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A Crazy Love - S01 E26

Story 3 weeks ago

A Crazy Love - S01 E26

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 26

After thinking for another minute, she left a voicemail for Markus and also typed a message.

“Markus this is very urgent so please don’t ignore. Your life is in danger. Don’t head towards wherever you are going and return. Someone wants to kill you. Please reply as soon as you have seen the message or recieve my voicemail.”

With this she contacted Joel who quickly came into the office.

“Joel what department is present on 31st floor?” Kizy asked.

“Young Miss, its the accounts departm-…. no wait, 31st floor has been sealed due to some construction issues last week.” Joel replied.

“Are employees allowed to enter that floor?” Kizy asked again.

“No young miss, as I said, the floor is sealed and everyone is informed, so no one enters that floor.” Joel replied.

He paused before asking.

“Is there a problem with it young miss?” he questioned.

“Is there any cctv present on 31st floor?” Kizy asked.

“Yeah we have two cctv placed in all corridors of each floor. So naturally there are two present on 31st floor as well.” Joel replied.

“Take me to the monitoring room. I want the check out some footage.” Kizy ordered.

Kizy directly wanted to search that person so that she could make him spill out all the information as whatever she heard wasn’t enough to determine the entire plan.

Though Joel had many doubts regarding her sudden actions, he still guided her and both of them reached the monitoring room.

“Play the cctv footage from 31st floor.” Joel ordered the employee over there.

“Yes sir, wait a minute.” The employee replied and within 15 seconds the corridor which Kizy had accidently entered came in view.

“The corridor is empty Miss Kizy.” Joel said, remembering to change the way he addressed her as there were other employees present.

“Play the footage from 10 minutes before this.” Kizy said.

“Yes mam.” The employee said before playing the footage.

But something shocking happened. And that was the footage was entirely normal, as if nobody had ever entered that floor.

“How is this possible?” Kizy said aloud.

“Play the footage from five minutes ago.” She ordered and once again nothing different happened. The screen was same as before with no activity seen.

Kizy wasn’t seen entering or leaving the floor, forget about the man she was suspecting.

“Miss Kizy, is there a problem with the footage.” Joel asked.

“Joel can you ask someone to go on the 31st floor right now?” Kizy asked.

“Yes Miss Kizy, wait.” He signalled one of the employees present in room and the employee immediately went out.

After a minute, screen showed the same employee entering on the 31st floor. The employee was a little awkward but he still walked through the entire corridor before returning back and entering the elevator.

“This footage is hacked. Someone erased the original clip and replaced it with other.” Kizy said.

“Miss Kizy what are you saying. We saw the employee entering that floor. How is this hacked?” The man operating camera said.

“It has been restored to original now. The clip 10 minutes before this was replaced.” Kizy said.

“What do you mean?” Joel asked in a serious voice.

“I want a laptop with high speed internet connection in my office right now.” Kizy said.

“Ok Miss Kizy.” Joel replied and both of them left the monitoring room.

Joel came back to the office with a laptop.

“This laptop has high speed internet.” Joel said.

“If you don’t mind, what actually happened young miss? Why are you doubting that camera was hacked?” Joel asked carefully.

“I am not doubting. The footage ‘IS HACKED’. I mistakenly went to 31st floor 10 minutes ago. But you saw that there was no such thing shown on footage.” Kizy said while hurriedly typing on laptop.

“Are you sure you went to 31st floor Young miss?” Joel asked.

“Is there any other floor which has been sealed and deserted like this one?” Kizy asked.

“No young miss, this is the only one.” Joel answered.

“Then I definitely entered this. On top of it I wasn’t aware about the construction part, so I went on this floor to seek someone from accounts department, but no one was there.” Kizy said.

And Joel immediately understood that the footage was tampered, or else why would Kizy entering and leaving was not shown in it?

“But young miss this isn’t the only thing right? Even if you went and came back, you won’t be checking cctv for that.” Joel said.

“Just give me a minute.” Kizy said.

Joel immediately shut his mouth and stood there silently. But the more he was watching Kizy, the more shocked he became, and this was because Kizy was HACKING THERE SYSTEM!!

‘Young Miss is definitely something, she knows how to hack our system! Others won’t know but our security has been created by Boss himself.

He had invited other hackers to hack into his system but none of them were able to succeed. And now young miss has already hacked till 4th level.

She is the first person to reach until this level. Others were blocked at level 2 itself. Just three more levels and she would completely hack it.’ Joel thought while watching Kizy with admiration.

Five minutes later.

“Aarrrgghhh!! who the fuck tampered those clips?” Kizy shouted in anger.

Joel was suddenly stunned at her sudden outburst. ‘Young miss, thankfully I am the only one present in room. Please don’t curse like this in public.’ he thought to himself.

Joel placed a glass of water before her and Kizy immediately gulped it down.

She was always proud of her hacking skills which she had learnt secretly. There were only two people who were able to block her till now. But right now she wasn’t able to hack into those erased clips, which meant someone highly skilled was present on other side.

She was happy a few moments ago, because the company system she had hacked into was a difficult one. She was sure that the person who created the defence was at least at her level of hacking.

Thus she thought she would easily restore the original clip. But once she was done with the defences of company system, she was blocked.

After pouring the entire glass of cold water down her throat, Kizy looked at Joel with serious expressions.

“Markus might be in some danger.” Kizy finally said dejectedly. She had tried all means to search that person, but now she was at a dead end.

“What?” This time it was Joel who shouted.

