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The Love Of Money - S01 E21

Story 6 days ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E21

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 21

I stared back at her and thought about all the times she'd threatened to have me fired. How she'd teased me about my crush on Natalie while she was taken. How she'd shamed me for being in a long-distance relationship with Jessica, claiming that I couldn't find anyone close enough to date like a normal human being.

I had to remind myself that things were different now.

I glanced at Helen. Strong, independent Helen who had crushed federal politicians underfoot like they were nothing. She'd submitted herself to me. I had an entire board of lawyers who'd wielded ridiculous power waiting on me hand and foot. I'd had a bombshell like Ashlee throw herself at me just this morning. The world was mine to command and anything in it was mine for the taking. On top of that, I was armed with the information Gina had given me, including who she'd been working with.

"Gina told me everything."

I didn't stand up. I didn't raise my voice. I didn't show any outward sign of anger. I was cool, calm, and collected.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

There was no sign of guilt on her face. No flicker of insecurity in her expression. She just continued to look down her nose as if she had a million better things to do than be here.

My heart was beating furiously, but I did my best to keep a cool exterior. "Gina told me about the money you've been embezzling from the company for the better part of two years. She told me about the bank accounts in Florida. She even provided me recordings of your conversations she made for insurance purposes. I now have them in my possession."

That last part was technically not true. Gina was supposed to show Vikram where they were before she left the building, but close enough.

"No you don't. You don't have shit."

I had to admit, the fact that she was able to maintain the front after being called out was impressive. She didn't seem phased by the accusation in the slightest. "Where's the proof? Where's Gina?"

"Mrs. O'Neil has already been dealt with. My associate has the information and is transferring it to our private server as we speak," Helen said.

Bobbi ignored Helen. Her eyes stayed fixed on me as she lifted her chin defiance, "You couldn't afford a vacation last month. How'd you buy a fucking company? What's changed?"

I stood up and rounded the desk in one swift motion. As I approached Bobbi, she took a couple of steps back, "Don't you fucking come near me."

"I inherited billions of dollars," I said as I continued to close the gap between the two of us. "I didn't just buy the company. I bought the building too. I also hired an entire army of lawyers who work for me full time. They are going to get a bunch of private investigators and finance nerds to dissect the last two years of your life and bring me every shred of evidence of your activities over the last two years. I'll know what mail you received, what bars you visited, and every person you've fucked by the end of the week.

She backed into the wall and I followed her, placing a hand on either side of her head, leaning against the wall so that I towered over her. "And most importantly, I'll have overwhelming evidence that could easily put you away for ten years."

"We've already frozen your bank account in Florida," Helen said.

For the first time since she came into the office, there was a hint of humanity in Bobbi's eyes. Her eyes flickered toward Helen, "What the fuck? No you didn't."

I stepped back, "Check your phone."

When she didn't immediately move to pull out her phone, I rolled my wrist in a 'get on with it' gesture, "Go on. We'll wait."

She hesitantly pulled it out, then started scrolling through while Helen and I simply waited. After a few moments, she let out an ear-piercing screech that nearly made me jump.

"How fucking dare you," she shouted, snapping her gaze up to look at both of us. I wanted to smile. Her outrage was delicious, and I found myself slightly turned on by having seeing Bobbi realize for the first time that she was in the fucking corner.

"It's over, Bobbi. I have you, you stupid fucking cow," I growled.

Bobbi screeched again and threw her phone at my head. I managed to jerk my head to the side and felt the wind displace as it whooshed past me and shattered on the wall on the other side of the office. I was sure there had been enough force behind that throw to knock me out if it had actually hit its target. The door opened and Andrew peered inside, "Hey... just checking to see if everything was okay in here."

Bobbi looked like she was about to say something, but I cut her off. I pointed at Andrew without taking my eyes off her, "Andrew, if you close that door right now, ignore everything you hear, and follow all my other orders, I will give you thirty thousand dollars."

"You got it," Andrew said, ducked out the door without a second glance, and shut it.

Bobbi started to scream again and I closed the distance, slamming a hand over her mouth to cut her off. "Oh my god you have got to shut the fuck up." With her pinned between the wall and my larger frame, I got very close and spoke through gritted teeth, "You think you can just open your mouth and get whatever you want? That's not how this works anymore Bobbi. Your life changes today. Now"

Bobbi thrashed against me, pummeling her fists against my torso as she struggled to remove my hand from her mouth. I could feel her teeth scraping against my palm as they tried to find purchase. She glared pure hatred at me.

"You see what just did with Andrew? I could have you arrested and in jail within the hour and I could make sure you never see daylight again. I own you. You want to go to sleep in a real bed? You want to go out to eat? You want to be able to buy a pack of skittles with money instead of smokes? Then shut the fuck up and start listening for once in your goddamn life."

