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My crush is a gay - S01 E23

Story 3 weeks ago

My crush is a gay - S01 E23

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 23

“Oh…stupid soldier! Sh…sh…yes..yes oh_oh! You must escape…run…run…bend…no jump! Oh my God! No more…no…more…gently…forward…forward…go..go…go you fool!…” Jeff played the game frantically as if his life depended on it. Andrea who was passing by stops on seeing him.

“Hmm…payback time..” She smirks to herself.

“….more speed…more…you could do better than that fool…go…go spee_ WHAT THE F**K!!” He stood up clearly annoyed when his phone got snatched away suddenly.

“Ohh…you look like you’re ready to devour me any second soon” Andrea teased while Jeff just stared the different Andrea in front of him.

She seems different.

She’s different.

“Who are you?” He mutters before knowing it.

“I? A creature who wanna teach you a sweet lesson” Andrea replied.

“Nerdy? Is this you? Wow…you look different” he said looking at her from head to toe.

She wasn’t being old fashioned as she had always been.

And one could tell she did some touch up also.

“Why? Do I look so pretty? Is your heart fluttering uncontrollably?” Andrea teased.

“Not uncontrollably but my heart did skip a beat…just now” he smiles.

His answer caught her unaware.

She clear her throat.

“This…” She showed him his phone.

“You aren’t getting it back anytime soon…consider it your punishment for what you did the other day. I’m sore you remember” she smirks and was about leaving but Jeff placed his leg on the way making her trip.

She reached for the floor and he caught her.

“If it were to be someone else that snatched away my phone at that crucial moment I would have treated his fu-cked up ass…but because it’s you nerdy…” He paused collecting the phone still holding her.

“I’m just gonna let it go” he realized her smiles and winks at the same time taking his leave.

Andrea scoffs.


“So you won’t pick his call?” Celine asked Angela who had been ignoring Mike’s phone call.

“Huh…he has to go through what I went through…it’s only fair like that” she replied nonchalantly.

“So you will let him wait for three years before saying yes to him?”

“Am I crazy? I only want him to suffer a little…he should feel the feeling of being ignored also for the time being”

“You’re indeed crazy Angela…that is childish”

“If you like a guy for three years and he finally looks ag you after three years you’ll know what I’m saying”

“He’s calling again…just pick up”

“Ahh…this feels so good” she lays on the bed smiling sheeplessly.

“Strangely I love listening to my ring tone these days…it sounds so interesting…” She added while Celine just sighs.


“Angela?” Mike called Angela as they finished class.

Ever since the kiss accident she has been ignoring Mike and they have seem to switch position.

It seems Mike seek for her attention now while she careless.

“What Mike?” She asked dryly.

“Let’s have lunch together…we have to talk”

“Oh what to do Mikey…I have an appointment with someone”


“You can just eat with Fred…see you layer enjoy your lunch” she waves at him leaving while Fred came to meet Mike.

“She’s avoiding you…I can tell that” Fred said.

“She’s doing that on purpose isn’t she?” Mike asked.

“In my opinion…I’m sure she is…what will you do Mike…you’re in for it”

“Let’s talk later” Mike pats his shoulder running away from there.

“Hey wait…we have to eat…where are you going now?!!” Fred shouted after Mike as he runs away.


“Eddie!” Angela waves at Edward who has been waiting for her for Siem time now in front of a restaurant.

“My angel…you look pretty”

“I’m always pretty” she replied grinning widely.

“Let’s go inside…I’m gonna buy you something delicious” Edward said and they both went inside.

Mike who had been in a hiding came out.

“Who’s that?” He thought looking at the guy’s behind.

“So you’re going back this weekend?” Angela asked and Edward nodded.

“Sadly yes”

“But why so soon?”

“I only came back for a short period…I have to go back for my exams”

“Right…” She sighs.

“I’m gonna miss you Eddie” she pouted.

“I bet you will…” He draws her cheeks playfully.

“They seem quite close…is that Williams?” Mike who was sitting behind Edward at the far end of the restaurant taking a peek at them mutters to himself.

