My best friend's brother - Season 1 - Episode 9

Episode 5 years ago

My best friend's brother - Season 1 - Episode 9

☆☆ …
… Adam’s POV….

It’s been a couple of weeks since I last spoke to Ariel. I can’t seem to get her out of my mind no matter how much I try. I’m currently at the game talking to Josh, Nick and Bryce before the match starts.

I still haven’t spoken to that p---k Landon since out fight.

He knew Ariel was off limits. He understood the term’s and conditions of my orders and he still went against me, against my orders. I’ve seen him and Ariel talk a bit around school but not much but I still don’t like it.

“Have you guys seen my sister?” I ask looking around while interrupting their conversation.
“Are you looking for your sister or the person she’s coming with?” Bryce smirked.
“Shut the f--k up man.” I say while shoving him on the arm playfully while Josh and Nick chant ‘oohh’

“When are you planning to tell her man?” Josh asks taking a sip of his drink.

“There’s nothing to tell.” I say casually not making eye contact.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the three boys looking at me like I’ve grown another head.
“Seriously dude? You haven’t got la!d in weeks and we’re not stupid, we know the reason. ” Bryce states putting the emphasis on weeks.

“He’s right man. You –” Josh was cut off when the suprisingly silent Nick ran off into the crowd somewhere but I didn’t pay much into it.
I chat with my friends a little bit more before Nick comes back while Josh and Bryce says that they’re gonna find seats.

“Found your sister.” Nick replies nonchalantly whilst looking in the direction of the crowd.
I look to where he’s looking and don’t see anyone familiar. “Where?”

“Uh uh. I’m not looking at your sister. I’m looking at Ariel.”

I search the crowd more frantically with Nick looking at me as if to see my reaction when I find her.

My eyes widen when I spot Ariel walking to the stands with two drinks in her hands. I can see her hips swaying from the distance without her even trying. Her dark brown hair blows with the wind as her curvy figure walked to the stands.
“Yup.” Is all Nick says once he sees my eyes pop out of their socket.
“S--t.” I murmur.

“And, look at the dude that just walked up to her….” He starts while I see her talking to a guy of the opposite team. “…I tried fixing her outfit man. Where ever I adjust just shows more of her a-s, stomach or boobs.” He finishes.
“What is my sister wearing?” I ask still looking at Ariel and Mr. Quicky.

Libby is way worse than Ariel. If Ariel’s wearing such an outfit, I can’t imagine what my sister’s wearing.

“She’s cool. Her outfit actually covers her body. Its like Ariel picked out Libby’s outfit and Libby picked out Ariel’s.” He informs me.
“Hmm.” Is my only reply. Nick looked at me and smirked.

“That was my reaction too.” He says looking in the direction of where I’m looking.

All of a sudden Ariel walks off into crowd after looking back at the guy she was talking to. When she turns away from him, he fist pumps in the air and I can see his smile from here.

“P---k.” I mumble while Nick laughs.
“Wonder what they were talking about.”
“Why don’t you go ask her.” I respond seriously. I look at Nick at see him already staring at me. “What? You too get along great so go find out.”

“Why would you care?” He asks with the devilish smirk.

“Well, she is my sister’s best friend. Libby would kill me if –” I finally regain eye contact with Nick again and mentally groan when I see his amused face urging me to continue my lie.
“Stop looking at me like that and go and f-----g ask her.” I shove him while he just laughs.

“Alright dude.” He says walking off.
“Hey!” I say shouting to get his attention once again. “No touching.” I continue knowing that Nick and Ariel are always hugging. Although I know its only friendly, at least I’d like to think it is, I still hate it.

Nick responds by just flipping me off still walking away.


The crowd chants West Side Eagles from our side of the stands as I finalize our win. Yelling profanties which I can’t completely understand, I run about the field feeling estactic that we won. My team members pick me up, chanting my name as they carry me for a lap around the field before placing me on my feet again congratulating me once again.

I walk into the stands looking for my sister and a certain someone when Elle comes up to me screaming and throwing herself on me.

She throws her arms around me as she’s still in her cheerleading outfit.

“Baby! We won!” She says.

The first thought that came to my mind was we?
B---h please.

I shove her off of me looking at her dumbfounded.

Ignoring the look I gave her, she smiles seductively, placing her hands on my chest.
“We could go to my place… to celebrate.” She inquires.

I actually thoght about it for a while. I mean, this was what I needed right? A distraction. Something to take my mind off of ….her. With that being thought, I came to my conclusion……


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