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Fate - S01 E42

Story 4 weeks ago

Fate - S01 E42

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 42

I stood at the balcony staring at the stars and trying to occupy my mind with some other things… mom seems to be serious with what she’s saying and i just have to do this for her sake.

“it better this way for everyone,” i said to myself.
“Chloe,” Erica called my name and i turn to her.

“are you still thinking about what mother said to you? she asked while i nodded.

“everything will be fine, am just happy Jasmine will come to stay with us, atleast we will get to know each other,” i said.

“i don’t like that idea, i never liked that girl,” Erica said while i sighed.

“I know she’s rude but please let try to understand her, she’s still our sister,” i asked while Erica nodded.

“i just hope we’re doing the right thing,” she said while i nodded.

I went to my room still thinking about what mom told me, i know she’s angry but am as well angry, why is she worried about Jasmine this much, i know Jasmine is my sister and we need to get along but Mom is taking this too far. Am i being selfish? i asked myself still confused. All this wouldn’t have happen if my sister and i aren’t seperated.

✴️The next day…

Chloe’s POV

I open the curtains of my room then sat down on my bed… i don’t even know how to face mom after what she said to me yesterday but i still don’t blame her for any of this, every mother will want to be with his child especially when the grew up apart from each other. I walked downstairs to check on mom then saw her at the dining table, she seems to be lost in her thought.

“mom,” i said then sat down close to her, i won’t let this ruin my relationship with mom because i love her so much.

“mom are you still angry with me? i asked while she nodded.

“am just worried Chloe. Jasmine is ready to come back to us… this might be the right opportunity to change her for good. Chloe am a mother and i know how it feels to see my daughter that way especially with the way she behave, i feel like am a horrible mother, i feel like a bad mother i just want to make it up to Jasmine anyhow and i also hope Anton will get to make it up to you someday… i just want our family back… i want to be a mother to my child,” mom said in tears while i hug-ged her.

“i understand you mom and i always want you to be happy,” i said while she nodded.
“what i ever wish for is to have a perfect home. Well everything was perfect not until the day i lost my father and i was ra-ped. My life has been a mess but my crumble world lit up the moment i meet your dad, he lits up my whole world and i felt i could still be happy again not after what happen to me. At first his father never approve of us he always wanted Karen for Anton, i lose all hope then,

i thought i was going to lose him forever but he went against his father last wish and we got married cos we were drunk in each other’s love. When i first had you as our first child i and Anton were the happiest couples, when Jasmine came into the picture we were more happier but everything got ruined when Jake came back and strike so ha-rd which lead to all this, your dad couldn’t trust me and i end up losing him… i lost the one i so much love and i thought i’ll ever get to see my daughter with him again. Chloe i haven’t being a part of Jasmine life for so many years now. Anton moved on fast and was able to replace me with Karen, she raised Jasmine and i don’t know why Jasmine hate me this much.

I have lost everyone i so much love but now that i have the opportunity to get Jasmine i will do everything to make her love me again. Am just tired of this whole mess, all i ever ask for was a quiet and peaceful life, when will all this be over,” she said in tears which make my eyes already clouded up with tears.

“okay mom.. i understand everything and i know how important Jasmine is to you now, she’s also important to me as well and i wish we get alone as sisters should do. I promise to help you get my sister back, it a good thing she decide to spend the weekend with us,” i said.

“i hope so … i wish everything will be over,” mom said wiping away her tears while i nodded.

“mom i always believe everything will be perfect, you, Erica, Jasmine and me will have that quiet and peaceful life you’ve ever wanted, i don’t care if Anton come back to us or not.. all i want is my sister back,” i said.

“but Chloe…

are you willing to forgive your father. Anton is still your father and nothing can change that fact,” mom said looking at me.
“i don’t know mom.. i don’t know, i can’t say anything for now but whenever that times comes, when he realise his mistakes and knew am his daughter i hope i forgive and accept him, i just hope that, because i also don’t know if i will be able to get alone with that man as my father,” i said in an icy voice. I don’t want anyone to remind me of him, i grew up without a father and am use to it already.

“Chloe.. i don’t want you to give your father a tough time in accepting him back just the way Jasmine is making it very ha-rd for us…

“mom… we shouldn’t talk about this for now, i’ll just check on Erica in her room,” i said then stood up and went to check on Erica.

“Erica,” i called then walked in, she was still in bed but she’s awake.

“anything wrong? i asked then sat down at the edge of her bed.

“am fine Chloe, i just want to be alone,” she said while i sighed.
“but.. are you okay with Jasmine coming to spend weekend with us? i asked while she sat down

“i don’t like her,” she scoffed.
“Erica but she’s still our sister,” i said while she rolled her eyes.
“well she’s your sister afterall cos am not related in anyway with her,” she said while i gasped.

“Erica… are you indirectly telling me am also not your biological sister? i asked wondering why she said that in the first place.
“of course not, you’re my sister afterall we grew up together am just saying we don’t know that Jasmine enough to welcome her to our house,” she said while i sighed.

