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Little Lucy - S01 E17

Story 3 years ago

Little Lucy - S01 E17

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 17

” Take your time,” Efua said, handing me a chocolate. ” Don’t rush anything.”

I collected the chocolate bar and unwrapped it. ” Why do you always eat a chocolate while reading?”

We were seated beside each other in the room—all alone.

Efua was right about the hostel being lively at night. Everyone was busy reviewing their books for tomorrow’s big test.

” Why I eat chocolate?” Efua laughed. ” Well, it’s scientifically proven that chocolate helps the brain while studying. You understand better with a bar of chocolate at hand.”

Now I understood why she always had a chocolate every night she was studying.

” And umm…” I paused. ” You’re always naked when studying. Mind explaining that?”

Efua pointed at a maths problem. ” Try solving this one. Use that equation, subtract it and divide it by 5″

She was avoiding my question but I didn’t bother asking her any further questions.


For the next two hours after dinner, we’ve been sitting before each other, working on different questions.

Efua was good. She teaches with patience and understanding. It was quite easy to understand her better than my teachers.

But I wasn’t comfortable with her. She was getting too close for my liking.

At one time, she’d kiss my neck and fondle my boôbs as she taught me. I allowed her some liberties for a while but whenever she was taking it too far, I’d give her space.

It was one of the weirdest tutoring I’ve ever experienced.

” Have you guys done set?” She asked, studying my maths textbook.

” Not yet,” I said. ” That’s SS.2 work scheme.”

” Don’t be surprised to see it in your test tomorrow,” she smirked.

I raised an eyebrow. ” No kidding.”

” That’s how this school runs their test,” she smiled, shifting closer to me. ” If you really want to outsmart them, you’ve got to combine your studies with that of the senior classes. They mix questions up.”

” That’s unfair,” I nearly cried. ” How else do these guys want us to pass.”

” Hey, I’m here for you,” she wrapped her arms over my shoulder. ” That’s why you’ve got to trust me. I’ll make sure you don’t fail. The results won’t be great but you’re certain to get a pass mark if you stick to me and listen attentively.”

I was more than ready to do anything. ” Alright, Efua. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”

She batted her lashes at me. ” You seriously would do as you’re told?”

I nodded. ” Anything. So long as I get to pass my test tomorrow.”

” Alright,” she stood to her feet and pulled off her shirt.

” What are you doing?” I asked, shocked when she removed her bra and dropped it on the floor.

” It’s part of your lessons,” she said sitting down before me and I could see her small br**sts boinged a little. ” Now take off your shirt as well.”

” I’m not taking off anything,” I said, startled. ” Why would you strip yourself naked?”

” I always read naked Because that’s how we were taught.”

” Taught by who?” I asked.

She folded her hand and regarded me. ” You talk too much Lucy but it’s alright, I’ll let the cat out of the bag. You see, I’m in some sort of secret reading group. It’s called the LILIES.”

I wasn’t surprised but I didn’t give her any impression that I was either.

” You see, when the body is opened, it’s more exposed to anything. Studying with your body is another form of magic that’s unknown in the world today. Nakedness has for ages been one of the most powerful thing that’s been created between man and woman since creation. Once the body is exposed, anything else outside is easily absorbed into the body especially words. Now this is a secret only the LILIES knows. It’s gonna help you. Trust me.”

” But Collette doesn’t study naked,” I defended.

” Collette studies naked as well,” Efua scoffed. ” She just doesn’t do it when in the presence of others.”

I don’t like this. My eyes couldn’t get off those two small boôbs. How else does she want me to concentrate with her looking like that?

Efua sighed. ” If you don’t want to do it you can just say so.”

I tried smiling it off. ” I appreciate your help but that’s not something I feel comfortable doing. I’m sorry but I’ll pass.”

She shrugged. ” It’s your life. Alright, try focusing on this particular topic.

She pointed at the topic and we resumed our tutoring.

She still hadn’t wore back her bra. Her nîpples were as visible as the heavens and they rubbed against my flesh from time to time.

” Focus, Lucy,” she said without looking at me. ” Try to concentrate.”

” I can’t with you looking naked beside me,” I said at last. ” Do put some clothes on.”

She shooked her head. ” Not happening. My nakedness are to motivate you. Just pretend as if I’m not naked and focus on what you’re doing.”

I tried but it wasn’t working.

Three hours went by, four hours, five, six until it was 1:00.am.

By now my eyes were heavy with sleep but I could clearly say that I learnt some stuffs with Efua’s help. I felt I could face my test without any problem.

” Time you go to bed,” she yawned tirelessly. ” Come on Lucy, you need to rest. No matter how hard you study you need a nice sleep to refresh your brain for today’s test.”

She was right. I was deadbeat anyways.

” Thanks a lot, Efua,” I stood up as well and stretched. ” You’re a lifesaver.”

She smiled, came over to me and wrapped her arms on my waist. ” Anything for you, my pet.”

I laugh uneasily as I tried to break free from her grip. ” So I guess I’ll return back to my room.”

” Oh nonesense,” she drew me closer, caressing my cheeks with her fingers. ” Let’s spend the night together.”

I gulped. ” I don’t think that’s a good idea. Collette—”

” Oh forget Collette,” she said softly and kissed me.

I closed my eyes as I felt her s-----g my lips gently. Her hand went to my a$s and she squeezed at it.

It felt good and I opened my mouth. Her tongue suddenly went in my mouth and I felt her saliva.