By the time I finished, she seemed to calm down just enough where I thought it might be safe to remove my hand. I did so, but kept an eye for any indication that she might attempt to scream again. We just stared at each other for a beat.

"Fuck you," she said and then spat at my face.

I saw nothing but red, and I did something I'd never done to anyone in my life. I slapped her across the face. She whirled and threw her hands up in defense and I used the opportunity to grab her around her tiny waist and pin her against me so that she was facing away from me. I slapped a hand over her mouth before her incoherent stream of babble turned into another ear-shattering scream. Part of me really regretted that things had gone this way... I didn't want to hurt anyone. But a larger part of me felt vindicated. My erection was raging, and in spite of the sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach at what I'd just done, I found myself grinding it against her tight little ass as I stared over her shoulder at Helen. She hadn't moved from that spot, and was simply watching with an expressionless gaze.

"Here's what's going to happen. You're going to meet me at Solomon's Palace tonight. You'll dress up and meet me downstairs In the lobby at 8pm tonight. We're going to talk about your future at this company in front of an entire restaurant of people so you'll be less likely to explode. If you aren't there at 8 pm. I'll press charges.

If you show up at 8:01 pm, I'll press charges. If you aren't freshly showered and looking your goddamn best, I'll press charges. If you aren't a perfect lady in every way throughout dinner, I'll press charges. Is that clear?"

I watched Helen as I listed out my demands. Her face was void of expression, but I could tell that she wasn't entirely disgusted by what she was seeing. Her chest rose and fell rapidly with shallow breaths. She had her bottom lip caught between her teeth, and I noticed she was working her legs back and forth, subtly rubbing her thighs together. The signs were hard to detect, but there were enough of them to work out that she was incredibly turned on. Helen had a sadistic streak to her.

A few moments passed with the only sound being the heavy breathing from Bobbi's flaring nostrils. She wasn't struggling against my grip, but every muscle in her body felt tense, like steel cable. Helen and I simply waited. Finally, Bobbi gave her head a little jerk of affirmation.

I waited for another beat and then slowly lowered my hand from her face, ready to clap it over her mouth at the first sign of another scream. I wanted to kiss the side of her face and whisper something like 'good girl' in her ear, but I felt that I'd been antagonistic enough toward her for one afternoon. Also, it felt a little too arch.

I just let her go and walked around the desk to my seat. I opened one of the drawers and was fortunate enough to find a notepad with some bulleted notes on it. I pulled it out and started writing nonsense across it, trying to make her feel like an afterthought.

"That's it. You can go back to work again," I said without looking up at her. I continued to write, starting to make an actual list of things I needed to do while maintaining an awkward silence. After nearly a minute, I heard footsteps, a door opening, and then more footsteps retreating down a hall. I looked up just in time to see one of the bodyguards reaching for the door and shutting it again. As soon as I heard the latch click, I breathed a sigh of relief. Helen walked over to the door, locked it, and leaned against it and watched me. I watched her back.

"What do you intend on doing with her," Helen finally said. Her well- manicured fingernails lightly ran up the door's wood grain as she stared at me like a lioness eyeing her next meal.

I shook my head, "I don't fucking know. I was riffing."

Silence reigned again. I stared down at the notebook while feeling her eyes on me. My dick physically hurt, but I was so confused by what I'd done with Bobbl. The crazy thing was I wanted to do so much more...

"Marcus," I looked up to see her slipping around the desk toward me. Helen pushed my chair away from the desk just enough to straddle my lap so she could face me. She draped her arms over my shoulders, slid her fingers across the back of my head, and gently pulled me toward her. I closed my eyes as my face drew closer to her bosom and audibly sighed when I felt her soft lips press against my forehead. Then she cupped my chin in one hand and lifted it up so our lips could brush each other's.

"What would you like to do with her?" She whispered after the kiss ended half a minute later.

What the fuck? How had she known?

She began raining soft, lingering kisses starting on my chin, down my jawline, and up toward my ear.

I felt her fingernails rake gently through my hair, "It's okay baby. You can tell me anything." I felt the tip of her tongue run along my ear before she pressed her lips to it with a warm, moist kiss. "Client/lawyer privilege," she breathed in my ear. Fuck... my dick felt like it was going to explode.

"I want... I want to fuck her," I said, barely able to concentrate as she proceeded to tease me with her lips on my nесk.

"I've known her for almost a year, and every moment with her has been hell." I shuddered as I felt her fingers continue to run through my hair. I felt her press her crotch forward, her pelvis rubbing against the throbbing tent in my pants. "You saw her," I growled. "She's gorgeous. She has no business being that beautiful and being so evil. I fucking hate her." I was growing more comfortable expressing myself with every passing moment. "I want to bend her over the desk, spank her ass raw, and ram my dick in her. I don't care what she thinks. I don't care what she wants." She whimpered in my ear. The pressure from her crotch increased. "I want to hate- fuck her. I want to own her."

