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What A Deal - S01 E57

Story 1 month ago

What A Deal - S01 E57

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 57

It had started out with our regular routine. We had a normal family dinner and then the kids did homework and went off to their rooms. I gave Bill the sign that it was time for me to take charge by saying the words "Princess Time". That meant that it was time for Bill to wait on his princess me. We went to our room and I made him undress me and then undress himself and kneel in front of me. I had read quite a few stories by now and was getting a feel for how to push him. But the ultimate surprise this night would be the one he gave me later.

"My little slave, you are not allowed to curn tonight unless you are very, very good to your princess." He nodded and then leaned over without prompting and kissed my feet. I loved it.

"Get my bath ready. I will be in here waiting." He ran off to do so and I lay on the bed, running my hands over my body. I was getting really horny and hot doing this to Bill.

He came back in. "Princess, your bath is ready."

I stood up, entered the bathroom, and got into the tub. Bill sat next to me and washed my entire body very slowly and sensuously. I was getting very turned on now. I leaned forward and he washed my hair. I loved that part the most. It felt so wonderful to have him wash my hair and massage my scalp. When he was done, I stood up and he rinsed me off. His dick was hard and leaking.

I took his head in my hands. "Remember, you cannot cum without

permission, my cute little slave."

"Yes, Princess."

I sat on the edge of the tub and he lathered and shaved my pussy.

It felt warm and tingly from all the attention. After he rinsed it and dried it, I decided I needed an orgasm. "I need to cum slave. Come into the bedroom and eat my pussy and ass."

I walked into the bedroom and crawled into bed. I lay down and pulled my legs up. Bill gat between my legs and started eating my pussy. I had trained him how like it and he did it right. He planted light kisses all over my pussy lips at first. Then he tongue fucked me a little while. That really got my juices running. Once I was nice and wet, I pulled my legs back and pushed his head down and he knew that I wanted him to kiss and lick my asshole. That just gets me so hot. Finally, once I directed his head back up to my pussy, he could tell that it was leaking and my breathing was getting short and I wanted to cum. He slipped a finger into my pussy to rub my g-spot and quickly sucked on my clit and I had a tremendous orgasm. I found that only squirt a little, but I put out enough juices that leak out that I can leave a big wet spot. He did a very good job.

"Thank you, slave. You have done very well. Stand up."

Bill stood up and his dick was leaking precum pretty well. I stared at it. "You don't get to fuck my pussy except on special occasions now, but you can fuck my feet. He didn't even flinch at that pronouncement. He seemed to really be enjoying the game.

I put my feet out and he took them. I spread my knees apart and he stared at my wet, glistening pussy as he took my feet, put the soles together, and started fucking them. He started slowly fucking my feet and I couldn't believe it. I thought that he might give the safe word and protest about this, but he seemed to love it. He fucked my feet like it was the best pussy in the world and in only about two minutes started cumming. His cum shot out four or five times with enough force to reach my tits. I had not seen him cum like this for a long time. Apparently, some denial had worked. I had several lines of cum from my tits to my pussy and the rest just dribbled over my feet. I looked down at the mess and up at him.

"Slave, you've made a mess of me. You didn't ask permission to make a mess of Princess. Please clean it up immediately."

I expected him to go into the bathroom and get a washcloth, but evidently he had been turned on by the stories he had read about men eating their cum off women. He dropped to his knees and took my feet and slowly licked them clean. Then he stood up, leaned over and started licking from near my pussy up to my tits.

He licked and licked and cleaned up every drop. I was almost in

shock. When he was done he stared at me and I stared back. I put my hand out to him and said the safe word and he tumbled to the bed and cuddled with me.

"That was amazing, Bill."

"Yes, it was. I got that from the stories you told me to read. The men in those stories always cleaned up their women orally."

"What do you think about that now that you've done it?"

"Well, I was petrified at first. All my life I've assumed that it was gay to do so, but actually loved that it was my wife, my Princess that I was cleaning up. I would have done anything for you in that moment.

"Would you really do anything for me?"

"Yes, Princess, my beautiful wife. I would"

"You know my sex drive is much higher than yours.' I was hesitant to bring it up, but there was no time like right after this last escapade.

"Yes, I know. It always has been. Now that I'm a little older, I notice it more. I know you have a vibrator and use it to make up for it."

I stared at him, "You know about that?"

He smiled. "Yeah, I found it a while ago, but I figured that it wasn't doing any harm as long as you were using that to get off when I couldn't or didn't feel like sex. It was better than cheating on me."

"And what about with Dennis at the party? You said that it was quite hot. Would you ever want to see that again?" held my breath, wondering if I had gone too far.

He thought about it for only a couple of seconds. "I would love to see my Princess getting the sex that she deserves. You are a beautiful woman, wife, and mother and we have been together for 18 years. I've read those stories and the logical arguments that some of those writers have made. It put more things into perspective for me and, if you will bear with me, I'li explain what I have in mind. I love waiting on you and I love seeing you cum. I know this is a game, but it's a game that I like. I can't be a full time slave, but the game is cool. I now know that our relationship is whatever we want it to be. After all that, I have been thinking about seeing you fuck Dennis again since you asked me the first night after it happened. I know what I want now and I want you to enjoy

your physicality. I want you to be the woman you are, not what society claims you should be. I would agree to you having sex with him, or actually any other man, on four conditions. First, we are a family. It must not ever interfere with the children, our family, or any of our friends. They cannot know about this. That is paramount. Secondly, these are not affairs of the heart. These are purely physical relationships and if I think that it will affect the love we have for each other I will stop it in an instant. Thirdly, you must always tell me beforehand that you are going to have sex with someone and then share the details afterward. I remember how you were when describing some of our encounters when we were young. Just the describing was wonderful for us both. I want to hear the intimate details and share them. I want to take care of you and make you cum again while you are telling these stories. If I ever find out that you have hidden something from me, then that is cheating and will not be tolerated. Finally, I want to continue some of our little games here. I am not into physical pain like some of the characters in those stories, but I love waiting on you and I love how you make me wait to have an orgasm. Denying me an orgasm for several days, as you just saw, meant that I was really hard, had a lot of cum, and had a wonderful orgasm. We must continue this as it was so enjoyable for me. There. I've actually been thinking about this all day. What do you think?"

I was flabbergasted. Did he just say that I could go out and get fucked whenever I wanted? Did he just give me permission to do this as long as I called him and told him? I stared at him for a second and then I threw my arms around him and tears started streaming down my face.

I cried for a couple of minutes and then pulled back. I wiped my eyes. He was staring at me with apprehension. "Darling Bill, I think that that shows me more about how much you love me than anything you have ever done in your life. I can't believe that you just said that. I don't know if and when will take advantage of what you just said, but you are a beautiful and strong man to allow me to do so. Even if I never do so, I love you for saying that you want me to be happy, that my sexual fulfillment is as important to you as it is to me. And if I do take advantage of it, I will do so sparingly and always tell you and think about you allowing me to do it. I don't know anyone who loves his wife this much. Thank you."

I hugged him some more, cried some more, and then he did

another amazing and loving thing. He got up, came back with a

washcloth to make sure my body was very clean, tucked me into

bed, cleaned up in the bathroom, and then got back into bed to

cuddle with me. He spooned up against me and whispered in my

ear. "Good night, my sweet, beautiful Princess."

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What A Deal - S01 E56

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