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Story: True Life Story Of An Addict

Episode 8 years ago

Story: True Life Story Of An Addict

The key to the heart of every man is in the hands of his woman. No matter how rigid or stubborn a man may want to prove, it is very astonishing to know that a woman can make him look like the greatest idiot the world has ever ever seen. Some girls are just straight up angels, solution-provider and a home-maker. Well, you’ve heard people say that, ‘Behind every successful man, there is a supporting woman’, this is very truthful.

Putting things into perspective, Janet is very sweet and beautiful; sociable and catchy. The only thing I have against her is her desperate attitude to get what she want by any means possible. Besides, I have enough girls around me already: tall, slim, robust, clean, decent, fiery, humble, cocky…the list is endless.

Me: Thank you for the understanding Janet. Still, I insist on giving you something. So, what do you say?

Janet: I don’t want anything else from you save your heart, a chance to be in your life.

Me: My dear, I am sorry. I wish to but I can’t. I have given my heart to another.

She stood up, walked around the sitting room and came back to her seat,

Janet: How I wish I can have a man like you. I have never been lucky with guys Uncle Femi. I have dreamt about you and fancied my chances. Sometimes, life is just not fair to people like me.

Me: No Janet, I won’t accept that. The same life gave us the opportunities to choose what we want. Though it is true that sometimes we get lesser than what we deserved, the opportunities abound around us to make us obtain the maximum from this life. I agree with you though that we need a bit of luck to enjoy maximum impact of satisfaction and happiness, but, we must remember that we are finite, time-bound, restricted and limited. Issues of life can sometimes be a very complicated complexitiy; twists and turns, ups and downs. You just have to keep fighting until life gives you what you truly deserve.

Janet: Hmmmm! Your words are so encouraging. I wish…

Me: Wish what?

Janet: I wish you are my man; a man that will….

Me: Hold on! That reminds me. Janet, you still haven’t told me what really happened between you and your boyfriend.

Janet: Uncle Femi, that’s one area I don’t wanna talk about, please. Let’s just forget it.

Me: No Janet. Sometimes, we think we are right to do somethings that appear ideal. However, critical analysis of those things will open our eyes to see our errors. So, tell me what really happened.

Janet: Please don’t remind me of my pain.

I moved closer to her seat, wrapped my hand across her waist and said,

Me: I will be here if you’ld need a shoulder to cry on. Fireway Janet, I am here.

Janet gave a heavy sigh, looked into my eyes and held my hand,

Janet: Promise me that this will stay between us Uncle Femi?

Me: I’ve got you Janet. You can trust me.

She readjusted herself on the chair, coughed a little and continued.

Janet: I am a very very naughty gilr: raw, seedy, wayward, party-freak and a drunkard. I met my ex-boyfriend, Kelvin, popularly called Coach, at one birthday night party in Ajah. He told me he’s into spare part business in Apapa and his house is in opposite Chisco bus stop. I fell in love with him instantly because his car is one of the most expensive cars paraded that night, he’s got a decent business, he lives in a nice environment, he looked calm, collected, handsome and rich.

After about 30mins into the party, he said he’s feeling dizzy and ready to leave. I walked him up to his car and he gave me 5k at the spot to buy recharge card. I was surprised at his generosity. We exchanged numbers that evening and he drove off. I called him that same night and thanked him for his kindness, showing him my appreciation. He promised to come back and see me the following day; which he did, along side two of his friends.

To cut it short, that was how we became serious lovers. We club and party together almost every weekend until that fateful day when things got out of hands.

Kelvin and I have s*x all the time, even when I am menstruating. He was the first and only guy that had anal s*x with me. I gave in to this because, except I want to lie, he has been so supportive of me financially. Doing his bidings, I thought, was the only way to show him my gratitude for all he has been doing for me.

We were at the club one day, when he told me he wanna have s*x. I told him we should go to his house since the club is just about 15mins drive away from his house. However, he insisted we do it in his car, which I bluntly rejected. I am not a LovePeddler! Even if I have given my body to you, you should show me some respect! That was the straw that broke the camel’s back! Kelvin stormed out of the club and left me there. I ran after him but before I could get to him, he drove off, leaving his friends behind. His friends told me not to go to his house when I wanted to; they said he might get physical on me. They offered to take me to their place, a 3 Bedroom Flat in Jakande Estate. I agreed & followed them.

