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The Love Of Money - S01 E19

Story 6 days ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E19

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 19

Promotion And Proposal.


After dealing with Gina, it's time for Marcus to turn his attention to Bobbi.

As I left Gina's office, I caught sight of Natalie again. Our eyes met for a moment and I could feel her questions on me from halfway across the office. "Gina's going to be busy packing her stuff. Is there another place I can go for the next couple of meetings? Somewhere without anyone nearby. It might get loud, and I'd rather not have an audience."

"Yeah," Andrew said. "There's a couple of empty rooms down here, but if you're really looking for privacy, I could take you to one of the empty floors."

"Great. Lead the way." I looked at Vikram and pointed out Natalie. "See that woman? In about fifteen minutes, could you bring her with you up to the floor we'll be on? Just explain to her that the company has just come under new management and they would like to speak to her. Andrew will come back down here and escort you.

"Yes sir," Vikram said, and stayed behind as Andrew lead the way back to the elevators. I glanced at Natalie again and saw her looking at me with open curiosity all over her face. She mouthed a question that I interpreted as 'What's going on? I gave her a fleeting smile in hopes that would assuage some of her concern.

Moments later found myself and Helen three floors up and in a fully furnished office that felt sterile and unused. The two security specialists stayed in the hallway and Andrew shut the door behind us, telling us he'd back shortly with Vikram. Helen immediately launched herself at me and crushed her lips to mine in a searing kiss. Her tongue invaded my mouth, and I could feel her moan just as much as I could hear it. Her fingers dug into my shoulders. I was momentarily surprised by the kiss, but then slipped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me as I allowed my tongue to meet hers for a quick duel. After a few moments of intense making out, she pulled her head back while maintaining full frontal contact against me and looked up at me, her eyes burning, "God Marcus, that was hot."

"Thanks," said as I tried to catch my breath. "I mean it Helen. Thanks for everything."

"Of course," she said, giving me what felt like a sincere smile and said, "I have your back, Marcus."

We spent the next few minutes making out and grinding against each other through our clothes. Seeing as we wouldn't have time for more, we parted a few minutes before Vikram returned with Natalie, and I spent that time looking around the office, trying to think about things that would cause my erection to settle down a little. I looked out the window and saw the New York streets below from 10 stories up.

"This floor is empty. Maybe I should make it into an office for myself or something," I said.

"That's not a bad idea," Helen replied, checking her hair with her phone camera to make sure it looked presentable before anyone came in, "Your apartment certainly isn't an appropriate place to run your day-to-day affairs."

"Yeah. I don't like the furniture though. Or the lay-out. It feels a bit claustrophobic in here with all the hallways."

"I'll talk to Andrew and see if there are any other floors available," Helen replied, putting her phone away now that she looked completely professional again. "Maybe see what options are available-"

A soft knock at the door interrupted the conversation. I pulled myself away from the window and made my way over to yet another walnut desk that would be perfect for banging Helen on. I leaned against it and said, "Come in." The door opened and in came Natalie.

She was beautiful as ever - her upturned eyes giving her a slightly exotic, disney princess quality. Her irises were so dark that they were almost indistinguishable from her pupils as she stared up at me through long lashes enhanced tastefully with mascara. Her nose had a slight nubian quality to it and complimented her large, expressive eyes and generous, plump lips. It was all framed by a mass of black that fell around her face in a fashionably messy style. She was sweet, smart, with a transformative smile and a cutting wit. In the entire time that we'd known each other, we'd been good friends, but since the break-up with her ex about a month ago, it'd felt a bit more flirtatious. Had we both been single when we first met, I'd like to think it could have gone somewhere. Now that Jessica and her ex were out of the picture, maybe it still could.

