The Life Of John Smith - S01 E08

Story 2 days ago

The Life Of John Smith - S01 E08

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 8

It warmed up in April and I was able to move back to my room and get some badly needed full nights sleep.

Chapter 8 Carol Enters My Life

On a Wednesday in May in Biology class the teacher teamed me up with a cute girl named Carol Martin who reminded me of Shirley, not in looks but in her ability to get me to talk. The project we were working on was simple and we finish it in far less time than we were allotted. Being the outgoing type, Carol drew me into a conversation where we each learned enough about the other that we wanted to learn more. I told her that on Friday I would give her a ride home from school to learn where she lived. I told her that I did not have enough money to take her out on a date but maybe we could go on a picnic that Saturday. I even told her I would bring the blanket and lunch basket. She asked where we would go. I told her Riverside Park. "We can watch the boats go by," I said. She agreed

Now I had to convince my mother. I had no idea what she would say about my planned date with Carol. I contemplated not even telling her but what would she do when on Saturday she saw the car and me gone. Instead that day at dinner I said, "Mom, on Saturday can I take the car to take a girl on a picnic."

She looked at me with her cold grey eyes until I looked away. Then she asked, "What girl?"

"A girl at school," I responded as looked at her once again. She was still staring at me with those piercing grey eyes. I looked away and added, "Carol...her name is Carol Martin."

Instead of saying anything mother continued to eat her dinner. I said, "I have to bring the lunch."

"Where do you want to have this picnic?" she asked.

She hasn't said no, I thought. I looked up and she was still staring at me. I looked down at my plate and said, "Riverside Park." And added, "I have to bring the picnic lunch."

"Well of course you do. You can't ask the girl to bring it," she said. Encouraged I looked up and she was still staring at me with her cold grey eyes. I look down and she said, "I'll fix some potato salad, some tuna sandwiches, and some fresh orange juice. How long have you known this Carol?"

She couldn't just say yes, could she. I looked up and her eyes seemed to have warmed. I said, "Since the first of the school year." She was still staring at me but now I seemed to feel warmth from the sparkle that was in her eyes. I looked down and added, "She is in my biology class."

"It is all settled then. At 10 o' clock on Saturday you will pick her up and bring her here. We will get acquainted. Then you will go on your little picnic," mother said. She had said this like a judge pronouncing sentence. I realized I had no choice.

"Do you know what you will do if it rains?" she asked. I had not thought of that. I looked up and she smiled and said, "Just have your lunch in the car." I finished eating and looked up. She was still staring but her eyes were all aglow. I looked down and before I could ask to be excused, she asked, "Have you kissed this Carol?"

I got very flustered. I'm sure I turned beet red. She might as well have asked if I had fucked Carol. "," stammered, afraid to look her in the eyes.

"You're cute," she said as she stood. She added, "Help me with the dishes." She washed. I dried. Just as we finished, she said, "I'm so relieved...was beginning to think my little boy was gay. Almost 17 years old and your first date. By the time I was 17, I'" She fell silent and a warm far off look was in those pale grey eyes.

I would like to tell (brag to) her about Shirley but then that was not dating. I never asked Shirley for anything. In a way she just took without asking. But then I admit I liked it.

When I told Carol that she would have to meet my mother she said, "Of course and you will meet my mom. My dad will be off golfing, so you won't get to meet him. How about your dad?"

"My father? He he's out of town. You won't get to meet him either," I responded.

On Friday after school we met up on the way to the student parking lot. We were each carrying a book-bag in our left hand and I was on her right side, so I shifted my bag to my right hand and took her hand in mine. It was so nice walking hand in hand to my car. I unlocked the passenger door and assisted her in. When I got in, she said, "Oh, you have a bench seat." She scooted over next to me and added, "These older cars are so much nicer with no console between us." As I eased into traffic, I thought, there is

something good about this old car.

I knew my way to Elm Street and when we got there, she told me to turn right. "Three blocks on the right is a green house. I think it is the only green house on Elm. That's my house." It was not an impressive house. It was a small bungalow hidden among several large trees. When I stopped, she said, "No one is home right now. Do you want to come in?"

Always willing I said, "Sure."

As I followed her, she pointed and said, "Here's the living room, back there is the kitchen, here is the hall to our bedrooms. The first here is my brother's. He is away at college. At the end of the hall is my parent's." Putting a hand on a doorknob she said, "And here is mine, right next to the bathroom. Any time anyone flushes I hear It." She opened her door and I was hit with pink. The floor was carpeted in pink. The ceiling was pale pink, the walls were pink, the curtains were pink, the bed was pink, the chest of drawers was pink, a picture on the wall had pink flowers. Everything was a little different shade of pink, but everything was pink.

"Wow, pink," I said.

"Yah, my mom's idea. Really not bad with the lights off at night," she chuckled. I stepped in and she closed the door behind us. I turned to her and she wrapped her arms around me turning her face up to me, we were suddenly locked in a wet kiss embrace. Our tongues swirled around each other. Shirley had taught me well. Both my hands slid down her back. When my left hand reached the hem of her sweater it inched under it while my right hand continued down to engulf a butt cheek. As my left hand felt the bare skin of her back my right hand pulled her into me, so she could feel the bulge in the front of my trousers. "Oh wow," she said as she turned away from me. She took three steps, turned, and sat on the bed facing me. Her face seemed to glow as she smiled up at me. "You are no pansy. I need to watch out for you. I attack you with my lips. You return the lip attack, have one hand on the skin of my back, another squeezed my butt, and then..." She tapped her groin.

I could only smile down at her as I moved forward to stand right in front of her. I had decided to follow her lead especially here in her bedroom.

Whatever she did next would determine what I did. Her hands reached for my belt buckle. She hesitated. "No, mom will be home soon," she said as she pushed me back. "You go now, and I will see you in the morning."

"A kiss good-bye?" I asked. She launched herself off the bed and into my arms. We kissed, our tongues dueled, my hands began to explore. She put a hand on my chest and pushed me back. "In the morning," she sald firmly.

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The Life Of John Smith - S01 E07

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