Fate - S01 E28

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Fate - S01 E28

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 28

Chloe’s POV?

I and Erica quickly rushed to mom’s ward and meet her trying to stand up.

“mom, where are you going? i asked while she smile seeing me.

“mom what happen? i asked then hug-ged her, it a good thing nothing bad happen to my mother, i can’t stand to see her in pains, i love her so much.
“am fine, can’t you see okay. Your mother is a strong woman, no matter how many times i get hurt i still survive it because it not my time to leave this earth. I know i still have many more years to take care of my children,” mom said with teary eyes while she hug-ged me and Erica.

“please mom next be careful. Aunt Cecily has not yet recover and you want us to suffer another heartbreak,” Erica said in tears.

“am fine my pretty girls. Nothing bad has happen,” she said while i smile.

“seems, mother and daughters are having a good time,” a male voice said from behind.

“you again, you should please leave,” i said kinda pissed. I can’t stand to see him, he just hurt my mom.

“can you leave,”i said again while mom held my hand.

“Chloe.. please let hear what he have to say,” mom said while i rolled my eyes.

“am sorry or what happen, it actually my driver’s fault,” he said while i frown.

“hey.. stop blaming your driver. Can you just accept the fact that you try to hurt my mom,” i said angrily while Erica gave me a sad look.

“stop it Chloe,” she whisper to me.

“Chloe,” mom scolded.

‘mom am sure you know how much i love you right, i can’t stand to see you hurt or stand to see whoever that hurt you,” i said sadly.

“okay am sorry.. it all my faults, am really sorry,’ the man said.
“it okay, am fine now,” mom said then stood up.

“thank you then. Well am Sebastain,” he said.

“oh! okay am Camille,” mom replied while i rolled my eyes.
” meet my two daughters,” mom said pointing me and Chloe.

“this Erica,” mom said.
“and this Chloe,” mom said while the man smiled.
“look girls, it wasn’t intentional, i can see how much you love your mom,” he said.

“mom are you sure you don’t need to rest? Erica asked.
“sure, i need to see your aunt,” mom said.

“i can you drive their, i just want to help,” he pleaded.

“no sir, we’re fine. No need for this,” mom said while he dip his hand in his pocket then brou-ght out some money.

“okay then this for you, please don’t reject this,” he said.

“no need for this. I and my daughters are fine,” mom said then walked out while we followed her from behind. What sort of man was that. I don’t like him already.
?We arrived at the hospital to visit Aunt Cecily, it a good thing she’s fast recuperating.

“aunt,” i and Erica said at the same time while we sat down close her.

“i miss you two.. how are you? she asked while we smiled.
“fine aunt..,” i said afterall no need of telling her what happen to mom she might just get worried.

“i will just buy something for us to eat,” i said then stood up.
“am so hungry now, be fast about it,” Erica said while i chuckle before leaving. Am happy now Aunt Cecily is getting better and nothing bad happen to mom. I don’t know how my life would ever be without my mother.
I, mom and Erica spent more time at the hospital with aunt Cecily, i even forgot about my job. I know Ethan and his family will be mad at me but i don’t care. My family should always come fisrt before any other thing.

Later in the evening, mom decided to stay with aunt while i and Erica went home to make dinner.

“Erica i was so scared i might lose mother,” i said while she smiled.

“Don’t you trust her, have you forgotten what she told us. Mom is a strong woman, she’s our super woman, do you think she will just die and leave us to suffer. I have so much trust in her and i wish to be strong as her,” Erica said while i smiled.
“okay then..we’re both lucky to have mom,”i said while we laughed.
? The next morning Erica went to school while i hurried to the hospital to check on mom and also aunt. I also brou-ght them breakfast then hurried to Ethan place, i just hope no one get mad at me this time.

I press the doorbell and the first person i saw was Declan, with a smile on his li-ps.
“good morning Chloe,” he said while i felt surprise to hear him greet me.

“morning,” i replied with a small smile then walked in and saw Ethan busy with his laptop.

“you didn’t show up yesterday Chloe, you didn’t make lunch talk more of dinner,” Ethan scolded.

“am sorry.. my mom was involved in a minor accident, so i had to leave,” i said while Declan gasped.

“what! is she fine?.. you should take a leave then to take care of her,” Declan said rushing his words, i felt kinda surprise, i thought he would scold me just the way he always do.
“she’s fine, that’s why am here,” i said while he nodded.
“just be fast with the breakfast,” Ethan yelled at me and i wonder why the hell he was angry or has Declan transferred his anger issues to him. Declan is now the one being nice and Ethan he’s the one scolding me. Those two brothers are just difficult to und-erstand atimes. I walked to the kitchen to make their breakfast using the timetable i was given. This house is so huge and i wonder why they doesn’t have a maid at first, i guess Jasmine also have a maid, and also her own nanny. What a luxury! I was done with the breakfast and their father insisted i join them to have breakfast. Am honored to eat on the same table with them.
“so dear, you said you have three siblings? their father asked while i nodded.

“and your parents? who are they? their mom also asked. Why are the concerned about my families.

“mom, dad! she’s just a maid. Why asking about her background, she’s not even suppose to eat with us on the same tabel because she’s not our family,” Ethan said kinda pissed, why is he angry and want to unlash the anger on me.

“okay fine… i just like her,” their father said while i nodded with a small smile.

“we were suppose to meet with our investors yesterday but he said he had an accident.. so till today,” Ethan said.

“Accident? Declan asked.
“yes, it just a minor accident, he’s fine. I think am already late i need to leave,” He said then stood up and left without giving a second look to anyone.
Ethan’s POV?

Am damn angry with everyone because i couldn’t control what my heart is always beating for. Am so mad at Chloe because i miss her, she haven’t come yesterday nor call me. Well their’s nothing between us, i shouldn’t blame her, i felt so sorry when she said her mother had an accident but thank goodness she said she’s fine.
I arrived at the company and Sir Anton said they investors have already arrived.

“meet Mr. Sebastain,” Sir Anton introduce him to me and other staff.

“you’re welcome,” i said then shook hand with him, he looks kinda familiar to me and i was surprise to see him stealing a glance at me during the meeting. I wonder if we’ve meet before. Well sometimes we kinda feel attached to some people even thou we are not related to them, from what i heard about him he’s so rich and successful.

After the meeting which went on well Mr. Antonio call me to his office, i wonder what he gonna discus with me, well maybe it about the business.

“Ethan, you don’t know how proud i am to have you work here. Nicholas was right when he said you’re smart,” he said while i smile.

“thank you so much sir, am sure you know how much pa-ssion i have to work here” i said.

“i just want to ask what happen between you and my daughter? he asked while i felt sad already. Jasmine must have told him everything. I respected Sir Anton so much so it wouldn’t be good if i hurt his daughter but i just have to by telling her i don’t love her. Can’t she und-erstand that!

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