Sold to the ruthless sex master - S01 E09

Story 4 weeks ago

Sold to the ruthless sex master - S01 E09

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 9


“Give me your back Lily” He cut me off coldly and I cried in pains.

Slowly, I went on my knees and place my hand on my be-d ma-king him have a clear view of my bu-tts.

Slowly, I felt his ha-rd and hvge organ tearing my V ap@rt and a g@sp escape myl-ips, he didn’t st©p until he pushed his whole length into me.

He place his hand on my bu-tts and began to squee-ze it softly, I tried holding his hand but he swat me away.

He rode me so r0ûghly that I think till my whole b©dy start shaking.

He pu-ll out of me when he knew I can’t take it any longer.

I coll@pse on the be-d crying, I quic-kly use the duvet to cover my b©dy so he won’t get arou-se again.

I couldn’t even cover my legs properly because of the excruciating pains in my legs.

I turned to the other side of the be-d whimpering in pains and slowly, I felt him climb the be-d and t©uçh my w@!st.

“Can’t wait to have more of you Lily” He whispered into my ears and drag me closer to him.
I cringe at his t©uçh and after a while, I sle-pt off.

The next morning.

“Ahhhhh”I g@sp in pains as I tried standing up on the be-d.
My legs still hurt so much, I don’t think I’ll be able to work for days.

He was too rou-gh on me last night, I don’t think he’s a gentle type when it comes to S-x.

I open the duvet on my b©dy and realised the be-d was de-ep soa-ked in blood including my legs, this alone brou-ght tears to my eyes.

After lots of struggles, I was able to sit up on the be-d and shortly, the door opened and Lucian walk in into the room with a tray of coffee in his hands.

I bow my head immediately amd drop it on the table at the other end of the room.

“Good morning master” I greeted politely but he didn’t answer.

I stand up slowly from the be-d and pick my dress but it’s torn alre-ady amd there is no way I’ll wear this out of the room.
Oh God!

What am I going to wear?

“How was your night?” He asked gulping down the whole content of coffee in the cu-p down his throat.
“It was fine” I lied.

Yesterday’s night was the worst night I have ever had.

The pains couldn’t let me sleep.
“I want to ask a favor from you” I asked calmly and he scoffed.

“A favor?, don’t feel too special because you’re the first slave I sle-pt with or because I disvir-gined you” He said coldly and I drooped.

“Okay master” I sniffed.

“What did you want?”

“Can you plea-se borrow me one of your shi-ts?, My dress is torn alre-ady”

“Go get one in my closet”He pointed to a room at the right side of the room.

“Okay thanks a lot” I replied and use the duvet to cover my b©dy.

I drag my legs to the room and I g@sp at the numbers of clothes inside the room.


This is more than a sto-re!!!
I didn’t know the one to pick but I later pick a black one and wear it there, I walk out of the room and met him on a call alre-ady.

I decide to wait for him and after a while, he ended the call.

“Come closer” He gestured at me and I walk levelly to him.

“Here are the rules and regulations which will be guiding you and you must keep it or else you will regret it” He handed a small book to me and I nodded.

He suddenly pu-ll me by my shi-t and drag me closer to him.

“The shi-t on you worth thousands of dollars more than the money your poverty-stricken father owed me, ap@rt from the fact that you’re going to pay the money for the clothes” He said and I g@sp, I look up at him and a tear fell from my eyes.

“No master, I’ll go off the clothes now, I’ll manage the one you to-re last night” I said shaking my head and he chuckled.

“You expect me to wear the clothes you filthy thing wore?, I’ll never do that”


“You should leave now, Mariam will explain more things to you” He cut me off and I sniffed before walking out of the room.

The guards stare at me weirdly and I bow my head in shame, their eyes were fixed on my legs and my walking steps.

I sniffed in tears and rush to Mariam room.

I got there and I realized it’s locked, I knock on it and after a while, she opened it for me, she stared at me from head to toe and I bur-st into tears.

“Come in” She said quic-kly and help me to the be-d.

“How are you feeling?” She asked and I sniffed.

“Shameful, awful, Useless, Sa…..”
“It’s okay” She cut me off and stare once more at my legs.
“Why are you this stained, can’t you wash yourself there?”

“He said I should go”

“What?” She asked in disbelief and I nodded.

“I thought he….Don’t worry okay, things will be fine, He c@m£ here this morning to outline some rules to me”

“Which rules?”
“He said you will be the one in charge of everything that involve him in this mansion, you’ll be doing his laundry, Washing his cars, cooking his meal and all that, he said you musn’t eat from the kitchen, he said you will be eating his left overs, He gave out the clothes I bought for you alre-ady to other slaves, you will be wearing only a dress until further notice, He said…..”

“St©p”I cut her off in tears and she sniffed.

“It wasn’t my fault Lily, I tried to beg him, I….”

“Don’t worry, it’s fine” I cut her off.

“I will just wash myself now and you will take me to his kitchen”

To Be Continued...

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Sold To The Ruthless Sex Master - S01 E08

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Sold To The Ruthless Sex Master - S01 E10

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