I tried pulling away but she pushed me to the bed and climbed on me. Before I could blink an eye, she had already unbuttoned my shirt and was pulling down my bra.

I pushed her away. ” Stop it. What are you doing?”

She was surprised. ” What does it look like I’m doing? You and I are going out, aren’t we?”

I shooked my head, trying to think more straight. I don’t want to get raped cause from the way she was looking I can tell she was as h---y as a stray dog.

” Why don’t we skip this for tonight after the test,” I said, sharply. ” Once I passed, we can both celebrate in a much better way. Just the two of us.”

Her frown vanished and she relaxed. She seemed to buy the idea. ” Well, alright. Sorry about that, Lucy. It’s just that….I couldn’t control myself. You’re Soo irresistible tonight. Well, if you insist, it’s your body. I can’t force you. Tonight, right?”

I nodded, buttoning my shirt. ” That’s right. After I passed my test, I’ll come to you.”

She jumped on the bed and laid beside me. ” I can’t wait, my pet. We’d both have the room to ourselves.”

But I wasn’t listening to her. I was wondering what she would do when after C.A test is over and I dodged her instead.

It was a mistake to have come here. I should’ve listened to Collette.


C.A test.

Everyone sat in their respective classes as we began our tests. I was surprised when we were each given a personal laptop.

This was shocking. A whole laptop, just for a C.A test? How come no one ever told me?

” Tests begins at exactly 9:00.am and ends at exactly 11:15.am,” our test invigilators said. ” Each subject has ten questions each and they are all allocated with fifteen minutes each for a subject. The moment the time is up, the laptop system automatically brings in the next subject. Be snappy, be sharp and good luck.”

Yeah, good luck indeed. I’m Soo dead.

Test began immediately it stroked 9.

The first subject popped on my screen and I began answering it.

English language. Not bad, I believe I wrote well, although I didn’t do three questions.

Maths appeared. God, I tried my best. Take control.

Chemistry appeared. Oshey, no hope. I didn’t answer anything.

Physics came. I think I’ll manage with a pass on physics Because I remembered seeing some stuffs Efua taught me.

Biology. Mmmuaaaahh ?. There’s Hope for me here. I did excellently well—I think.

Other subjects came but I can’t remembering answering everything cause time was fast running out.

Sharon was right. The way time flies around here eh!

Finally, it was 11:15.am.

C.A test, done and dusted.

My back was aching when I stepped out of class. I noticed everyone was smiling and from the looks on their face, I could tell they wrote excellently well.

Sharon came behind me and jumped on my back. We laughed as she forced me to do her a piggy back.

” So how was the test?” She asked, as we headed to the tuck shop to buy some soya milk and Zobo drink to flush down with some meat pies.

” I did my best,” was all I could say. ” What about you?”

” I wrote well,” she was excited. ” I can’t wait to see our results this afternoon. Everything I read came out.”

I turned sharply at her. ” We’re having our results today?”

Sharon nodded, counting the money in her pocket. ” By 3:00.pm the results would be printed on the score board for everyone to see.”

I became tensed.

Does that mean…. everyone would get to see my result?

What if I fail?!???

I became paranoid. I couldn’t seat one place. I kept praying silently. Please give me a pass mark. Please give me a pass mark.

I saw Efua twice but I avoided her. I also saw Collette and I also avoided her as well.

I just needed sometime alone.

” Hey, take it easy,” Sharon shouted at me as I continued my restless movement in her room. ” You’re acting soo jumpy.”

” I’m just worried about my test,” I sat on Sharon’s bed. ” What if I fail?”

” Stop saying that,” she snapped, sipping on her Zobo. ” You’re not going to fail. It’s just a test. You should be more scared if it were your exams.”

” But my C.A test results would make up for a better mark during my exams wouldn’t it?”

She stopped and though for a second. ” Well, there is that part.”

” I’m doomed,” I cried, raising my hands over head.

” Come on,” she sat beside me. ” I’m sure you did your best. Come on, you can’t be that bad.”

But she was wrong.

Test results were published at exactly 2:30.pm before lunch.

We all scrambled to the score board. Everyone that left the scoreboard was smiling like a she-goat.

Sharon was even smiling. She waved me over. ” Hey Lucy, over here. Guess what I got?”

” Tell me,” I asked, forcing a smile on my face.

” 4.8 points,” she beamed. ” It’s just two points to five but I tried.”

She was right. Some girls in my class got five points. I even saw Collette and Efua’s name. They both had outstanding five points.”

” Where’s your name?” Sharon asked.

I wasn’t ready to look for my name but I joined her and searched it.

We found my name but it gave me no joy.

2.9 points.

That’s way below average. Tooo poor.

The words I saw under it broke me to pieces.


Sharon slowly turned to me. ” Lucy, I….”

She stopped when she saw the tears in my eyes. I slowly fell on my knees and buried my face in my palms, crying my soul out.

Sharon squatted beside me. ” I’m Soo sorry, Lucy. Please stand up. It’s alright. It’s just a test.”

But I didn’t listen to her. I was crying and crying and crying.

” What’s going on here?” Someone asked sharply and I instantly recognized that voice.

It belongs to Collette. I felt chilled fingers running up my spine but I didn’t turn to look her.

I was scared to.

Sharon stood up. ” It’s nothing, senior. Just that, Lucy didn’t make it past average.”

Collette was silent and I could tell she was watching me closely.

” Tell her to Meet me after lunch,” she said to Sharon and left without checking her name on the scoreboard.

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Little Lucy - S01 E16

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Little Lucy - S01 E18

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