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Potential - S01 E175

Story 3 months ago

Potential - S01 E175

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 175

Darlene said, "Swimming," and started to walk away without saying anymore, just like at school.

He heard another voice coming from behind him, "Darlene, remember what we talked about."

His head snapped around. Ms. Style was coming up the stone path toward the gate, glaring at Darlene. She was fully dressed in what looked like business attire; unfortunately, not a bikini. He turned his head back, and Darlene was directly in front of him. She said, 'I'm sorry,' her chest bumped him, "it's not your fault. I shouldn't act that way."

The kiss was so unexpected that Darlene's mouth was moving away from his before Evan realized how good her lips felt. He wanted a do over, but she left without adding another word. Ms. Style smiled and ran her hand across Darlene's stomach when they passed each other. Evan watched the redhead's ass until she reached the door and disappeared into the shadows of the screen porch.

"You know Darlene?"

"I certainly hope so, Ms. Style said. "If I didn't, a strange girl was swimming in my pool and just went in my house."

It annoyed him even though a sarcastic response was what his stupid question deserved. "How?"

"We're friends."

Evan waited for more, then asked, "What did she mean, It's not my fault?"

"That's not important now, Ms. Style said. "Would you do me a favor?" Evari's mouth opened, then closed when he realized it was a rhetorical question like the ones his mother asked him. "Give Darlene a ride home. I have to run." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a Ben Franklin.

"Thank you, of course, no problem, as soon as I'm done here."

Ms. Style's hands slid up his forearms and squeezed. "Thank you, you're a sweetheart. Sorry I won't be here to watch you work, but I know you'll do a great job. Thanks for taking care of Darlene. Have fun.

Evan was afraid his brain wasn't capable of saying anything Intelligent, so he just nodded and watched the woman leave. There was something about Style that excited him, but it wasn't anything he could put his finger on.

Deana was awake enough to know it was a knee touching her stomach. Waking up with Rebecca's body touching hers was going to be a hard habit to break when school started again. They'd have to go back to the occasional weekend sleepovers. Deana didn't open her eyes. She wanted to prolong the lazy, hazy period between fantasy and reality and make sure Rebecca woke up in the same mood she was in. She smiled and laid her hand on the thigh that was attached to that knee.

The tips of Deana's fingers glided up the warm skin. Her sleepy mind anticipated fondling that ass. Her hand moved under Rebecca's night shirt, bumped through the fleshy groove and climbed the hill, then came to rest on a round cushion of ass cheek. Deana's heart sped up. The full, round globe overflowed her hand; her fingers wedged in the gap between the two halves. It was hard to believe she could identify Rebecca's butt by touch.

Deana squinted, peeking through strands of black hair, but she didn't need visual confirmation to know that it wasn't Rebecca she was touching. No wonder Evan was always handling Gloria's butt.

Gloria was sprawled face down like someone who had fallen from a building, legs and arms bent at crazy angles. Her head wasn't on the pillow; it was stuffed under it. The knee in Deana's stomach was connected to Gloria's left leg, which jutted out at a forty-five degree angle from her body. It was one thing to appreciate another girl's well-defined ass, but touching it shouldn't make her warm between her legs. Did her body's response confirm her fear?

Deana reluctantly moved her hand away from the ass that felt as good as it looked. A bit of envy stirred in her heart. "Wake up," she whispered and lifted the pillow off her sister's head. "Wake up, bedbug.

"Aw." Gloria's head tumed, and her eyes fluttered. "Oh, Dee." Her legs pushed straight out and her body arched in a long stretch. "Mmm."

"Why are you in my bed?" Deana asked.

Gloria did half a push-up, fell to her side and did a few full body shimmies to finish turning over. "You mad?"

"Nah." Deana stuffed the pillow under Gloria's head and asked the question even though she knew the answer, "Did you have a dream?" She turned on her side and faced Gloria.

Gloria's face scrunched with concentration. 'Mm-hmm."

Deana knew she was Gloria's second choice, and that didn't bother her because she knew about the dreams. "Why didn't you go upstairs?"

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Potential - S01 E174

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Potential - S01 E176

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