Extra Credit - S01 E02

Story 8 months ago

Extra Credit - S01 E02

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 2

Dante's easy-going grin spread across his face. He didn't carry an ounce of smug bravado like most athletes I'd come across at Fenton. Instead he seemed like a genuinely nice guy. That's probably one of the reasons why Coach Whitmore didn't mind having him around. The Fenton Bulldogs had their very own gym to mess around in, but Dante opted to use the facilities over here a couple times out of the week. I didn't get around to asking why—figured that it wasn't my business—but if I had to make a guess, it would be because the boxing gym was more low-key. There were less people breathing down your neck, waiting for machines, and no juice-heads blasting heavy-metal to get them through their sets.

"So far so good, man," Dante said. "We got a good group of guys this year. I'm fairly confident that we're going to take it all the way."

"That's good to hear, man. You guys deserve it."

"No chance I can convince you to try out mid-season? I don't think it will take much to get Coach Lopez on board." He landed a light punch on my bare shoulder. "We could use a couple more agile players."

I offer up a smile. This wasn't the first time Dante had hinted at me to try out for Fenton's football team. Boxing aside, I wasn't much of a sports guy. I didn't grow up following anything or worshipping a team. The only competitive sports team I was a part of was soccer back when I was six. And that didn't last. It didn't take long from my mom to figure out that I definitely was not a team player. I'd rather get things done on my own. It was easier that way. No one else to depend on, no one else to blame if shit goes sideways.

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