We took a taxi home that night. It was around some minutes past 11pm. I kept calling Kelvin’s number while we were on our way but he never answered my call. One of Kelvin’s friend who sat with the driver kept talking back and forth about things that are practically of no interest to anybody. The other one that sat with me at the backseat said nothing, he was just busy with his phone.

We got to Jakande Estate around 12midnight. Nepa had struck before we arrived home, leaving everywhere very very dark, except for few solar lights struggling to beam their light.

When we got home, one of them switched on the generator. They made me feel comfortable in all forms. Their level of hospitality that evening was highly impressive. One of them came to me and told me to follow him. He showed me where I am to sleep that evening and gave me a wrapper to cover myself if I need to. I thanked him and entered the room. I dialled Kelvin’s number again. It rang but he never answered it.

I should have agreed to Kelvin’s car action that night becaues, I regret up to this day, my decision to follow those guys home. As I la!d me down on the bed to sleep, my mind was still racing up and down, seeking to speak with Kelvin, which never materialize. I became weak and weary; my eyes heavy for sleep. So I slept off.

A soft touch on my bottom evoked my consciousness that somebody is touching me. My conscious mind struggled with my weak body for dominance and the will to get up. Eventually, my body prevailed! I opened my eyes to see where the soft touch was from or from whom. Uncle Femi, I saw these guys stark Unclad, standing beside my bed. At first I thought I was dreaming, but when I saw them smiling cynically, I knew I was in for a big deal. I sat up from my sleep fully awake and aware that things are about to get ugly.

“What’s going on here?”, I asked with a shaky voice. The first guy (Sadiq) said, “We have helped you provide a place to sleep when your boyfriend deserted you. So don’t act funny here, just cooperate.” The second guy (Nalegun) moved closer to bed on the bed, tried to grab me forcefully. I screamed and struggled with him but he succeeded in covering my mouth and preventing me from shouting. Uncle Femi, to cut the long story short, they both had their ways, turn after turns. It was excrutiating, demoralizing and a shameful experience for me. This happened to me because of Kelvin.

These guys forced themselves on me from 3am to some minutes past 4am. They left me there on the bed smiling at each other. Nalegun said afterwards, “Why you come dey form like say you no be ashawo. Kelvin told us say you be him love peddler now.” Those words cut through my mind. That was the most damaging, horrible, degrading and life-snuffing words I ever heard in my life. They left my room and slammed the door after them. I felt like committing suicide right there cos I got tired of living. Life was of no interest to me anymore. I called Kelvin’s number again and again; still, there was no answer. I called his friend living here in Ikate but his number was off. I rolled up and down the bed in agony and pain. This was not a life I signed for, not the kind of life I wished to experience. I cried and cried that morning until I lost all my strength. Sadiq came back to the room, dropped 3k on the bed and said, “You can use that for a taxi home. We’re going out by 5am, so get yourself ready; else we lock you out.” I asked myself, “Am I a rag that anyone can match on? What’s going on?” I almost cursed God that morning because the emotional pain was just too much to bear.

I had no choice but to take the money since I had none on me the night prior. I saw no reason to come with money since Kelvin was with me. True to their words, they both came back around 5am to inform me that they are leaving. Slowly and shamefully, I got up from the bed. I asked if I could take my bath but they declined. Nalegun said I should have done that immediately they left having ‘fun’ with me. That word “fun” pierced my heart like a dagger. I obeyed them and got dressed like that! They offered to drop me at the junction where I can find a taxi home but the shame of riding with the guys that just forced themselves on me could not let me agree to it. I left their house when I got dressed and walked out of the compound. I watched as they zoom off, not minding how I will find my way home.

With a slow walk of shame, I walked down the direction they drove. Since it was still dark and their was no light, I spotted a shop where there was a bench. I sat there on the bench, and kept calling Kelvin’s number with same result – no answer. I sat there crying and kept wishing what I experienced had not happened. Around 6:30am, I stopped a bike,

“Bus stop, but na 1k I get please”, I said. “No problem. Your money na #100 sha.” Within minutes, we are at the bus stop. I took a taxi to Kelvin’s house only to meet his absence.

That was why you met me that morning in such mood!

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Story: True Life Story Of An Addict

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Story: True Life Story Of An Addict

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