“So what about Celine?” Angela asked.

“What about her?” Edward face his food.

“Oh come on…I know you two are up to something”

“Oh…” He blushed.

“Well…it indeed true…I do have a thing for her” he said.


“But I’m leaving soon you know…I don’t wanna leave her hanging.

” you can still communicate and also it just till you finished your papers…unless you’re not planing on coming back ”

“You seems to want me for her”

“Of course…I want the best for the two of you…I could tell she has something for you also…she blushes anytime I mentioned your name”


“Maybe I should just see you two up on a date”

“I already did that…we’re meeting tomorrow”

“Right? You’re Edward right? You don’t waste time at all” Angela said making Edward chuckle.

“I go for what I want…no wasting time”

“What about Mike?” He quizzed.

“Still receiving his punishment”

“Don’t go overboard…he might just fly away”

“He won’t dare…he’s over me now”

“You’re getting ahead of yourself”

“Let me…” She replied before giggling along with Edward.


“I had fun thanks to you”

“My company is never dull”

“Exactly why I missed you so much over the years”

“And you’re still gonna miss me more”

“I know…”



“I feel like we’re being tailed”

“Tailed?” Angela was about looking back but Edward stops her when he spot Mike going into a hiding.

“Stand still Angela…I’m about to cause trouble”

“What trouble?”

“Just trust me and stand still…close your eyes also” he said and Angela eyed him suspiciously.

“Alright” she sighs and close her eyes.

Edward smiles before leaning closer to her kissing her cheek.

Angela seems quite taken aback.

Mike rush out of his hiding immediately and ran towards them pushing Edward away from Angela and held her.

“Mike?” Angela called surprised on opening her eyes.

“Eddie are you okay?” She shrieked on seeing Edward on the ground.

Mike looks at him.

“You…” He points at Edward who only smirks.

“Hi there Mike bro…nice meeting you again”

Mike reached his hand forward to him. Edward took it standing up.

“Did you tailed me?” Angela asked.

“Are you a stalker now bro?” Edward interrogated also.

“When did you come back? Why didn’t you contact me?” Mike asked coolly changing the topic.

“Don’t act like we’re close…are you my friend? Why would I contact you?” Edward whinned.

“But why did you push him like that earlier?” Angela furrow her eyes brows.

“A guy was about molesting you in public…you want me to just turn a blind eye” Mike said before leaving them.

Angela looks at Edward should shrugged.

“Seriously…” She scoffs.


“I’ll go inside now…thanks for walking me home” Angela said to Mike before turning on her heels.

Mike held her back.

“Let’s talk”

“Um…maybe tomorrow Mike…I’m quite tired…I just wanna rest” she gave him a small smile before heading inside leaving Mike who just sighs.


“why do you wanna see me?” Angela asked Fred who wouldn’t stop disturbing her about seeing her.

“Mike and I…we are not dating” he said.

“So?” Angela asked.

“Weren’t you being mean to him cause of that?” Fred arch his brows.

“Oh dear…I knew Mike would never do such a thing”


“You don’t need to know”

“You seriously…”

“Is that all? I’ve to go” she said and Fred nodded.

“See you in class Freddie” she smiles leaving but then stops.

“By the way…what was that all about? At his house…you two…”

“Ahh…you saw that?”

“I happened to”

“It’s nothing…don’t mind it. You said you knew Mike wouldn’t do such right?” Fred smirk.

“Whatever…” She turns leaving.

“It was because of you”

Angela stops in her tracks.

“I pity the poor guy…just because of a girl like you he tries hard but you just ignore him In the end”

“What do you mean?”

“It was all strange to him…he didn’t know how to do it so he asked me for help. And I helped him. But them you were being annoying so I thought you don’t deserve his love. Honestly speaking I don’t like you that much. I wonder what made him changed so much”

“You…do you really like him?”

“Yes I do…and I started liking him more when I learned of his secret thanks to you. What I told you then is true. He may not know of my real feelings for him but Angela…it’d be wise if you don’t let your guard down…I’m always there you know” he said tucking his hands in his pockets.

