Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 257
"Green, green, green, Cindy shouted. Evan ran up fast on the black number five, jumped to the outside and made the pass. The orange double zero got out of line and blocked Evan, so he cut left and got inside the guy. He had a great angle into one. Cindy sald, "Easy, you passed two more." Wasn't that the point of racing, passing everyone on the track?
Once the cars spread out and some were a lap down, it got hard to keep track of your position. Evan didn't know where he stood, and Cindy was telling him, so he assumed any car in front of him had to be passed. He pushed harder through tums three and four without much thought, but the spook Evan got earlier in turn one made him overthink it. He wasn't getting the charge necessary to get by cars on the backstretch, so he held his breath, used less brake and set sall into one. His guts leaped as the back end broke loose. Going against logic, he turned right to go left, feathered the throttle and seesawed the steering wheel. When he exited tum two, Dale's number sixteen was high on the track with an excellent run on the two cars ahead.
Side-by-side, like two grannies on the interstate, the two cars went toward three. Evan raced after them. He had the speed and position to do what he had seen his cousin do a hundred times. He would cut left, dive down the high banking and use his momentum to stuff his car in below the double-wide cars. Cindy yelled, "Don't, don't, don't do it!"
It was too late. With two wheels in the loose dirt and two on the track, Evan made it three wide. Foolish, maybe, but his gut said to do it, you've got them. His car wiggled coming out of four, then launched down the front stretch.
Jason didn't know if Evan did something great or not, but his sexу bookends were hopping up and down, and the announcer was squawking excitedly on the PA. He turned to Cindy and asked. "Was that a good move?
Cindy said, "He's in fifth place now," then keyed the radio, 'Seven to go.
Jason didn't know if that was a yes or a no, but he knew his best friend wasn't sticking to the plan. Evan was supposed to take it easy and get some experience without tearing up Dale's car. Although, after seeing how Evan raced go-karts, Jason shouldn't have been surprised.
Evan's arms and neck were sore, but he didn't know it yet. One car went off with a flat, and he passed one that was smaking, forcing
him to use his last tear off. The flagman looked mad holding up his fist. Five to go.
The dust got thicker when Evan came up on a clump of cars. Two were side-by-side, and a third was behind them, trying to get around. Now, Evan really wished he had saved some tear offs. The flag stand flew by again. Four laps to go, Evan thought and hoped Cindy would tell him what position he was in. The three-car traffic Jam would be impossible to get through or around, but Evan felt like he was in the catbird seat, waiting for one of them to make a mistake, then he'd pounce.
Jason's arms encompassed both girls. He pulled them close, and the three of them bounced as one, yelling. Cindy was stiff, on her tiptoes, staring intensely. "He's in fourth, fourth," she said. "Shit, he's fourth."
Jason couldn't tell if she was proud, shocked or angry.
When Billy Joe's hand wandered down to his butt, Jason smiled. His balls tingled, and his dick gained mass. KK was into the race with almost the same knowledge and passion as Cindy, but he didn't try and sneak BJ off someplace. He didn't take his eyes off the circling cars because he wanted to see Evan win.
Evan was hooked up. His number sixteen went through turn four like it was on rails. The flagman waved two flags, the white one and a blue and white striped flag. The first told Evan there was one lap to go, and the other warned him of a lap down car ahead. It meant something else, too, but Evan didn't make the connection. His mind was plotting how he could pass more cars. A lap down car was what Cindy called a pick car, and it could be his wild card. When the three cars ahead of him came up on the pick car, one or two of them might get stuck behind it. If he played his cards right, he could follow one car around the other three. He'd seen Cindy do it.
Two wide, with one following patiently. The three cars hit turn one and found the lap down car. Evan entered the turn after them and hung it all out, trying to carry extra speed through the corner. He'd have one chance, a one in a million chance to get it done. Harry's last words to him were, "We don't wanna carry it home in a basket."
Door handle to door handle, the first two cars launched out of turn two, each hoping to take advantage of the pick car. The lap down car was low, so the guy on the outside had the position. He pinched the other guy down so he'd have to lift when they reached the slower car. The third car lurking behind had the sarne idea Evan had, but he was too close to get a run. Evan wasn't. He had come off turn two with a ton of speed.
Evan finally realized the blue and white flag was only displayed when the leaders came up on a lap car. Shit, that meant he was fourth. The three cars in front of him were racing for the win on the last lap. That meant anything could happen.
The lap down car headed for turn three. It stayed in the racing groove. The two-wide group, which was first and second place, were gonna get to the turn at the same time as the slow car. It would block the inside car, and the outside car would go around. The third place car, if the guy were smart, would follow the outside car. Evan charged down the back straightaway at full speed. If a hole miraculously opened up, he'd plug it. If not, he'd get on the brakes and follow the leaders. The only risk was if a door opened, then slammed shut on Dale's car.
The lead car took the outside around the slower car. The guy he had pinched down got into the back of the lap car. It washed out, collecting the leader. The third car in the lead group plowed into the two cars that were sliding up the hill. All three of them hit the wall in the center of the turn. Evan had never lifted and came into turn three on fire. He hit his marks and caught the only car that had survived the melee. He'd slingshot out of four, go high and get the guy on the way to the checkered flag.
"Don't, don't pass, Cindy screamed. 'Don't fuckin' pass."
The black and white checkers started fanning the dirty air. Evan got off the gas, and the number seven shot ahead of him. Evan got second, the first losing position.
"Evan," Cindy said, "get to the pits. Unbuckle on the way and get the fuck out of that car, quick."
Jason broke away from the two screaming giris and grabbed Cindy. "Why, why didn't you-"
"He's not in that car. How can he win if he's not in there, Cindy said. "Let go of me.
Cindy's demeanor scared Jason and, "Oh," was all he said.
"Stay here," Cindy told Jason. "KK, come with me, I need you to help get Evan back to the stands."
Evan rolled up the hill into the pits and use the six thousand RPM horn to clear spectators from his path. Cindy's harsh tone had
knocked him off cloud nine, and the extent of his blunder hit him.
The race winner has to stop on the front straightaway for the
victory picture in front of the fans. From there, it was straight to tech, where they would find out it wasn't just an illegal driver change, but also an illegal communication device had been used.
Harry was waiting for him to scramble out of the car so he could take it to tech for the post-race inspection. All positions that paid money were required to report. They hadn't considered this possibility. Harry jumped in and zoomed away leaving Evan alone with his thoughts.
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