My best friend's brother - Season 1 - Episode 8

Episode 5 years ago

My best friend's brother - Season 1 - Episode 8

“Oh! Hey Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw.” Libby says in a sweet voice.

“Hey sweetie.” My mom replies while returning the smile.

“Be back early.” Is all my father said in a sing song voice still looking at his newspaper.

“Okay Dad.” I say playfully rolling my eyes.
“Bye!” Libby and I both shout while running out of the house.

We jump into her car and we were off.


“Ariel!” Nick shouted in a baby voice while running to me and engulfing me in a tight hug lifting me from the ground.

“Hey! What about me?” Libby pouted.

Nick turned to her and hugged her in which she smiled widely in return.

Nick was already in is football uniform with the number 8 on his jersey.

“Hey, Nick.” I said giving him a quick hug and he gratefully returned.

“Looking good.” I say admiring him in his outfit.
He smiled brightly and then looked down at me and his smile disappeared.

Before he could say anything, Libby spoke. “I’m going to find us some seats okay?” She asked shouting over the numerous voices of students.

“Yeah, cool.” She runs off in the crowd and I turn my attention back to Nick.

He’s still looking at my outfit and pouting. He grabs my shirt and pulls it down. His frown grows larger when he realizes that more of my cleavage is now showing.

He moves his attention to my skirt and tugs it down which only reveals more of my stomach. He groans in fustration then makes eye contact with me again.

“This is gonna be a problem.” He mumbles under his breath.

“What is?” I ask tilting my head to the side.
“Nothing.” He says forcing a smile pulling me in for one last hug while kissing my hair. Yup, he’s a hugger. “Why don’t you go find Libby and find a seat until the game starts.”

“Okay!” I say chirpy.
Before going back to the stands, I go to grab a drink for Libby and I in case we get thirsty.
While looking down at the bottle in my hand and playing with them absentmindedly, I bumped into someone which makes my drink drop and a helmet.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry.” I say embarrassed while bending down to pick up the stuff in which I dropped.

I pick up the helmet and was about to hand it to.. him.

“There you go.” I say handing it to the boy in front of me.

He was wearing a football outfit which was blue which meant he was the opposing school. His hair was jet black and he was really built with height of about 6’1.

He had a smile on his face that quickly drops when he sees me. He looks at me weirdly and I suddenly feel self conscious.

“What?” I ask shyly not making eye contact and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

When I speak it seems to break him out of whatever kind of trance he was in because he shakes his head as if to get rid of thoughts.

“Sorry for staring. You’re just…. really pretty.” He says still not taking his eyes off of me.

I look away while blushing and murmur a quick thanks.

I stand there awkwardly before breaking the tension.

“Well, my friend’s waiting for me. I should probably go.” I say quickly turning away.
“Uh, wait!” He shouts.

I come to a abrupt stop and pivot back in his direction.

I raise an eyebrow urging him to continue.
“You wanna maybe… grab pizza later?” He asks not looking at me and scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Awe, so cute.

“Um, sure yeah.” I say.

He grins widely then speaks again. “I know this might sound weird since I just sorta asked you out but what’s your name?”

I laugh genuinely before answering. “Ariel.”
“Liam.” He states.

“See you later then, Liam.” I respond confidently sparing him one last glance………

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