The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 67

Episode 4 years ago

The Hole in The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 67


Tonye made up her mind when Kirsten sent her the flight details. The flight was scheduled to take off by 4:00 which meant she had roughly an hour to get to the airport.

Bami had finally woken up but he didn’t speak, just stared straight up into the ceiling. Rex on the other hand was very vocal even though it was obvious talking caused him immense pain. “You booked two tickets…..I…I….I’ll go with you….I have to…” he kept on saying over and over

At the end the doctor had to inject sedatives into his bloodstream knocking him into a deep slumber.

Tonye considered her next actions. She was flying to Benue. Okay.

The question was who was the second seat for? She didn’t want to involve any junior agent and then again Clyde and Buzz were there already. That was more than enough firepower.

She left the hospital after instructing the doctor not to let any one in the room. No matter who it was! The doctor nodded catching her drift.

She would call Rex’s assistant Jimoh to come stand guard.

She booked a taxi with her phone and strolled round the hospital while waiting the estimated 11 minutes before the vehicle reached her location. She worried about Bigelow, he hadn’t called in. Although they always tried as much as possible to minimize contact. That was what held her back from calling him now. He had done the mission, fulfilled his part, that was what mattered.. he wouldn’t appreciate her risking his identity with unnecessary. So she sat down in the waiting hall/reception on the ground floor and played candy crush on her phone instead.
Her phone rang when she was on a hot streak and she picked it soo fast almost without staring at the caller ID.

It was her loyal assistant.
“Hello Kirsten”
“Hello ma, did you get my message?”
“Yes…i’m heading to the airport right now”

“Is there….is there anything else I can do for you ma?”

Tonye didn’t know why but she found herself saying. “How about you accompany me to Benue I may need your assistance over there”
Kirsten shrieked happily “I would not let you down ma, I’d start heading over straight away…see you in the airport….Oh how I’ve waited so long to be on the field!”
Tonye suddenly didn’t think it was a good idea. “You know what…the situation is dangerous maybe it would be better if you just-”

But Kirsten was saying “oh I won’t let you down ma….I promise!” Then the line went dead.

The taxy finally arrived and she settled in the back seat. “Please turn on the a/c” she said

The driver was a stutterer “ah….m.-m-m-m-m-m…ma..madam…t-t-t-that one na-na extr-ra one k-k ooo”

“No problem….please step on it I’m in a hurry” she hoped Dagnet didn’t go ahead with the rapid response plan…it was bad enough that the flight was the same time the suspect had given in her message she couldn’t afford to miss the flight- Literally, with the expenses doctor Rasheed had informed her earlier plus the expenses that had been/would be spent during the course of the investigation, the agency was on a tight rope. And one flight had been wasted already….

Her phone rang breaking into her thoughts with a start. It was Short Sam.

“Hello S.s…”
“Hold on to you’re hats….cause I have something heavy to drop on you”

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The Hole In The Wall - Season 1 - Episode 68

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