She pulled away from me at that, her hands lightly cupping my face as she nodded, looking at me with a strange mixture of motherly affection and unbridled lust. "You do baby. You own all of her debt. I'm already working on that. You have all the evidence against her. If that nasty little cunt wants to stay out of prison, she has to do exactly what you want. You already own her." She leaned forward and pressed her lips firmly against mine. Her tongue slipped into my mouth to meet mine where they dueled as she picked up the pace of her grinding against my crotch. I could feel the furnace between her legs bathing the rod of steel in my pants in her heat. I could hear her whimper into my kiss. I pulled away.

"You're not jealous?"

A smile I couldn't quite place played across her lips, "No baby." She started kissing down my neck, working the buttons free on my shirt to carry those kisses further down my chest. "It fucking turns me on," she breathed between kisses. "I want to be there to see it happen. I want to see you break the bitch. I want to see you wipe the hate off her face as you make her cum. Will you let me be there, Macus? Will you let me hold your cock while you work it in her tight little ass? Will you let me bury her face in my pussy while you fuck her? Can we use her together?"

I wasn't sure if she was being sincere, or if she was just pushing my buttons, and I didn't really care at the moment. By this point, I was completely out of control. We were both frantically working the buckle free on my belt, trying to get my dick out of my pants as quickly as possible. I felt the sensation of cool air hitting my groin before feeling her warm fingers enclose my shaft. She kissed me again as she navigated the head of my dick between the lips of her pussy. Heat radiated from her dripping cunt as she lined me up with her opening. Part of my brain wondered if she'd removed her panties at some point, or if she'd actually put any on under her skirt at all. Our tongues dueled as she dropped her weight on me, burying my cock fully inside her in one single motion.

My hands worked under her blouse, feeling the cool skin of her back. I pulled up at the hem of her shirt and we broke the kiss just long enough to completely remove it from her and discard it on the floor.

She hungrily attacked my mouth again with her own, her

fingernails dragging across my scalp as she worked her hips back and forth. I could feel the head of my dick penetrate deep inside her with every thrust of her hips as she tried to take as much of me Inside her as possible. Her moans gave off whimpers of desperation, and I suspected she didn't have long before she reached critical mass.

As if reading my mind, I felt her legs tense. She grasped my face with both hands and her eyes were wide open as she sucked on my tongue. She began to shudder in my arms and let out a a series of squeals that I swallowed as she came..

Releasing my tongue from between her lips, she pressed her forehead to mine, "Marcus, that was one of the best experiences of my life."

I could feel her breath in my face... I could smell it along with her arousal. I admired her porcelain skin, beautiful lips, bra-clad chest, but her intense blue eyes kept capturing my attention. To think... a few moments ago, I'd been willing to give it all up for Natalie. I might have given up the look in this woman's eyes. The feeling of her fingers running through my hair. That wet furnace my dick was currently enshrouded in.

And all those things to come she'd promised.

In my mind, I saw Helen on her knees next to Bobbie, her hand holding a fistful of that spoiled bitch's hair as she forced her to take more of my cock. I imagined her suffocating Bobbie with her own pussy while I fucked that tight little ass. My mind briefly touched on an image of Helen and Natalie in a much more pleasant threesome, my imagination showing me an image of the two of them sharing a heated kiss. I quashed it. There was no guarantee that Natalie would be into that sort of thing, and besides... if I was to have anything with Natalie, I wanted her all to myself before even considering anything else.

I tightened my grasp on the blonde woman in my arms and hauled the both of us into a standing position. Helen wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck as I adjusted my grasp so that my hands were placed on her well-toned ass. Her brief look of surprise melted into one of pure animal lust.

"I want it all, Helen." I growled before kissing her with enough force to bruise her lips. I began bouncing her on my dick, using my hold on her ass in conjunction with hip thrusts to fuck her savagely as we clung to each other for dear life.

I broke my kiss with her and looked directly into her eyes, "I want you."

"You have me, baby," she breathed.

"I want Bobbl. I want to use her."

She pulled herself into me even tighter, lips next to my ear as she growled a single syllable, "Yes..."

"I want us to use her."

"Oh god... yes."

"I want others.

"Yes baby.

I was so close to cumming inside my beautiful angel. The thought of owning Helen, putting a collar around Bobbi's neck... my imagination went wild with flashes of other women I knew or had simply seen in passing. In my mind, they were all piled in a bed, enthusiastically fucking me, being used, or sharing me with others, and the fact that Helen actually wanted to be an active participant in my corruption... it was all driving me insane.

"I'll find them for you," she whispered in my ear. "I'll find them, baby. Whatever you want. Just cum in me. I need it."

Helen sealed her promise with a heated kiss as I erupted deep in her.

To Be Continued...

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The Love Of Money - S01 E20

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The Love Of Money - S01 E22

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