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My crush is a gay - S01 E22

Story 3 weeks ago

My crush is a gay - S01 E22

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 22

“Wow…is she from our faculty?”

“She’s beautiful…”

“She looks familiar don’t you think?”




“Hi guys” Angela smiles at the guys at the field.


“Have you guys seen Willy around?” She asked with smiles all over her face making them completely smitten.

“Over there…” One of the guys points to Edward who was talking to his friends.

“Oh…thanks guys” she smiles and went over to Williams.

“Williams!” She waves at him.

Williams looks at her and stood stunned for a while.

“Williams?” Angela called again.


Angela smiles.

“Wow…I must say…I’m speechless. You…I always known you’re pretty but…you really…are gorgeous Angela…I’m smitten” Williams said making Angela blushed.

She tuck her hair behind her ear.

“Well…I know…I hear that a lot” she mutters with her cheeks red.

“But…why are you here suddenly? I was planning on seeing you tomorrow”

“Oh…you know it’s exams period soon…I won’t have time to meet so I…want us to go on a date today”

“What?? Da..date??. Angela you’re asking me on a date?” Williams asked unbelievably.

Angela only nodded and smiles.

“Are you busy? Should I have called? You must be surprised to see me here…I should have called…sorry i_” Williams cut her off with a sudden hug.

“Thank you…Angela…”


Williams wouldn’t deny the fact that he really is having a great time.

He still haven’t gotten over the surprised that Angela came to ask him for a date and throughout the date he’s has been happy so far.

They went skating…to the aquarium…park…and they are currently at the theatre to watch Williams favorite movie.

Strangely he isn’t like other guys who is into horror movie…he prefer romance so he says.

“Let’s grab some popcorn and drinks it’ll start soon” Williams said and she nodded while Williams went to get it.

“I promise you it’ll be a blast…you won’t regret it” Angela heard a familiar voice behind her and looks back. She was and not only her the duo was surprised to see her also.

“Am seeing right right?” Fred said and Angela’s eyes went to their arms which was linked together.

“Fred…Mike ” Angela said.

“Wow…it is really you Angelie…wow…this is crazy…you’re different” Fred said while Mike just look at her from head to toe.

A lemon dress which stops amidst her thigh, black boots…

her hair neatly fell on her shoulder. A little touch of make up. She is really beautiful.

“What happened to you?” Mike Find himself asking.

“What do you mean?” Angela arched her brows

“Wow…Angie I never knew you were this pretty…” Fred Snickers while Angela smiles fli-ckering her hair.

“Well…I’ve always been. It’s just I don’t dress up usually but when I do…I look really cute that wherever I go I’m always the centre of attention. I feel very burdened you know”

“Ohh…I see…”

“Mike? Freddie?” Williams called surprised on approaching them with a tray of popcorn and drinks in his hand.

“Hey Willy man” Fred greeted.

“Are you two here on a date?” Mike asked.

“Huh what about you guys?”

“We’re here to watch a movie also…that” Fred pointed to the movie poster.

“Wow…we’re also here for that. How funny how we met on our date everytime” Williams said.

“Williams let’s go…it’s starting” Angela said.

“What number are you guys?” Fred asked.

“27. You?”


“Oh…you’re behind us…see you guys” Williams smiles.

Angela link hands with him and off they went.


Mike’s attention wasn’t on the movie…it was all on Williams and Angela who wouldn’t stop whispering to each other and giggling.

“Wider…ahh” Angela feed Williams the popcorn and wouldn’t stop giggling.

“It got stuck in my throat”

“Does it? Spit it out…hurry” Angela pats his back.

“That was a joke…something did got stuck in my heart. You” Williams winks and Angela slap his shoulder playfully.

Williams chuckles.

“Watch the movie”

“I would like to watch you…”

“Stop being so cheesy Williams…that’s so cliche”

“I’m only like this to you” Williams whispers to her and had chuckles.

They received some stares from other people watching the movie and they apologize for disturbing.

