma, Mary and Joel were giving her.

“Second sister I have reached the destination. Thankfully you warned us beforehand and thus we bought all necessary weapons. Should we annihilate all of them? Or leave some alive?” First sister said from other side.

Kizy placed the phone away from her ear before looking at grandpa.

“Do you promise to keep this a secret and not investigate or question my background?” Kizy asked one last time.

“Yes.” Grandpa said firmly.

“Leave one alive. Rest all should be killed.” Kizy said through the phone.

“Done.” First sister said.

And soon a “BOOM” was heard through her phone. The voice was so loud that even Joel who was standing at the entrance of hall, farthest from Kizy, was able to hear it.

“Grandpa please ask Markus to return to airport and leave C City now.” Kizy asked grandpa while hanging up the call and similarlly grandpa called him, ordering him to return.


“Thank you.” Mary said a single word but her sincerity could be seen through it.

“Mom I said I have nothing to do with his rescue.” Kizy replied.

Mary simply nodded before all the members took a seat and sat beside Kizy.

“Joel come and sit with us.” Grandpa said to Joel who was still standing at the entrance.

Joel followed before joining the family of four.

Grandpa recieved a call from Markus who informed that he had reached the airport and was leaving C City. He will be there at home within an hour.

“Kizy were they your members?” Grandma could not help but be curious about Kizy’s sudden actions.

Till now only grandpa and Markus were investigating her background, thus grandma and Mary thought of Kizy as a kind girl who was Markus’s classmate.

But the cold and dominating aura she had been emanating for past fifteen minutes was felt by all of them. Especially when she had ordered “leave one alive. Rest all should be killed” all of them had sensed the strong killing murderous aura from her.

Thus both Mary and grandma suddenly found that the docile, petite, kind image they had been portraying of Kizy was not the entire truth.

Though it didn’t mean that Kizy wasn’t kind or an obeying child, but just that she had more dominating sides to her than what they have seen till now.

“Grandma as I said, please don’t question me about my background. But one thing I can assure you is that I would never harm our family.” Kizy said sternly.

And this was all what Grandpa needed. Most importantly Kizy had addressed the Evans as ‘our family’ and not ‘your family’. This made all the Evans members releived.

“Young Miss I forgot to say, but you were way too cool today.” Suddenly Joel said from the side, successfully diverting the attention of Evans members.

“What do you mean?”

Grandma asked curiously.

One had to admit that though the Evans seemed like the most mysterious family in entire country B, those who personally knew the family members would laugh at those comments saying that they were dangerous people.

Like grandpa, he was the current head of Evans family, holding most of the powers in house. But for his family, he was no more than a doting grandpa.

Similarly was the case for grandma. Though others perceived her as a strong matriarch, she was just like a young bubbly girl from inside, fighting and teasing grandpa all day. She was a talkative lady who loved gossiping and was always curious about everything, where even smallest of things could fascinate her.

While Mary was the Young Madam of Evans, was always emitting a cold and strong aura. But deep inside she just cared for her family members and wished they could live a happy and healthy life, unlike her husband who had left her alone to raise Markus.

Mary had a cold and arrogant personality to begin, and after her husband’s death, she had matured a lot more, keeping things to herself while trying to make the Evans family a more happy place.

And Kizy had experienced all there real personalities first hand, therefore all she felt for this family was only affection. She thanked her luck for letting her meet such people who knew how to remain real and humble even after enjoying all the luxuries this world had to offer.

“Wow child, you were seriously amazing!” suddenly grandma’s voice brought her back to present.

Joel had been explaining them the entire situation, trying to act it out as much as he can, while exaggerating it a little.

“You might not know, but the company’s defence was created by Markus himself. Though I don’t praise him frequently, but he is in one of the top five hackers in world.” Grandma said proudly.

But this made Kizy surprised. Not many people knew, but she was third best hacker in the world, going with her codename ‘Dark Queen’.

“Joel is ‘Dark Emperor’ Markus’s codename?” Kizy asked after thinking for few moments.

“Young miss how do you know about this? Nobody knows that Boss is ‘Dark Emperor’, third best hacker in world.” Joel said.

Kizy had already expected this. She already knew that the person who designed the defence for company system was at her level.

And anyone who was well aware with the internet and hacking world would know that the third rank for best hackers in world was shared between two people, a man and woman. In fact, it was these people who had named them ‘Dark queen’ and ‘Dark Emperor’ for suddenly emerging out as winners without there history known.

‘What a coincidence!’ Kizy thought to herself.

“Wait this can’t happen!!” suddenly Joel shouted from side.

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