“you’re right Erica but she’s also our family and she can’t be so heartless to bring us any harm, i know Jasmine is arrogant, rude and blab anything she likes but i kinda feels de-ep inside her she want to change for the better but due of her arrogance and pride she’s still finding it difficult,” i said while Erica rolled her eyes.
“i hope so, i just have a bad feeling about it,”
“nothing bad will gonna happen,” i said while she nodded.

Declan’s POV?

I was so angry about what Ethan told me… he also love Chloe while he knows am doing all i can just to win her heart. I paced up and dow in my room and seems so helpless i just hope is not what am thinking. Does Chloe loves Ethan too? is that why she still haven’t said anything positive about what i told her. Is Ethan standing on my way? I walked out of my room to the dining table and dad was already set to leave, i remember what he told me during our trip. It was Ethan’s mother who killed my mother, i hate that woman so much and i will make her pay.

“Declan,” i heard Ethan voice then turn to him.

“Declan i hope you’re not mad or angry or sad about what i told you. Am sure you knows how it feels to fall in love, am not aganist you, its just something i can’t control, i love Chloe and am sure of what am saying but unfortunately she also don’t like me, afterall in life we don’t always get what we want,” he said while i felt like punching him but i just kept quiet.

“Ethan i just hope you’re doing the right thing,” i said then walked pa-ssed. I hope Chloe will chose the right person, is now either i or Ethan. Why is everything turning out this way to me.

✴️Few days later

? Jasmine’s POV?

I sip my drink then smile at what mom told me.

“am gonna miss you mom, it just weekend, trust me,” i said while she nodded.

“Jasmine dear am sure you know how much i love your father and he also loves me too, i just want a happy home i don’t want you and Sean to be affected in anyway cos you’re the only children we have, do you still believe Chloe is your father’s daughter? mom asked.
“am not gonna believe that, that’s why i call her bastard,” i said while mom smiled.

“Anton has confirm everything himself from his personal doctors, the DNA test was right and from two different hospitals, Anton isn’t her biological father the real father of Chloe is Jake, your mom’s ex and he’s no more,” mom said while i rolled my eyes.

“that’s why i’ll never get to accept them,” i said while mom hug-ged me.

“please just take care of yourself for me,” she said while i nodded. I called my nanny to help me get my things ready, it friday and i decide to fulfil my promise just as i told Camille. I walked to the sitting room to check on dad but meet Sean busy with his laptop.

“hey aren’t you gonna miss me? i asked while he smirk.

“am only gonna miss your troubles..hope you won’t cause trouble to them? Sean asked while i moved closer then dragged his hair.

“ouch! that hurts you know,” he said then fling my hands away.
“are you trying to pull out my hair,” he said angrily while i laugh.

“yes…and i have succeeded in making you angry,” i said then laugh the more to make him angry.

“you’re so bad and that’s why Ethan chose someone more better than you,” he said while my smile faded away. I was now angry, i hate anyone to talk to me that way.

“Sean just thank God you’re my brother and dad will scold me if i beat you,” i said while dad walked in and Nanny hanny, she was holding my little fancy bag. I called my driver to wait for me outside.

“are you ready for this? dad asked while i nodded.
“please Jasmine i don’t want you to cause more pain to Camille and her family if you know you’ll gonna cause more troubles just stay back with us,” dad said while i rolled my eyes.
“dad.. i have every right to get to know that woman,” i said while he sighed.

“you see you should learn to call her mom,” he said while i frown, why is dad acting so cool now.

“whatever, i have to go,” i said then hug-ged him.

“just take care and don’t believe whatever they told you because they might poison your mind against us, am only allowing you go because of one thing,” he said.

“and what could that be? i asked while he smiled sadly.
“because you insisted to go and i will do anything for my princess,” he smile while i smile back but i felt he’s kinda lying to me.

“okay then, Sean make sure you behave well to dad and mom,” i said while he laugh sarcastically.

“i should be the one to tell you that, bad a-ss,” he said while i laugh then went outside, am gonna miss Sean but he never supported me in anything i do, he’s just different and anyone who knows us well will hardly believe am his sister because he’s the opposite of me. He’s calm, nice and kind to poor people, we are really two different people but no matter what am his sister and he have to learn to support me in all i do, i love him so much but i sometimes hate the way he talk to me about my life. Well it my life, i live it the way i want and i do what i want.

?Chloe’s POV?

I can’t believe Jasmine is on her way to our house, i felt so happy but mom was more happier, the house was well arranged and here we are in the kitchen making her favorite dishes because i called Ethan and he told me about her favorites.

Few minutes on, everything was done and i set the dining table, everything was just perfect and i hope Jasmine will appreciate it. Mom make sure her room is painted with a white and blue color cos that’s her best color according to what Ethan told us, Mom seems to be happy and of course am happy to see my sister here in our house.

“I hope Jasmine will like all this,” mom said smiling while i smiled back.

“of course mom, i still have the pictures you gave me,” i said then showed her the picture of me and Jasmine when we were kids.

“from the little i know i just want to remind her of our childhood days and i want her to know how much i miss her all this years,” i said while mom hug-ged me.

“Jasmine will be so happy,” mom said while i smiled. We had the doorbell rang and we know it must be her.

“i’ll go and open the door,” i said to mom while i went to the door and was happy to see Jasmine….my long lost sister… I wish we were never separated..⏩
.hmmm… Jasmine in their house!!

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