The Love Of Money - S01 E17

Story 1 week ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E17

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 17

"Yeah? What does it say?"

"That you're smart and decisive once you take that first step. It also says that you're just as petty as the rest of us."

"Petty?" asked, not sure how to take that.

"Oh, don't think for a minute that you did this for financial reasons. This is completely personal. No one here is going to blame you for that." Helen looked back up at the building, "But if you're going to be petty, might as well do it in a way that makes you money."

I sighed and nodded, looking back at the building I'd just bought... and the company inside. "Alright. Let's do this."

Have you ever tried to buy property? It takes weeks. You have to get approved for a loan, find the house, negotiate, get it inspected, pay the taxes, get the paperwork taken care of. It's a long, arduous process that can take weeks if you're lucky. Sometimes it can take months.

Not if you're rich.

I'm not talking about millions of dollars. Even really rich people have their issues.

But when you have obscene levels of wealth and an army of powerful attorneys at your back, it's amazing what you can get done in a morning. When you have the ability to turn others into wealthy people on a whim, paperwork and red tape seem to just disappear.

As soon as I'd told Helen what I wanted and she'd finished fellating me, she'd immediately set to work while I signed and initialed my way into making Yunger, Price, & VanCamp my official law firm. Within an hour, I had the owners of Marduke and the building Marduke inhabited on the phone. We offered them well over what both were worth, and a healthy fee to drop everything they were doing to work immediately with us. A few more calls and donations later, and I was the proud owner of Marduke LLC. As someone who can barely stand to get my license renewed, the whole process had been a sight to behold. When it was all over, I could have kissed Helen. And I did just that on the way to see my new company.

You really haven't lived until you've made out in the back of a $100,000 SUV with your lawyer after buying a company.

I led the way up the steps to the front doors of my building followed by Helen, a paralegal named Vikram, and two security specialists that my law firm had graciously lent me for the week. Helen had orchestrated it, stating that I would need to organize a

security detail of my own at some point in the near future. I hated the idea, but when Helen cited statistics of what a lot of wealthy people went through, I couldn't really argue with her.

I led the way into the lobby and nodded at the two people manning the security desk - Andrew and Henry. Andrew had been at the company longer than me and was actually the head of security for the building. Henry had been in his position for less than a year - both good guys.

"Hey guys. Did they fill you in on the situation?"

"Yes sir, Mr. Upton," Andrew said as he came around the desk. He passed me a badge with my picture on it, then handed one off to Helen. "Your badges are ready to go and you've been provided full clearance."

He glanced at the other three I'd brought with me, "I don't have badges prepped for your people. Would you like me to escort you up?"

"That'll be fine." Andrew was a good guy and we got on pretty well. I didn't want to upset the way he did things... his sudden change in manner was jarring enough as it was.

Andrew escorted me and my entourage to the elevator, and it was a quiet ride up as I scrambled to collect my emotions. All my co- workers were about to see me in a completely different light, and the very thought cranked my anxiety up to 11. Fortunately, I didn't have a lot of time to dwell - my floor was only 7 stories up, and before I knew it, the elevator door opened, revealing the familiar sea of cubicles, with office-like cubicles further back. My eyes immediately tracked to the right near a back window where mine was as I followed Andrew onto the main floor. He wasn't a usual sight up here, so his presence among a group immediately attracted the attention of half the floor. I could see heads popping up like prairie dogs coming out of their holes, wondering what the unusual activity was all about. Some immediately recognized me, and I got more than a few curious stares.

"Where would you like to set up?" Andrew asked.

I saw Natalie emerging from the bathrooms to the left. She glanced in my direction and did a double take, a look of confusion on her face at the sight of me among several others being escorted by Andrew. I gave her a small wave and a smile and she returned it bemusedly. I looked everywhere, but couldn't see Bobbi.

That was a disappointment. I was almost more excited to see

Bobbi witness my moment of glory than Natalie. Almost.

"Is Gina here?" I asked.

Andrew smirked at that. Gina didn't have many friends at Marduke.

"She's on a late lunch. She should be back soon."

"Her office," I stated.

Andrew complied, and in a few moments we were at her office door. I felt the stares of every single worker on that floor as Andrew unlocked the door and allowed me to lead the way in. Helen halted Vikram, asking him to pick up some coffees from downstairs for everyone. The security stayed at the door with Andrew. Helen entered behind me and shut the door behind her.


I walked over to Gina's walnut desk, running my fingers over it as I glanced over at her, "I don't know. I was ready to do it as soon as I walked in here, but if I have to wait for her to get here, I'm afraid I'll lose my nerve."

Helen rolled her eyes a little at that, "What are you so concerned about?"

"I don't know. A week ago, she was my boss and could have fired me. This was a pretty decent job, and I was terrified of losing it. You'll find this hard to understand, but losing a job is devastating. And god forbid blow out a tire or need a doctor's visit while I'm out of work. My fight or flight instinct is always in gear... it's that way for a lot of people. It's not something I can just switch off on a dime. That's called a personality disorder." I was annoyed. I could tell she was getting a little impatient with my hesitation. It probably wasn't much of a turn-on, but she had to understand my point of view if we were going to have any sort of professional or personal relationship. Getting used to doing things like this was going to take some time.

Apparently she could tell I was a little annoyed with her. She slinked toward me, placing her hands on my shoulders and giving them a light squeeze as she pulled me toward her so my back pressed against her chest. I turned in her arms so that her face was inches from mine - her bright blue eyes were liquid pools staring back at me. "I'm sorry," she said quietly, rubbing her hands over my chest. "I know this is a lot. It's why I'm here." She tilted her head up and brushed her nose against mine before doing the same thing with our lips. A soft kiss followed. "Let me help."

I swallowed. I knew she was manipulating me, but god was it fun! "Help how?"

She took a step back, immediately professional again, "Sit in her chair, wait for her to show up, and then simply tell her that she no longer has a job. Do it dispassionately. Don't let her see any insecurity or nervousness. Act like ordering take-out would be more exciting than this. Give her the feeling that she's insignificant." The look in her eye suggested she'd lived the experience before, and I was suddenly grateful she wasn't an епету.

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The Love Of Money - S01 E16

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The Love Of Money - S01 E18

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