“Let’s watch the movie…” Angela faced the movie.

Mike wouldn’t stop scoffing where he was sitting.

“I’m gonna use the restroom real quick” Angela whispers to Williams and he nodded.

“Don’t be long…” Angela left for the restroom while Williams smile.

“Are you guys really together now?” Mike asked as Angela came out of the restroom.

She seems a little startled but compose herself.

“What do you want Mike?”

“Do you like him now?”

“Williams is a nice guy…he likes me so much…he’s fun also”

“So you like him too now?”

“Can’t I? I need to go. Willy must be waiting” Angela made to leave and Mike scoffs.


“Mike…do you have anything to say?”

“I’m Mike now?”

“See you later…I’ve got to go” she started leaving but Mike’s words stops her.

“Stop wasting his time…he doesn’t deserve that does he? Like you said he’s a nice guy. It’ll be such a pity to see him break down because of someone like you. Stop now before it gets out of hand” Mike advised.

Angela said nothing but just leave.

“You’re back” Willing smiles and Angela let out a small smile. Seems like Mike’s words dispirited her.

She took her sit and focus on the movie.

Williams noticed the change in mood and became worried.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

She nodded.

She looks behind her and saw Fred leaving. Mike wasn’t there anymore. She sighs then looks at Williams.

She smiles at him.

“What did I miss?” She asked and Williams explains to her while she listened attentively smiling.


“My first love dumped me…apparently he said I was too immature” Williams said as they walk along the beach.

“You aren’t…she must be wrong”

“I can’t blame her…I admit I can be clingy sometimes…I’m younger than her”

“Oh…younger…” Angela mutters and Williams smiles.

“She went for someone mature and older…my elder brother”

“That’s bad…”

“I had to live with the scar…seeing the woman I love getting married to my elder brother…it actually hurts you know”

“I can understand…the feeling of having something precious to you being snatched away and you can’t do anything…it really hurts”

“I like you Angela” he suddenly said making her halt in her track.

She didn’t expect that.

She only smiles.

“I want to go on dates with you everytime…I want to tell you everytime how much I like you”

“I feel sorry…”

“I bet we’ll really make a great couple”


“It’ll be wrong to keep hanging onto someone that doesn’t think about us don’t you think?”

Angela keep silent.

“I won’t rush you…for now you may see only him but I’m sure as time goes by…you’ll see what’s beyond that”


“I’ve known for a while now…you two have quite a history it’ll be weird if I don’t. Everybody on campus literally knows…how close you two were…how much…you chased after him even though he gave you cold shoulder”

“I…have wronged you Williams…I used you. I’m sorry I’ve always been like this. When we were in high school…I once used his secret against him…thinking I’ll be able to make him mine but then…things never changed. I became desperate…and never gave up. Three years…three years…I was still on the mission on making him mine…though I know clearly I clearly failed. He rejected me many times…avoided and ignored both me and my feelings. I still didn’t back out. I was a fool. Then you appeared…and I used you. I used your feelings for me. I wanted to make him jealous and regretful but then…I later found out…I was being selfish…I was hurting you. I was being mean and unfair to you. I realized…I’m bad…”

“Yes you are…Angela you’re bad.”

“I’m damaged…I know that. I’ve promised myself not to hurt anyone the same way I’ve been hurt but…I guess I’m worst than him who ignored my feelings. I only care about myself”

“I’m not fine Angela…listen… I fell for you because you’re unique. In my eyes you’re different..it’s true you’re selfish…bit I’m not any different…cause I did the same. I went after my selfish interested though I know clearly well…how mean I was being.”

“I’m sorry…” Angela mutters but he only envelope her in his arms.

“But you know…you shouldn’t yearn for your first love for so long. It’ll only damage you. I’ve done that so I know and also…it ain’t good to drag on with anything whether it’d be people…or love”

Angela wrapped her arms around him.

“I won’t…I promise” she said as tears tickled down her face.


“Let’s talk” Mike double crossed Angela as she head home.