“Young Miss please explain everything in detail.” Joel requested.

And Kizy explained the entire scene, from her entering on floor, to hearing someone laugh and finally eavesdropping the conversation. She recited every single word, though omitting the part where she was mentioned. .

Afterall right now the biggest worry was Markus’s safety, thus she didn’t want to pressurize Joel by telling how even she was included in the entire plan along with Markus and Joel.

By the time she finished talking, Joel looked terror stricken.

“We need to inform eldest master!” Joel said before calling grandpa.

He breifly explained grandpa that Markus was in danger and asked him to strengthen the security around him.

Grandpa immediately called Mr. Lee but unfortunately he wasn’t recieving the call, which made all the family members including Kizy and Joel worried sick.

On the other side, Markus and his men along with the group of people Mr. Lee had brought were engaged in a deathly fight.

Markus had landed in C City twenty minutes ago. Mr. Lee was there to welcome and escort him with his men.

They exchanged some formal greetings before boarding the cars. Mr. Lee had arranged a total of five cars, with there car being in centre. The security was top notch.

Once Markus was seated in the car, he discussed a little about there schedule with team captain before unlocking his phone.

But the first thing he saw was a voicemail and message from Kizy.

“Stay alert, I got some information saying that we are in danger.” Markus informed his men and Mr. Lee before dialing Kizy.

But before the phone could ring, a loud crash diverted his attention. And ‘BOOM’…

The first car was blasted and rest of the cars were made to stop in there tracks. The path was deserted one, and they knew that nobody would be there to help them out. There way ahead was blocked by the first car that was enveloped in flames, about to turn into ashes.

Before they could take any actions, bullets were raining down on the remaining four cars and around 30 people dressed in entire black outfits surrounded the road from right, left and behind.

Thus Markus and his group was blocked on all four sides with no way to leave.

“Protect Boss, we have been surrounded.” Captain immediately ordered and the two cars following behind them moved a little forward, making a V-shaped barrier from behind.

All members of team A immediately loaded there guns while men following Mr. Lee also prepared themselves for attack.

“Shoot.” And with that single order, the team started firing at the enemies.

“Boss what should we do, we have been blocked from all four sides, and are currently being attacked from three sides. If the situation is stretched for a longer time, we will be on the losing end.” Captain looked at Markus.

“Markus should I ask my men to step out from cars and fight?” Mr. Lee who was sitting on his right side informed.

“No don’t. Can you connect me with one man from each of these remaining three vehicles?” Markus asked captain while removing his gun from hidden pocket.

“Yes boss, wait.” And within 10 seconds, he had contacted three men from those vehicles.

“Listen now. At the count of three, all four of our cars will try to move in reverse direction at a speed of 80Km/hr for a distance of about 100 meters. The enemies will think that we are trying to escape from back route.

But the moment I shout forward, I want all of you to accelerate at full speed and charge straight ahead. All this time, I want my men to protect the drivers while try to shoot as much enemies as you can.

Also while racing ahead, enemies will be shooting us from the back, so all of you should be careful and remain alert.” Markus ordered quickly.

“Boss they are hardly thirty men, I think our team can end them easily.” Captain said and Mr. Lee nodded.

“Thirty is the number they are showing us, what if they have some hidden behind to attack once we exit our vehicles. So just listen what I ordered.” Markus said.

“Yes boss.” Captain said.

Meanwhile the enemies were trying to get closer, encircling the cars in a smaller circle now, while shooting continously.

“1.. 2.. 3” And suddenly all the cars started moving back at a steady rate. Some enemies directly behind the car tried to dodge it, but were unable to do so and were crushed beneath the wheels. While those on sidelines kept shooting.

Markus was already shooting while captain and Mr. Lee were trying to protect him and shoot enemies at the same time.

“Forward now.” And all the cars screeched due to sudden break before racing ahead. But suddenly the first car stopped, making rest of them stop in there tracks.

“Mark, whats wrong? Why did you stop?” Markus shouted at the man from first vehicle.

“Boss we are completely surrounded by enemies.” Mark said while gritting his teeth.

Markus asked his driver to move a little forward and thats when he realised how grave the situation was.

“Shit!!” he cursed.

Around ten cars were parked in front of them, while armed men were increasing in number and shooting at them from both sides. Similarly seven to eight cars were now blocking there path from behind as well.

“We have been trapped. Who dares to do this in my territory!!” Mr. Lee shouted from his side.

“Men listen now. Keep shooting till you can. We have to come out alive from this.” Markus ordered his last statement before reloading his gun and started shooting like crazy.

He had excellent marksmanship, and along with his trained men, they managed to stop those enemies from stepping forward. Though the condition wasn’t improving, but this was the best at moment.

But somehow the number of enemies weren’t reducing in the slightest. No matter how many men were killed, more men were joing them.

“Bunch of Moth fuc**.” Markus shouted.

He understood very well that the enemy could have killed them in one go, but they were playing with them, sending a few men at a time, giving them hope that they could still fight, but then crushing that hope when they thought they were about to win.

He also understood that these men and cars surrounding them was not the end, even if his men could take down all of these, there would be more waiting for them.

Three men from his side were already injured out of ten from his team. Mr. Lee had brought around eight men with him, rounding off to a total of twenty when counting him and Mr. Lee with them.

Just when they had managed to kill almost all those on the sides, one of the car from front started moving towards them. The car stopped at a distance of twenty meter and suddenly….

“BOOM” another blast was heard.


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A Crazy Love - S01 E25

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A Crazy Love - S01 E27

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