The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 68

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 68

“Okay, so the NIA, That is National intelligence agency was formed in 86, and basically it’s tasked with counterintelligence operations and foreign intelligence while the state secret service is domestic….just like let’s say CIA and FBI or MI6 and MI5……”
“Short Sam I don’t need a lecture, it was my former job remember?” Tonye interrupted the hacker
“Right….anyway I was able to find correspondence between the counselor and a man called real shadow” he paused waiting for her reaction.

“That was the sender of the mail Rex received about 4 days ago, but he’s dead now”

“Well unless its his spirit that is sending mails and instructions, I’d say he’s very much alive” S.s said
“What do you mean…he has been Identified already, he’s dead!” she insisted
“Tonye what is the one possibility we overlooked even when the clue was staring us in the face?” Short Sam asked in a wise voice.

Tonye sighed as the car slowed down due to the traffic ahead. The good news was they were almost there, the bad news was they were almost there. “Sam, I don’t know…please tell me Anything you know” she said in a tone so tired it was almost sarcastic.
“Mr Kehinde truly was the chief of security at Sunrise steel…truly its his body lying in the morgue as we speak…but he was never the real shadow”
S.s said

“Then who? How?” Tonye was extremely baffled
“What does the name Kehinde stand for?” Short Sam said mischievously.
She rubbed her brow and considered it for a minute then she sprang up suddenly “twins!”

“exactly…where there is a Kehinde there must be a Taye or in this case Taiwo and he is the real shadow….the strange thing is he has a lot of clout…the counselor does anything he asks immediately he asks…”
“how come no one has heard of him all these while…?” she asked
“that’s the ingenuity of it all, using his brother’s identity he very well hid in the open, which was why there were sightings of him in Denmark one day and the next in Ondo.”

“My God how come no one ever thought of that” she muttered
“his identity is so buried it hardly exists…if not for the death of Mr Kehinde that blew his cover, everyone would continue thinking it was the CSO, not to talk of how easy it must have been to disappear for him cause truly that man is the real shadow…he instigated fear in the counselor himself and there was a mail I came across where he instructed the counselor to Include Fome’ in the most wanted list to smoke her out but the counselor replied regrettably that he didn’t have enough influence for that kind of decision and the real shadow replied saying he would handle it”

“So he was based in Europe?”
“Europe o, South America o, they’re plenty, he was everywhere and its hard to say which one was him which one was Mr Kehinde but I believe he’s in Nigeria at the moment”
“I don’t suppose you were able to get an address?”

“I have a direct pathway with administrator rights and a lot of information to sift through just give me some time I’d get you your address”

“Okay, I’d call you when I land….S.s thank you and good job”
“oh this is nothing, you should thank your inside man, he made this happen”
“yea right…alright I’ll keep in touch”
She ended the call and thought of what she had just learnt. Maybe she should call Bigelow at least to find out if he was okay.

As the taxi inched about the parking lot for a place to park Tonye made up her mind and called Bigelow.

“Hello Big…”
“I’d contact you…don’t call again” he interrupted her and cut the call immediately.
She got down from the taxi feeling more worried and decided to switch off the phone the minute she made contact with Kirsten. With that thought on her mind she dialed the number.

” Ma I’m waiting for you…I can see you already, just walk straight you’ll see me” her assistant said immediately she picked. Kirsten instructed her and the moment Tonye sighted her standing excitedly, tickets in hand she switched off her phone immediately. They were just in the nick of time and boarded the plane before the gate was closed.


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