“I advise you to hold onto him tightly…if he falls…I won’t hesitate to to pick him up into my embrace” he whispers then smirk at her before leaving.

“I won’t ever let you do that…Mike is mine alone” Angela mutters to herself.


“Today is the last day…you’ll tutor me”

“You’re right…I won’t be able to see my pretty Angela for sometime” Williams replied smiling.

Angela chuckle.

“Thanks you Williams…for tolerating a pain like me” she smiles.

“Don’t smile at me like that…it makes my heart flutters” Williams said and she quickly took her face away clearing her throat.

“Hey…so you won’t smile anymore now uh?”

“I’m having toothache”

“Since when?”

“It started ten seconds ago”

“Seriously Angela…”

“I’m joking” she grins.

“So I wish you luck in your exams”

Angela sighs.

“I’m nervous”

“Should I just do it for you?”

“Will you?”

“Of course I can just disguise as you and go to the exam Hall”

“That’s a great idea…I bet you’ll look cute”

“And pretty…” He winks.

“Now that you said it should we give it a try?”

“You’re crazy Angela”

“Why? Come on you started it”

“It was a joke”

“Just dress up like a girl for once then…I wanna see your feminine side”

“You’re really crazy…”

“Come on Willie…” She whine pulling his hand.

“Let’s study….I’ll take you to eat something delicious after”

“Willie….” She pouted.


Mike drag his leg to the door as it won’t stop ringing nonstop.

He open the door grudgingly and met with Angela’s grinning face.

“Mike…let’s go on a date”



“I thought you didn’t wanna talk to me” Mike complained like a five year old.

“Why?” Angela asked looking directly at him.

“Aren’t you avoiding me?”


“Because you’re angry”

“Why am I angry?”

“Be…cause I made you angry”

“How did you made me angry?”

“I…I…” He stalled not knowing what to say.

Angela kiss his cheek off guard.

“How cute…” She chuckle before running towards the water.

Make touch his cheek.

“Mikey! Over here!” Angela waves at him jumping while he looks at her.

“Come over!” She shouted again and he stood up walking towards her.

“Hurry…hurry” Mike ran to where she is.

“Give me your hand” she says and Mike stretch his left hand to her.

“Your right hand dummy”

“Oh…this…” He raised his right hand before stretching his it to her and Angela intertwined their fingers together.

He looks at her and she grins as the winds fan her hair.

He smiles then look down on their fingers.

“Mikey…” She called and he looks at her.

She kept silent for a while and Mike raised an eye brow.

She smiles

“It just felt like a dream…standing here with you…” She paused looking down on their fingers.

“Holding your hands like this…” She looks back at him.

“Doing this with you…it doesn’t feel real

…I’m afraid…this might all be a fantasy of mine…if it is…if it really is…then I don’t want to sober up…I wanna continue living in this fantasy…with you”

Mike brought their interwined hands to his chest placing her palm directly on his heart.

“You did this Angela…this isn’t a fantasy…nor is it a dream…I…am in love with you…maybe I’ve always been…that I just didn’t realize it. Either way…what I know is that…till this moment…my heart…is beating fast because of you. It may seems strange and new to me but…I’m gonna give it my all… I’m gonna do my best…loving you…You…Angela” he replied his eyes full of emotions as he stares at her.

Likewise Angela…she still couldn’t believe it.

Mike is actually saying all these to her.

Her Mikey…who is always so grumpy to her….her crush for years now…is actually telling her he’s in love with her.



How did it happen?

“Mikey…?” She called in a serene tone before wrapping her arms around his neck, placing her lips on his softly.

He reciprocated wrapping his arms around her also as they kiss sweetly under the starlight.

If this is a dream….don’t wake me up..

If it’s just my fantasy…then let me live in it.

Right now…I’m the most happiest.

Right now…I’m more than satisfied.

Right now…my world just became the brightest.

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My Crush Is A Gay - S01 E22

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My Crush Is A Gay - S01 E24

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