I was surprisingly feeling a lot better about my break-up with Jessica. I suppose inheriting over nine-hundred billion dollars and getting fucked by one of the hottest women I'd ever met is a balm for the soul. Nearly falling in love with Helen was definitely helpful in moving past Jessica, but our conversations throughout Friday and Saturday made it perfectly clear that love wasn't on the table for us. Aside from being married, she had explained that she wasn't the type of woman I needed in a partner, and after a few hours of us being apart on Sunday, the magic spell her vagina cast on me had waned, taking the sharp agony of being dumped along with it. All that was left was a dull ache of desire for companionship, and now that Natalie and I were single, I wanted to explore whatever chemistry existed between us.

Natalie glanced from me to Helen, looking uncertain as she stood half-way through the doorway. She gripped the wood panel in her hands and looked like she was about to retreat, "They told me to come up here?"

"Yeah," I said, brightened by the sight of her and not wanting to chase her away, I gave her a warm smile. "Come on in and shut the door, Nat. Have a seat."

Helen moved toward the door, "I'll be right outside if you need anything, Mr. Upton. Miss Bander" she said, giving Natalie a smile.

"Thanks, Miss..."

"Helen. Just call me Helen," she said.

"Nice to meet you, Helen," Natalie said, shaking hands.

As soon as Natalie looked back at me, Helen threw me another glance that was part professional caution and part sexual heat. I slid a hand in my pocket and adjusted my pants to prevent my dick from being noticeable as my hard-on started to return. I really had no self-control..

As soon as the door clicked shut behind her, Natalie immediately launched into questions, her eyes wide with curiosity, "What the fuck is going on, Marcus?"

I couldn't contain my smile. I wanted more than anything to tell her all the juicy details about how much money I'd fallen into, about how I'd already purchased this building and the company we used to work for... about how my grandfather was none other than Colin Gerrard, the somewhat famous owner of the entertainment company VistaVision and several holding companies that we were very familiar with as a financial firm. I wanted to fill her in about getting security, and how I had an entire army of lawyers at my disposal. I wanted to tell her about how I had way more than 'fuck you' money... that I had the kind of money necessary to buy small countries. I wanted her to pass out from my good fortune... or to throw herself at me and beg me to take her right there on the desk.

But there was part of me that was hesitant to tell her about everything. What if it changed how she felt about me? What if it became the driving force behind her deciding to pursue something with me, if that happened? I really liked this girl, and I wanted it to go somewhere meaningful.

So instead, I decided to be vague about exactly how much I had, and gauge her reaction. "I... ran into some serious money, Nat. A life-changing amount. Enough that I could quit the job, and then buy the entire company."

"You bought the company?" Nat said, as she helped herself to a seat on the couch. I took the seat next to her. This felt less like an owner of the company talking to an employee and more like two friends who had shared countless lunches catching up.

"Yeah. And the building," I replied, unable to contain my grin.

"And Gina? Andrew was escorting her to her office. She looked really confused."

"Yeah," said, my grin getting bigger. "I fired her."

Natalie covered her mouth with a hand and gasped, "Oh my god, Marcus! Are you serious!?"

"Yeah," said, unable to stop a grin, "She cried."

Natalie's shock was invaded by a fit of giggles, "I wish I'd been a fly on the wall when you did that. It must have been the best moment of your life."

An image of Helen disrobing in my small apartment and confessing that she belonged to me came to mind.

"One of the best moments for sure," I replied.

"Are you taking her position?" Natalie asked.

"Hell no. I don't want to work here anymore. Actually, I was hoping you would," I said. I couldn't stop smiling as the look of shock returned. She'd gasped even louder, and her dark eyes were huge.

"It comes with nice benefits and a six-figure salary, and-"

Natalie launched herself at me, throwing her arms around my neck and squeezing me tight as she squeeled, "Oh my god yes, Marcus! Oh my god thank you!"

I could feel the warmth of her cheek on mine and enjoyed the feeling of her soft, smooth skin. The smell of her perfume was intoxicating. We'd hugged, but this felt different. I slipped my arms around her slender waist and pulled her infinitesimally closer to me. I wanted to pull her so much closer. I wanted to crush her against me.

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The Love Of Money - S01 E18

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The Love Of Money - S01 E20

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