Donigspain - S01 E09

Story 3 years ago

Donigspain - S01 E09

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 9

I never blinked an eyelid all

through the night as my mind

kept racing and pacing over

many thoughts. I kept weighing

through options like ‘what if this

girl declines to my offer?’, ‘what

if she responds to my offer with

a slap?’, ‘what if she goes ahead

to broadcast this secret mission

to the whole students?’, ‘what if

she reports me to the school


I was so buried in thoughts that

I never knew when morning

came. It was the amplified voice

of a preacher on her ‘morning

cry’ evangelism that brought me

back to reality as I quickly flashed

my torch on our wall clock.

‘5:30am! Chei, the time don dey

reach o,’ I shouted. With heavy

eyes from a sleepless night I rose

up and walked straight to the

toilet where I eased myself

before making my way back into

my room. ‘I.G Spain, are you still

sleeping? It’s morning already

come over to the parlour so we

can have our morning devotion,’

mum called out to me. I

sluggishly dragged myself to the

parlour where I met my mum

already in her usual spiritual

posture while I used the corner

of my eyes to give signal to my

dad who visibly looked

uninterested and unwilling with

the early morning religious

gathering but could not back-out

since he was supposed to lead

by example as the head of the

family. My dad equally returned

my wink with a quick jestful nod

which I recognized to vocally

translated to ‘dude, better

package yourself before holy

mama gets angry.’ I smiled

before kneeling down when I

saw how ignorant my mum was

on what had transpired right in

her face.

Soon it was time to leave for

school, I had taken my bath, ate

and wore my school uniform

when I remembered that I had

given my belt to one ‘shoe-

maker’ in the neighbourhood to

help create extra two holes on

the belt for me. I ran to his shop

but was shocked to see it locked.

‘Chei, this can’t happen to me

atleast not today. Ewoo, how will

I look like before this girl without

a belt on? Today of all days!’ I

cried with both hands now on

my head. I was already running

out of time, so I decided to leave

my fate in the hands of time. Only

time will tell.

I came to school and went

straight to my locker where I sat

down, bent over and continued

wallowing. I was unreasonably

startled when someone tapped

me on the shoulder and I turned

to see Mike grinning like the

donkey character in the movie

Shrek. ‘Guy, I’ve just asked

Ugochi to help me tell her friend

that you wish to have a word

with her after school today. So

you better be ready cuz

everything is set,’ Mike said with

this look on his face that made

me think he is actually an idi.ot at

that moment.

*Can’t you see am having a bad

day already? If I slap you now

people will say am not a good


‘Ok bro, thank you,’ was the only

thing I could force out of my lips.

‘Don’t mention. What are friends

for?’ Mike asked rhetorically as

he waltzed out of the class in an

annoyingly happy mood.

With the sounding of each

lesson’s bell I was reminded of

what is to come by 2pm which is

the official dismissal time of the

school. My heart would always

skip whenever the huge bell

makes that ‘gbon gbon’ sound

signaling the beginning or the

end of a lesson ‘period’ while I

would curse under my breath for

getting myself in this mess.

Whatever that was taught that

day made absolutely no sense to

me. What’s the need of food to a

dead man? My buttocks was

glued to my sit all through the

day even during break period.

Soon it was five minutes to

dismissal and I began arranging

myself in preparation for my first

wooing challenge. I must say I

even contemplated running away

immediately the last bell rang but

I gathered myself and braved up.

I kept arranging and rearranging

my books as a delay tactics

thinking she would leave

immediately school dismissed

atleast I would tell Mike she left

without seeing me. A good

excuse that would keep my self

esteem intact. I was still in my

delay tactics when I sensed

human movement around me

and I turned. Lo and behold,

there stood this girl right in front

of me. ‘Hi, Ugochi told me you

wanted to see me after school.

Here am i now,’ she said with an

emotionLESS face and instantly

my brain froze.

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Donigspain - S01 E08

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Donigspain - S01 E10

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