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The Devil's Pact - S01 E179

Story 2 months ago

The Devil's Pact - S01 E179

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 179


"Mark is under Sister Theodora's spell as Mary struggles to understand what's happened to her fiancee."

The Bond of Avvah

I was sunning myself on the beach, catching the last rays of the Miami sun. I was wearing a skimpy bikini, white with pink flowers decorating it. The sun felt great on my skin. Antsy plane should have landed in Seattle by now. It was only a matter of time before her brother, Mark, fucked her and triggered the Prayer of Avvah.

When Mark slept with his sister, she would be the only woman he desired. No other person would ever excite him sexually again. Hopefully, it would drive a wedge between Mark and his lover, the other Warlock, and make it easier for me to defeat them. One Warlock could be hard enough, but two was going to be very difficult. Plus, there was the demoness Lilith to consider, summoned by Mark's lover.

Guilt burmed inside me, I served Antsy up to her brother, she would also be affected by the Prayer as well. I was a nun, a Sister of the Order of Mary Magdalene. I was supposed to save people from a Warlock's powers, not give him victims. But, it was for the greater good. Mark had to be stopped. Every day he wasn't stopped, more innocents were abused by him. It was for the greater good

If I kept telling myself that, maybe I'll actually believe it.

Antsy had left early this morning to catch her plane. She was a wreck. I stayed up with her most of the night as she talked about her father who passed away yesterday. From what gathered, he wasn't the greatest father, but you couldn't always help who you loved. Before she left, she gave me her original return ticket, promising to have it changed to my name I had all day tomorrow, and half of Tuesday to kill before I would fly out to Seattle. Plenty of time for the Bond of Avvah to wreck havoc on the Warlock's lives. So, in the meantime, I decided to relax, enjoy Miami's beaches, because I would be very busy when I returned home to Washington State.

Suddenly, a weird feeling trembled through my womb. It was almost like an orgasm, like my body was remembering the sweet pleasure that an orgasm brought. But there were no muscle contractions, no electricity shooting through my body, no toe curling pleasure that made me howl with passion.

I smiled, wiggling my hips. Mark just fucked his sister,

The Bond of Avvah has formed between them.

I woke up, reaching for Mark and felt a pair of small breasts.

I eye opened my eyes and saw Violet's sleeping face. The teen looked so peaceful. I was struggling to remember, shaking sleep off my mind. Another body was pressing against my back, not Mark. Mark didn't have a pair of perky breasts.

I wasn't in our bed. Mark wanted to be alone with his sister. So they could comfort each other. Jealous hurt burned in my heart. What had happened yesterday. It was our first night we didn't share a bed. And, since when did we not share our lovers. Was it just his dad's death? The excitement of fucking your sister. I knew how exhilarating it could be. I fucked both my sisters on Friday. But I shared them with Mark. I wasn't being selfish like he was.

You haven't shared Alice, a guilty voice whispered in my mind. I ignored that voice, Mark never asked. I would, if Mark wanted too. It's got to be his dad's death. He just needs a little space, to grieve. I made the Pact with the Devil and wished for Mark and I to love each other forever. I just needed to let him work this out of his system. Maybe he was already back to his normal self.

Hope blossoming inside me I positively raced out of the bedroom. He wasn't in our room, I went down stairs. Several of the sluts were enjoying scrambled eggs and bacon. "Have you seen Mark?"

"He's out jogging, mi Reina, Desiree answered.

I glanced at the clock. "Still? It's ten."

Chasity was nursing a cup of coffee. "I'll get his twenty," Chasity said. Chasity was the head of our bodyguards and she pulled out her Nextel. "Chasity to all units, can I get a 10-20 on Master?"

"09 to Chasity, Master's at the Rowe residence," 09 reported.

"That is where his jogging sluts meet, right?" I asked. Every morning, Mark would go jogging with a group of women and would fuck one of them when he was done. He was usually back by seven or seven-thirty.

The Rowe house was next door, owned by Madeleine, a southern divorcee with a nice body. I walked over, naked. 09 was leaning against her cop car and smiled when she saw me. She said something, but I was in too much of a hurry. My heart was hammering with excitement and fear as I entered the house. I could hear muffled cries of passion coming from upstairs. I walked up the stairs, the cries growing louder and louder. There was a woman's loud shrieks, a man's low grunts, a bedsprings creaking.

"Ride my cock," Mark's muffled voice came through the wall. He was fucking one of his jogging sluts. "Oh, god, your cunt's the best."

I stopped, Mark's words freezing me in place. Who's cunt was that best? I thought my cunt was, Mark. Fear suddenly clenched at my stomach, destroying the hope I was feeling. I stopped at the bedroom door, my hand on the knob. I must have heard him wrong. It was through the door. Mark loves me, Just open the door and go join him and whatever slut he's banging and have some fun.

