All for Mr. Redman - S01 E53

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All for Mr. Redman - S01 E53

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 53

I slowly licked his cock clean, causing him the thrash and his hips to thrust a couple of more times, the sound of him whimpering was something new to me. I took my mouth off of him and kissed my way back up.

James looked like he had been completely wrecked. I kissed him lightly and held his face. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Oh my....oh my God....Sachiko....oh shit... never.... oh fuck." was all he managed to gasp out. I wanted to take him to the bed but he waved his hand indicating he was not ready to move. I waited with him and gently used a wet cool face cloth on his face and body, caressing him as he regained his strength and composure.

When he was himself again his eyes locked onto mine. I smiled as he brought a hand to my face and caressed it, then gently pulled me in and gave me a tender and sweet kiss. When it was over he leaned back and sald "I don't know how you... that was the most Intense orgasm of my life. I've never cum that hard before... thank you." he actually had a small tear coming from his left eye as he slid his arms up and hugged me tightly to him. I held onto him gently rubbing his back.

I tilted my head back and kissed his tear, tasting the warmth and saltiness of that precious gem. "Come on." was all I said as I lead him back into the bedroom. We laid down on the bed together and he was quiet for sometime, just cuddling with me. He lay on his back with my head on his chest.

"Can I tell you something... promise not to get mad." he said softly.

I leaned up and looked at him and said "You may tell me whatever you wish, but I cannot speak for how I will react to something when I have no idea what you are about to say... but I think you know me better than to think I will loose control of myself." I said gently.

He nodded and looking into my eyes said "I love you, everything about you. If you ever need me, for anything, I don't care time of day... come hell or high water... I would do anything for you."

I smiled gently and kissed his chest and said "Thank you."

He smiled a melancholy smile and said "I know you are in love with

Peter... that you can only give me the love of a friend. I just had to

tell you. I don't... I don't have anyone in my life. I haven't for over a

year now. You know how it was for me before with my ex.... I just...

I just wanted.. I had to tell you."

Looking into his eyes I could see that this man meant every word he said. I could see he would never abandon me, that he was telling the absolute truth and I understood why he was afraid to tell me.

"James, I am never going to leave Peter. If it ends it will be him that has to do it. If you promise not to just wait for that day, if you promise me that you will leave yourself open to finding a woman who can give you what I cannot... namely her whole heart, then you need not worry about my reaction. I think you love me, but I also think that it is because I have treated you as you deserve. Out there is a woman who will do the same thing. She is out there waiting to be found and when you two meet you will just know and understand. I do not mean to be critical, and please do not think of this as an insult or disrespect, but you have made some poor choices out of loneliness. No one deserves to be alone, and you won't be."

He laid there thinking about what I said and looked at me and asked "If I do...if I meet someone, if you don't like her I am going to kick her to the curb."

I leaned up and kissed him and said "I love you too... you're going to be in my life and Peter's for a long time. You have not met him yet but I am sure he is going to be a very good friend to you as well. I know can count on you. I can see that you have tremendous loyalty and a good spirit. I could never do this with you if I did not care about you. I think you are a wonderful man and I am going to try and help you find a wonderful woman, you deserve a full and total love... not the half love I can give."

"What do you mean half love?" he asked gently.

"I mean that I cannot fully commit to you... I am already committed. You deserve a full commitment and with me and my friends, who will soon be your friends as well, it won't be long before we find you that person... or at least present you with some options." I added laughing gently.

We just chatted from that point, learning more about each other, until something dawned on me.

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked eamestly.

Laughing he said "Whatever the hell you want." caught off guard by my sudden change of energy level.

"I am meeting two of my dearest friends tonight for drinks. I would like you to come so you can meet them. They are very close to Peter and I and you should get to know them too." I said simply.

"Sachiko, I am more than happy to do so" he said and kissed my


We eventually got up and did eat breakfast. We got dressed and I asked him to come with me shopping at Yorkdale Mall as I wanted to buy a gift for Peter and one for Matthew, his son, as well.

We went out and we were walking through the mall laughing and joking around when I heard "Sachiko!" from behind us.

I turned and barely managed to mask any surprise or nervousness when I saw my mother and father standing there. They both looked very shocked and surprised to see me being so friendly with a man who was clearly not Peter.

This is one of those moments that when you encounter them you can either shine brilliantly or fall apart and look the fool. In this case failure would have made me look like a slut and worse in front of my parents. They had accepted Peter, despite their initial concern over his not being Japanese. To find their daughter possibly cheating on him with another white man would have been a bit too much for them. My parents are great, but I am not foolish enough to think they would not kick my ass for it.

I went the shining brilliantly route. I appeared completely excited to see them, introduced them to James as a good friend of Peter and I, and asked them to please come and have a tea or maybe some lunch with us. My parents relaxed and we walked over to the Rainforest Cafe and got some tea.

We were chatting well when my mother asked where Peter was. This was not the time I wanted to bring this up, not even remotely. I looked at James and back at them, then back to James and said "Can you please excuse us for a moment."

James knew exactly what we were going to talk about, namely Matthew's sudden appearance in our lives. He nodded and said "Yes, actually I do have to go and meet David at the Apple Store. I will find you back here, if we go anyplace else I will text you." He told my parents how nice it was to meet them and he left. I had to give him credit because he was so convincing I almost asked who "David" was.

When he left I switched to Japanese and my parents did the same. I told them about Jessica and Matthew and how Peter did not know. I gave all the details I could, leaving out obviously the sex with James, the racial slurs by Jessica and the fact Peter and I almost broke up.

