Adanna - S03 E18 (Story Episode)

Story 4 years ago

Adanna - S03 E18 (Story Episode)

Read Story: SEASON 3 EPISODE 18

I knelt down crying for her to forgive me that i didnt know i was
killing her and that i was been controlled.

Me: Mercy please am very sorry i didnt know what i was doing i was
under a spell please forgive me, i have come to stay with you here

Mercy: no you wont stay here.

Me: why there is anything for me out there again since you left please
forgive me and lets live together alone here.

Mercy: there are many things there beside am not yet dead.

When she said that i stop crying and stood up walking back gently.

Me: what do you mean you are not dead, i killed you in your room and
you never wokeup.

Mercy: yes you killed me but when my members arrive for the bible
study they saw me and started praying and then i wokeup.

Me: really, so you alive?

Mercy: yes am in a dream now, am in your house in Aba.

Me: (i was so doubfounded at same time happy also) so what do i do now?

Mercy: you have to return to your body and come home then together we
will plan what to do.

Me: how can i return i dont even know where i am.

Mercy: i will guide you but first you have to return to your body
before Adanna real husband wakeup.

Me: okay okay, if i return back to my body what do i do?

Mercy: start praying speak in tongues to confuse their incantation.

Me: i dont know how to speak in tongues.

Mercy: say anything you dont understand because it will confuse them.

Me: okay Mercy, i will try my best for you.

Mercy: do your best am waiting for you here.

Me: okay Mercy, am going now.
i left her and lay down back in the coffin and then i close my eyes
and return back to my body but it seems another person is occupying my
body already because as i want to enter back my body started shaking
and shifting away from me and then i use my hand to grab it closer and
then i close my eyes and started speaking in tongues i know nothing
of, when i started speaking in tongues the body started adjusting
fitting me back little by little,
i continue firing in tongues even though i dont know what am saying
but the language just kept on coming out and even me was surprise, i
enter my body back and open my eyes, the chains were still hurt and
still hurting me and when i open my ears wide i started hearing their
incantation again, then i started firing in tongues, i speak language i
dont know and then my head started turning me as if there is
something on my head, i saw myself in a cloud with angels singing and
God sitting on his throne with Jesus christ at his right hand while
angels surround him singing hymns

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Adanna - S03 E17 (Story Episode)

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Adanna - S03 E19 (Story Episode)

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