It was Antsy riding his cock, her breasts bouncing up and down. She had a beautiful figure, her hips writhing as she fucked Mark in reverse cowgirl style. Long, black hair waving about her body as she shook her head in pleasure. Cum stained her tits. How long had they been fucking? All morning? Mark had never shown this much interest in any other woman besides me. Just stop being afraid, Mary, and get in there and have some fun.

Strutting my stuff, I walked as sexily as possible to the bed. Mark's eyes flickered towards me and then went back to watching his sisters ass. "Hey, hun," purred. "Is your sister giving you a good fucking."

"Yeah, she's the best," Mark moaned.

I Ignored that, and slipped onto the bed, rubbing my body against

Mark and kissed him on the lips. He didn't kiss me back. "What's wrong, Mark?"

"Nothing," he moaned. "I'm just having fun with my sister. Isn't she so beautiful?"

"Don't you want to have fun with me?" I asked, hopeful.

Mark glanced at me. "I'm sorry, Mary. It's just with dad dead, I'm feeling so close to my sister. You understand, right?"

"I yeah, I guess," I said, stung by his words. "You still love me, right?"

"Yeah," he grunted. "Oh, Antsy your cunt feel so great. I'm going to cum!"

"Umm, fill me up big bro! Feel me with your hot, brotherly cum!"

"We have the appointment in Seattle," I said, lamely, after he finished cumming in his sister's cunt. I didn't know what else to do. "Are we still..."

"Oh, yeah," he sighed. "Yeah, to buy the land. Yeah, what time do need to leave,

"A few hours," said, answered. My voice was cracking as I fought back tears.

"Okay, I'll meet you at the house," he said.

"I love you, Mark," I said, looking back from the door. Mark was focused on his sister, who was still riding him hard, and didn't answer.

Antsy's wanton moans followed me as I staggered out of the room. I stumbled down the hall and leaned against the wall. My legs gave out and I slid down the wall to the carpeted floor and sobbed into my hands. What had happened to my randy stallion? Why didn't he want his naughty filly? Did I do something wrong? No, It was the grief. Just be patient, Mary. Just be supportive. Grief does weird things to people.

The drive to Seattle was strained. I was wearing the sluttiest dress I had, a slinky black thing that was so low cut, my freckled breasts were about to pop out. And the skirt showed off my nice legs, and swayed deliciously on my ass as I walked, so short flashes of my ass cheeks could be seen. I had hoped that Mark would pay attention to me once he was away from his slutty sister. She had gone to see her mom, finally. But Mark didn't grope my ass, kiss me, try to fuck me the moment he saw me in this dress. I kept wanting to ask Mark what was really going on, but fear held my tongue. What if he didn't love me anymore, find me attractive. What if he'd fallen for his sister.

He had fallen for me that quick. What if he fell out of love with me just as fast. No, he's just grieving. I just need to suffer through it. He'll come around. His sister is just how its manifesting. I just need to be patient. I reached out to squeeze his hand but he drew away. Hurt burned at my eyes and I looked away, wiping at my tears.

He didn't even want a blowjob. I've never driven with Mark more than a mile without him wanting me to suck his cock. I would pretend that I didn't want to and he would be all sweet and give me flowery compliment and caress my body. I would let him think he talked me into it, but was as eager to blow him as he was to get blown.

We got stuck in traffic and were an hour later for our meeting. Mark did his thing and the owner was more than happy to sell his property. It took another hour to draw up the paperwork, get things signed. Then we had to wait on a notary. The owner had a beautiful secretary, but Mark didn't seem interested in passing the time with her.

"You just enjoy her, Mary," Mark had said. "I'm not in the mood."

The secretary tasted of spice, and when I tried to kiss Mark, το share her flavor with him, he turned his head and I just kissed his cheek. Feeling more hurt, we left the office, heading for our make- up dinner. We had been on a date Saturday night when we found out his dad was dead, on our way to dinner. Mark felt bad, not that he should, but he was a sweet, caring guy, with me anyways, and wanted to make it up to me. Mark had made a reservation at 7 pm at Spinnasse, famed for its pasta.

Mark was distracted all through dinner. I pointed out pretty women for us to enjoy. Or even to enjoy by himself. But he would just glance at them and shrug and pick listlessly at his food. I just had to be patient. I tried talking about movies. About books. We both loved to read fantasy and we could usually talk about our favorite books. But he just twirled his pasta on his fork, not paying attention.

"Tomorrow," I said, trying to make conversation. "I need your guest list for our wedding. We need to get the invitations mailed out."

"Maybe we should delay the wedding," Mark absently said.

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E178

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E180

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