The Darkest Hour - Season 2 - Episode 2

Episode 5 years ago

The Darkest Hour - Season 2 - Episode 2

Few hours later, the twins returned home and found only Adaku reading a magazine in the sittingroom.

“Hi, girl” Monica sat down and began to off her shoes. Likewise her sister.
“You girls spent much time” Adaku closed the magazine.
“The journey was far” Udoka replied.
“Well, David was here and he didn’t look okay”
Udoka swiftly looked at Adaku. Her hands remaind static on her shoes. One could see a necklace made of diamond dangling on her neck. “What happened to him?” she asked.
“I just said he didn’t look okay” Adaku replied. Instantly, Udoka put back her shoes, grabbed the car key and hurried out..
Udoka unlocked the car with a remote. A red light shone at the four corners of it with a beep sound. She bounced inside, put the key in the ignition and reversed immediately. Meanwhile, the gate-man had left the gate open, so she drove off. At the school gate, the securities made way for her and she sped through. Dead leaves on the road kept moving randomly due to the velocity of the car. Students who hung around stared at the expensive car. Some thought it was a lecturer’s while those who knew Udoka notice it was hers. Already, her fame had spread all over the state and the country
at large through any available media due to the discovery of the diamonds. Yet, not all knew her in the school. She applied a break in front of David’s apartment and the car pulled to a stop.

Inside the apartment, David la!d on the bed face-up in a way his legs touched the floor. Suddenly, Udoka knocked at the door and opened it. Darkness which filled the room was subdued by a ray of dim light from the window. David glanced at Udoka then stared at the ceiling again.
“David?” Udoka closed the door behind her. She walked slowly to the bed, pulled her shoes and sat beside David. “What’s wrong?” she asked touching his cheek
full of beards but David said
nothing. When the quietness lingered he said, “You never told me you’ll be visiting old friends”
“I’m sorry” Udoka adjusted closer. Her gown slightly pulled up making her thighs visible. “I tried your number but it was switched off”
“The battery is down”
“I thought as much”
Silence took over again. Now, Udoka la!d down facing David with her legs properly closed. She placed her hand on his stomach and said, “Is that why you are upset?”
“I’m not upset” David replied.
“But you don’t look okay! You are too dull!”
“Yes, Ugonma has just been admitted to a hospital”
“Your sister?”
“Yes, she needs an urgent operation”
“Which hospital is she?”
“Federal Medical Centre far from here”
“We need to see her”
“Not today” David faced Udoka then smiled thereby stimulating a smile on her face too. He rubbed her hair gently then kissed her. “I miss you” he said.
“Just for few hours i left”
“It’s like few years to me”
Udoka smiled, she kissed him too and said, “I miss you too.” They embraced each other.


Immediately Sunny returned home with Trust, he pushed their door forcefully and began to pack his belongings. Trust became amazed looking at him with his hands folded. He couldn’t just write home about on what he was witnessing.
“Sunny?” he called. “Where are you packing your things to?”
“To my village” Sunny replied without looking at him, rather was busy putting his clothes inside a ‘Ghana Must Go’ bag.
“To do what?”
“Are u wise @all?” Sunny stood still with open eyes looking at Trust. “Look at Udoka and Monica of yesterday are driving cars living a good life all because their village has a dark forest that multiplies diamonds. So I’m going to my
village to inquire whether we have a dark forest too..”
Trust burst out laughing uncontrollably. “Do you know that you’re the biggest fool on earth?”
“Thank you” Sunday hung the bag on his shoulder and moved towards the door.
“Sunny, are you really going to the village?” Trust asked.

“Do i look like a clown to you? Even if our village doesn’t have a dark forest, it must have other treasures coz it seems like only in the village such things can be found”
“So, u are leaving your job here in the city to the village insearch of what i don’t know. Think twice oh” Trust warned. He watched Sunday leave the compound with his bag briskly. “What type of human being is this?” he soliloquized surprisingly.

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The Darkest Hour - Season 2 - Episode 1

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