The Clumsy Maid

Story 1 week ago

The Clumsy Maid

❇❇❇The Clumsy Maid❇❇❇





“My name is Ava , but you can call me ‘the chameleon Ava”


The man looked to the face of a very handsome man in suit sitting on the tallest chair there.


“Is she normal?” The handsome man asked the man interviewing me.


“I do not think so” The man that just asked my name replied.


“Chameleon Ava ,can you tell us why you will like to be a maid to our boss here?”


I chuckled and sat. ” Well , If he employs me as his maid , I will ensure I make him eat always ,If he refused to eat a meal ,I may even slap him. You know ; he needs to eat to be healthy ” I said and the two men exchanged glances.

Continue reading from the next chapter....

Written By: Oyebamiji Samuel Feathers

The Clumsy Maid - S01
Story | 1 week ago

The Clumsy Maid - S01