They listened and my father was not impressed at all. He told me to get out of the relationship and did not believe for a second that Peter was not aware of Matthew. I explained it again and pointed out that his parents were involved and they did not know either, and that they had no reason to deceive me. My father said it would have been an easy thing for him to hide from them and did I really think he would be honest with his parents when he clearly got a woman pregnant and wished to hide his indiscretion.

I spent more time at this, trying to make him see the truth of it. My father was upset as he considered what he felt was Peter's lack of honesty to be a slap in the face to me and an insult. My mother was strangely quiet during all of this as my father became more upset and I kept poking holes in his arguments. My mother finally spoke up and put her hand on my father's arm. We were not causing a scene by any stretch, but she obviously was worried my father would become sp upset that it did happen.

My mother looked at me and said "Sachiko, do you firmly believe, with absolute conviction and no doubt at all that Peter did not know about his son."

"Yes" I said seriously "I would stake my life upon it."

She nodded and my father went silent looking at me.

"The fact he has a son now, a son who he will be raising due to Jessica's illness, do you truly think you are able to handle it and that you and Peter will survive this?"

Nodding I said "Yes Mother. We have talked about it, in detail, and I understand what I am getting into. But, I am not a mother. You are... I will need your help and guidance. Mrs. Redman said she would help me in any way she can. I need my Mother and Father... Peter and I need you both... and so does Matthew. It will be a strange situation for all of us at first. I know we will be alright... but please... we need you both."

My father was quiet and my mother sat there silently thinking.

"he is a very bright boy, polite and has a keen mind. He has been raised well to this point" I said adding "I don't want to make a mess of that and cause issues."

My mother nodded and said "Okay. Sachiko, is Peter going to... what is he going to do about the two of you? Is he serious about you? If that is not the case it is not fair to his son to have you become a part of his life and rip it all away when the boy is already losing his natural mother,"

I nodded and my father spoke before I could say anything else and said "Is he going to marry you?"

I sat there silently for a few moments and thought seriously on that question. "Yes, he has not asked but we have spoken of this."

"Will he ask you properly?" my father enquired.

I knew what he meant. I also knew that my parents would expect the ceremony to not be a Christian one. This caused me to think for a bit and I said "Yes, he will ask properly and the ceremony will be done as it should be, however, he may ask that two ceremonies be held. One in our tradition, and that we then have our marriage blessed in the Christian faith. I do not know for sure, but that is how it should be. I will be taking that position when the time comes."

My parents sat silently for a time. My father finally cleared his throat and said "Sachiko chan, if he does everything as he should I will not oppose it. But, I would like him to learn to speak Japanese so that the ceremony can be done properly. I do not want him simply saying the words... I want him to know what he is saying"

I nodded and said "Yes father, I will make sure he understands fully. Matthew has already asked to learn Japanese and wishes to study Martial Arts. He is very keen to learn, but we have not discussed this with Peter and his mother yet."

My mother nodded and my father said "Who will teach him Martial Arts if it comes to that?"

I sat and thought. My father had trained me and my sister. It was a tradition.. a very deeply seated one and as I considered it I glanced at my father and could see he was waiting for an answer. "Father, you are probably the best person for that, however I will understand if you do not have sufficient time. It is a great deal to ask of you."

My father replied "I think we should meet this boy before any decisions like that are made. Do you ever do anything the easy way Sachiko... or do you revel in making everything as hard as you can?" he said with the hint of a smile.

"I do seem to like to do things the hard way father, but the greater the challenge the greater the victory." I said smiling.

My parents relaxed and we chatted for about another half hour about how things were going in our lives. My mother was full of advice and told me to get on Matthew about his education immediately and define those rules fast and firmly. The poor boy was not going to know what hit him. My father was concerned about Matthew's fitness level and wanted no laziness. Oh yes, poor Matthew was in for a treat. But considering he was already active and did well in school I was not worried. It dawned on me there was always room for Improvement and I said as much. My parents laughed and my mother commented about how that statement from her used to make me crazy. I laughed and said "Oh no, I'm turning into my mother!" this made all of us laugh.

When we left my parents were satisfied and I felt as though a massive weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I was still smiling when I found James outside the Apple Store enjoying a coffee. I brought him up to speed on what had happened and he was thrilled for me.

I looked the Apple Store and made a snap decision. I went inside with James and purchased a laptop for Matthew. I know he is only twelve, but this was an important tool for education. I wanted him to have every chance to be the best student possible, and I could only do that by guiding him and providing him with the best learning materials.

We left there and went to Foot Locker. There I bought Peter a new pair of Nike cross trainers since he had beaten his old pair up rather badly. I knew he would appreciate this as he never takes time to shop for himself. Of course, I had to pick up some new athletic shorts and tops for myself because it was so very necessary. Face it, you cannot just shop for others when you see something that you would like for yourself as well. I rationalized it by reminding myself that I would be making sure our "family" exercised and stayed fit.

James was laughing at me as we were leaving. He loved my ability to justify my clothing purchases.

We went back to my home, as I now thought of Peter's, and I put away the items I had purchased.

Realizing the time I dressed for meeting the girls that night. I choose a black pencil skirt, heels, nylons and a silver and gold scoop neck silk blouse that I adored. I did my hair and makeup. James was watching television as I got ready and when I came out his jaw dropped.

"Do you ever not look amazing?" he asked.

Smiling at him I said "I did once, but had to kill the witness."

James laughed and we set out for his home so he could change. When he came out of his bathroom fully dressed he looked wonderful. His cologne was nice as well. He had chosen brown docker style pants, a white dress shirt, and a lovely solid tie with a matching sports jacket. He looked himself over and said "Is this good enough? I don't know where we are going."

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E52

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E54

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