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What A Deal - S01 E56

Story 1 month ago

What A Deal - S01 E56

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 56


We push Suzanne to cuckold Bill... and he agrees

From the last story

I looked at the clock. It was now 3am. "Okay, let's shut this place down."

We closed up the house and all traipsed upstairs. I think we were all asleep within 10 minutes of climbing into bed.

Recurring Cast

Dennis, 41 years old, 5' 11', 175 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, Cindy's husband.

Cindy, 41 years old, 5' 4", 105 pounds, brown hair, blue eyes, Dennis' wife.

Diane, 41 years old, 5'7', 140 lbs, auburn hair, green eyes, recently divorced friend of Cindy's.

Becky, 38 years old, 5'9", 155 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes, Cindy's friend, widow.

Jack, 42 years old, 6, 185 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, Louise's husband

Louise, 38 years old, 5' 4", 130 lbs, blonde hair, brown eyes, Jack's wife.

Jackie, 19 years old, 56, 125 pounds, dark brown hair, blue eyes, neighbor girl.

Katy, 19 years old, 5'6", 115 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes, Jackie's friend, now Dennis' sub.

Suzanne, 36 years old, 5'5", 125 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, neighborhood acquaintance.

Bill, 38 years old, 5'9", 170 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, Suzanne's husband.

On New Year's Day we all slept in. When we woke up, I think everyone was a little too hung over to think of sex without food so we all gathered in the kitchen over the hour between 11 and 12 and ate some breakfast. Gloria was wearing one of the spare robes we had and it couldn't completely cover her big tits. But we were all tired, too hung over, and too hungry to do anything about it. Cindy and Katy were feeling pretty bad. They were small in stature and the alcohol had hit them hard.

We decided to call it a day and Katy, Gloria, and Diane went home.

However, Gloria made us promise to get together to play again.

Suzanne came over at about 4pm and I had planned my discussion with her by then. I told her that I thought her husband was submissive and that I wanted her to test that over the next couple of weeks. I made her read a cuckold story on line and then gave her the url of several web sites. I told her how I wanted her to handle it so that he would play a submissive game and then she should bring up how he watched me fuck her on the couch. She should see what his reaction to that would be. I explained that she should then move into the realm of stating her desires to have more sex and that she needed it more than he did. I told her to read the web sites and that would call her in 10 days. We were going to be on a ski trip the next weekend and I wanted them both to come back to our house in two weeks to test my theory. Suzanne was very quiet and stared at me. Finally, when I was completely done, she seemed to voice her concern.

"I'm not sure I can do this. We have to be very careful with the kids around. My daughter is 17 and my son is 12. They can't know anything about this."

"Suzanne, you will figure it out. They will want to visit their friends a lot and you will have plenty of time to work on Bill while they are at school and you are between showing houses. Also, you can fuck him, but always be in the dominate position. Then when it gets to Wednesday before you have to come back here, I want you to deny him an orgasm. Tell him he has to wait until you guys come back to my house. Understand?"

Suzanne stared. "I think so." She sat there, staring at the ground, thinking. Finally she looked up at me and seemed to have made her mind up. "Okay, I'll bring it up and see what happens. I think I will enjoy it some, but still love my husband. I don't want him to become some little dependent wimp."

"Suzanne, it's not that way. Explain to him that he will not be a slave. It's just a game that the two of you will play to enhance your sex life. He will, however, be cuckolded. You have to make it clear that he will agree that you can have sex with other men, but he can't have sex with other women without your express permission. You will do it whenever you want, but he will always know. You will not lie to him or have illicit affairs. You will always tell him when you get home. It's strictly sex to satisfy your sexual desires. Keep reminding him that you love him and will never leave him, but you need sex more than he does. Also, tell him that he has to save himself for you because you are the one with the strong, dominant sex drive. I think I'm right about that."

Suzanne sighed. "Yes, that's true."

"Suzanne, let me ask you about that day at the gas station." She blushed and looked at her feet. "You ate pussy pretty easily. It seems to me that you have been holding something back on Bill already. You've obviously done that before."

She hesitated and then finally met my gaze. "When I was young and in college my roommate and I were lovers for three years. I loved her. I have never before or since met a woman that I loved like that. It ended when she went home after graduation and got married.

I pushed some more. "Okay. I understand. Now want you to go home and work on this immediately, okay?"

She started to stand. "Okay"

I put my hand on her arm. "Just a second. Before you leave, you need to suck my cock."

She knew I used the rude words for effect and shrugged it off. "I know."

I smiled and she knelt there and gave me an excellent blow job. She swallowed every drop.

I walked her to the door. "One other thing, Suzanne. What do you think about Bill cleaning out your cunt after someone has cum in It?"

She stared at me. 'I couldn't do that to him."

"Okay, but if he really gets into making sure that he pleases you, he may want to. Just remember to reinforce that your sexual happiness is also his goal. Read the stories and see where the women play games with their husband and some actually become full time dominants over them. You will see the kinds of things that I'm talking about."

Suzanne left and I wondered how far this would go or if she would really do this.

By the time we returned from our ski trip, I had spoken to Suzanne every day and she was shocked at how Bill had gone along with everything.

The first night she started with the New Year's Eve Party. She asked him if he had liked it when she had fucked Dennis and they had both asked him to watch. He sheepishly admitted that he did. Suzanne asked him if it turned him on. He said yes. She then asked if he wanted to play some more and she started by asking him to bathe her and shave her legs and pussy. She said he loved that and when she was done she made him eat her until she came. She told him that during their games her sexual satisfaction was the only one that mattered. She would let him cum only if he was very good. When we talked I made sure that she reinforced her love for him before and after their games. She said she did and that he admitted that he loved waiting on her. Suzanne gave him some of the site addresses that I had given her with the cuckold and domination themes and told him that he had to read them. Finally, after about 10 days, Suzanne said he was really getting into it and it was one of their most important nights. Here is what happened in her words.

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What A Deal - S01 E55

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What A Deal - S01 E57

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