Angela ignored him and branch another way but Mike stop her again.

“I don’t wanna talk to you Mike…leave me alone” she said nonchalantly leaving.

“You’re ignoring me now?” Mike asked and she stops.

“Is this all where your so called love amount to?” He added.

Angela scoffs.

“My feelings? What do you know about my feelings for you to say that?” She turns to him asking.

“I know you still like me and you going out with Williams was just to get back at me…it’s childish..and that’s you Angela” Mike replied.

Angela scoffs again facing him fully.

“No…you’re wrong. I don’t care about you now. It’s true I indeed liked you…but you didn’t take my feelings for you seriously…you treated it like trash and ignored it. Strongest feelings expire when taken for granted and ignored. You took it like it’s nothing and it expired. Going out with Williams is my decision that has nothing to do with you…cause I have nothing to do with you now Mike ”

“You think I’ll believe that? You…still like me”

“Whatever rides on your horses Mike…I careless now” she replied flatly and took her leave.

“Liar…” Mike mutters to himself.


Angela Sat in a corner with her knees hugged to herself. She rested her head on it and sniffs silently.

She saw Mike’s shadow and quickly wipe her tears off. He took a sit beside her.

“Three years…I’ve been looking at only you…for three years…” She started talking.

“I would have given up a long time ago but everytime I tried to…something always seems to stop me from doing so. It was as if it was a sigh that we are really meant for each other…it was as if it was a sigh telling me not to let go…of you”

“The first time I decided to give up was when I learned of your secret…but then I had to saved you so I threatened you into dating me. I failed…giving up. Second was when the secret eventually came out…but yet again I couldn’t cause I knew I had to be by your side…I knew you needed me…I couldn’t leave you and…yet again the chance of giving up slipped away from me again ”

“Many many chances like that…and now the last one…I thought I was really gonna give up but then you confused me. You confused me Mike…I couldn’t do it…yet again…” She paused and sniffs.

“If I continue like this…I’ll only be ruining my life…I feel miserable because of you Mike…I hate it that my whole life revolves around you…I just wanna stop now…I have to stop it now…Mike…” She said the last part in a breaking voice.

“So…you don’t wanna be friends anymore? You…wanna leave?” Mike quizzes.

“I’m sad Mike…I’m not happy…I’m tired and just wanna stop hurting. Everytime I look at you…I feel miserable…”

“You’re running away…you think that’ll solve it?”

” I’ve been chasing you around like a crazy flower for three years now…but you don’t seems to care…I’m tired and now I’m at my limit I’m tired of liking you…if you at least care for me as a friend then…let me let you go now…we should let go Mikey” she said while Mike remains silent.

Angela took that as a yes and tries to stand up but Mike held her back.

“You…can’t stop liking me” he said staring directly into her eyes.

“I will…I promise I will Mike” she replied almost in a whisper.

“No…you can’t” he affirms.

“Look Mike I_” Mike leans closer to her suddenly making her paused in her speech.

Their faces so close to each other…close enough to feel each other’s breaths.

Their lips was only inches apart…Angela stare at him shocked with dilated eyes…for a moment she thought he was gonna kiss her. But he only remains like that saying nothing…just looking at her.

Now Angela at her limit turns her face away…enough of him playing her. She’s stopping it. She thought within.

However Mike gave her no chance to do that as he grab her face, smashing his lips on hers.

She gasps lightly.

Her eyes went wide. Her senses probably flew away…cause she wasn’t in her right senses anymore.

Mike unlock from the kiss after some seconds.

Angela only stares at him shocked not saying anything.

“You can never stop liking me Angela…because you just got started…and not without my permission” he said slowly rubbing her face before standing up.

Angela just stares.

“I told you to give me some time dummy…you really are impatient” he knock her forehead smirks before leaving.

Angela came out of her daze seconds later after he left.

“What just happened…?” She asked no one in particular.

Happy weekend guys.

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My Crush Is A Gay - S01 E21

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My Crush Is A Gay - S01 E23

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