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My Life - S01 E18 (Story Episode)

Story 4 years ago

My Life - S01 E18 (Story Episode)

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 18


Everyone was really focused on the upcoming junior WAEC and vital preparations had been put in place .. But, I was still not prepared … I woke this morning in the Hospital and I heard from the doctor I’ve been here for the past 3 days .. That long already, I was weeping already as the events began to replay in my head


Uncle Dan walked into the living room looking scattered and lifeless– he was barely walking sef

Me, Nife and Tola rushed to him at once helping to the couch as we had not seen him in such a manner, how did he even manage to drive himself home..

TOLA : Dad, what is it ?

(no response) he just kept weeping profusely

NIFE : c’mon dad, say something you’re scaring me

(no response) he was just crying himself out, he looked like someone who had his future shattered before him

ME : Uncle Dan, we can’t just sit back and watch you do this to yourself — or will like to see us cry ?

(no response again ) he seemed to increase his tears as soon as he heard my voice

ME : fine, I just start crying then ( I began faking sobs )

UNCLE DAN immediately held me and hug me tightly, I was confused as were Tola and Nife ..

UNCLE DAN : You must be strong … You can’t wipe .. No–oo You can’t !!

I was really confused But I don’t know while I felt like my heartbeat had increased by double its normal beat..

suddenly, I was nervous and began to sweat .. what was wrong ??!

Uncle Dan suddenly disengaged and left the parlor to his room, we tried holding him back but to no avail — what was really wrong..

NIFE : I’m scared o …I haven’t seen papa like this before

TOLA : Pull yourself together, its probably work

STEVE : Tola as much as I want to believe and accept that as the truth– its clearly not work; its like he lost someone really important

NIFE : But dad hasn’t cried for someone like this since mum left …. Or God, what is all this again ?


we were having dinner together in silence only the sound of cutleries on the dishes could be heard ..

after awhile, Uncle Dan cleared his throat , drawing our attention to him..


UNCLE DAN : (bends his head ) Steve, when I was driving home 2 days back.. I had a phone call from your Dad’s younger brother, Uncle femi ; He was crying as he talked so I couldn’t make out what he was saying: I hung up after sometime and waited till I got home before I called him, he picked up and said that — that —

STEVE : Uncle, that what ? I was feeling uneasy about Uncle Femi’s call

UNCLE DAN : That your family was set on fire the night before ..

STEVE : what ?!

TOLA and NIFE stared at each other …

TOLA : Dad, was there anyone inside ?

I waited to hear his response ..

UNCLE DAN : Yes, Steve’s family was inside but —

STEVE interrupts : Uncle Dan, why dint you tell since ..why ?! why ?! its been 2 days

UNCLE DAN : Because your mum survived; more like she dint die from the fire but she was unconscious, so she was rushed to the Hospital.. she woke up after some couple of hours and requested to see me ..

STEVE : where’s she now ??

Tola and Nife were a bit relieved .. at least his mum survived

UNCLE DAN : can you stop shutting me up ? when I got there, she said that the fire was from a leakage from the gas pipe — but she said that the whole incidence wasn’t right that the gas pipe was caught with a knife and the gas cooker was put on .. she said she woke up after hearing some footsteps when she got to the kitchen after following the sound of the steps she saw a man cut the pipe, put on the Cooker and jumped out from the window, she quickly ran to call your Dad but before she got there —– she heard the sound of explosion , she kept trying to wake your Dad but all to no avail — she couldn’t wake him up and she fainted after inhaling some smoke…

I was sobbing already — who would want to kill my family ? why will someone do this ?

UNCLE DAN : But she said — she heard during the day, they had a rare visitor who said his name was Mr. Barley and the man that invaded their house was definitely him ,,,,

STEVE : where is my mum ?

<<<<NO RESPONSE >>>>

TOLA AND NIFE : dad, where’s his mum right now ?

UNCLE DAN : She died today , she was already suffering from simple asphyxiates when she was rushed, the Doctors tried their best and they were surprised she could live past 24 hours …

I felt my brain shut, my legs were suddenly cold and my eyes were beginning to shut I was trying to open them .. but I suddenly blacked


who was Mr. Barley ?
who would want to kill my parents ?

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My Life - S01 E17 (Story Episode)

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My Life - S01 E19 (Story Episode)

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