The Love Of Money - S01 E29

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The Love Of Money - S01 E29

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 29


After dealing with Bobbi, Marcus is looking for help.

"Help Wanted"

Tuesday, 8:00 am

My alarm pulled me directly out of a REM cycle with the noisy jingle of some factory-made generic tune, and I was in no mood to put up with its bullshit. Fingers blindly searched the side table beside the bed to find my phone; once they'd located it, I swiped at the area on the screen that would turn off the alarm completely.

I was in a strange bedroom. My eyes were still closed, but there were other signs including the feel of an unfamiliar pillow under my head, the lack of noisy air conditioning, and the faint smell of whatever they used in hotel rooms to make them smell new mingled with a flowery scent. Confused, I started working through the mind fog to put the pieces together of what happened the previous day. I'd been to YPV. I bought the office space. Ashlee had tried to seduce me. Helen and I fucked in an office. Gina... I think I told her she sucked and then fired her. Then I gave her job to Natalie. Then I met up with Bobbi.



Bobbi's beautiful face swarm into focus in my mind, her features twisted in contempt and horny desperation. Everything came flooding back into memory. We fought. We struggled, and in the end, she submitted to me. I couldn't believe what had happened. What we'd done. A part of me felt a little Ill as I played over some of the more sordid details.

A body stirred next to me, and I finally opened my eyes, dreading who I would find laying in bed with me. Sure enough Bobbi Nanford was laying in bed next to me, her light brown hair a tangled mess all over her pillow and covering half her face. Her mascara was still a mess from our rough night, and she'd gotten it all over her pillow. Her eyes were still closed, as she feigned sleep, but something about the way she laid made me suspect she was awake.

And for some reason, that pissed me off.

Fortunately, we'd fallen asleep closer to her side of the bed. I rolled onto my side, I slid my feet up the bed between the two of us,

positioned them right next to Bobbi, and shoved. She yelped as her eyes shot open, and her arms flalled uselessly as she was launched off the side of the bed. I was rewarded with a thud and a squeal of protest as her body hit the floor.


I simply rolled over on my back, put my arms behind my head, and stretched under the sheets. "Get the fuck out of my hotel room, Bobbi."

There was silence for a long moment, then I heard her clamber to her feet. I wanted to look over at her to see what she was doing but didn't want to break the illusion of being apathetic toward her.

"Where am I supposed to go?"

"Home? I don't care. You just can't stay here."

"You turned off my phone and my card won't work," she whined. "How the fuck am I supposed to get home?"

She was silent for a long time. The amount of self control I had to muster to not look over at her was staggering, but I managed to keep up appearances. Finally, she said, "Do I still have a job?"

I thought about it for a moment. "If you want it, but you don't have to go in today. I'll clear it with your boss. Now get out."

She didn't move, and I could hear her sniffling. I sighed and rolled over to look at her, trying to figure her out. Bobbi hated me, so I was surprised as hell that she would rather stay in my hotel room than walk back to her house. Now that I owned her house, I knew just how far a walk like that was, but still... Bobbi really hated me. Was her life really that bad that she had no one she could call to come get her? Had she bumed that many bridges in her life? I was curious, but not enough to actually ask about her situation and give her the impression I cared.

"How would you like to stay here instead of that tiny box you call a house?"

Bobbi was sitting on the edge of the bed, her purse next to her. Her little black dress was wrinkled and still twisted around her body, looking very much like she'd just slept in it. Combined with the ruined makeup and the large love bite I'd left on her neck, she looked a little rough. She simply stared back at me without answering.

"Tell you what," I said, returning to laying on my back and closing

my eyes. "Suck me off, and I'll take it as a sign that you agree to

everything we discussed last night. You can stay here till I can figure out what to do with you. You'll get the card I promised you before I leave, and I'll have a driver provided for you so you can get whatever you need. You've got one minute to make up your mind or we're done."

Moments passed and then I felt movement on the bed and the sheets slid off me. Her movements indicated that she was crawling down and between my legs. There was a pause. "You said I could take the week to decide."

"I changed my mind," I said, eyes still closed. "Thirty seconds."

I felt her small fingers wrap around the base of my cock, already sporting the hardness all males are typically cursed with when we first wake up. She stroked the base gently, and I could feel her warm breath on the head. Fifteen seconds left.

I groaned as I felt her engulf half my prick in one fluid movement. The wet warmth of her mouth was exquisite. I could feel her tongue press against the underside of my shaft as she started working the length in and out of her mouth with a slow deliberateness that was driving me crazy. She'd only taken half my dick in her mouth though. I wanted more.

As her head dipped down until the head of my dick to hit the back of her throat, I placed my hand on top of her covered head and stopped her from coming up. "Nuh-uh," I said, applying just enough pressure to deliver the message of what I wanted. She hesitated, and then I felt her start to force more of my cock into her mouth, feeling the mushroom head squeeze into the narrow passage of her throat.

I opened my eyes and looked down at the women between my legs. Bobbi Nanford looked up at me with bright, grey eyes and glared as her lips stretched around the girth of my penis. Then she gave a coughing gag and tried to back off of my cock. My hand on the back of her head prevented it. Tears from choking on my member were already forming at the corners of her mascara- smeared eyes as I kept myself in her throat just a few moments longer. Then I slid my hand down from the top of her head and she immediately pulled back up to cough. A single tear rolled down her cheek and I brushed it away with a thumb as she sucked down oxygen.

"God, you're beautiful, Bobbi."

And then she did the last thing I would have expected from her. She smiled.

Smile was too strong of a word. There was a brief flicker of

something passing over her features that resembled a moment where my words affected her in some sort of positive way. I would have missed it if I hadn't been admiring her so closely.

Bobbi had essentially been coerced into deep-throating me, yet one single comment about how pretty she was had been enough to spark a moment of joy. How broken was this woman?

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The Love Of Money - S01 E28

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The Love Of Money - S01 E30

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