My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E01

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My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E01

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 1

Growing up I was the black sheep in my family, I didn't really fit in with the older guy cousins, and the one cousin my age talked to ants, sniffed markers on the regular and I'm pretty sure was on the verge of very dark things. This left me to roam at the family get togethers and mostly hang out in the corner listening to music and trying to get through so I could move on to more fun things until the next family event.

This was not the family that I spent most of my time with, this was my biological fathers family, when I was born my Bio-dad (BD) ran and hid and forced my mom to reach out to his parents so they knew they had another grand child. He finally came around and would spend occasional time with me, but there was always the feeling that he despised having a child so young. On one of these visits I had rented some movies and was hanging out at my aunts house to watch them while BD was off working. The only free TV was my cousin Marie's bedroom tv, she was off at her friends house for the day so I plopped down on her bed and spent the afternoon watching movies. She came home later that evening and we decided to go walking for awhile until dinner time. This was the start of finally having someone to hang out with in that family.

Fast forward a few years and every visit included hanging out with my cousin Marie. Most visits had me spending nights at my Grand parents house, Marie would come over as soon as I hit town and we would own the living room, spending nights on the pull out couch eating pickles and olives of every kind and staying up until all hours. We would tell each other about our lives while the other one was away, communication through letters occasionally (this was pre email or even computers being common). When BD moved out of state I saw my cousin a lot less often however she now became my travel partner. Several times a year we would travel from Minnesota to Arizona where BD now lived. This led to many great adventures to Mexico and many great destinations. We continued to grow to be the best of friends.

As the years continued from us being young kids into blossoming teens I started to notice changes in Marie, I was taking a liking to the female form and I noticed as we were laying in the bed we shared Marie had started to gain breasts and her form was gaining curves. Still we were inseparable. One decision....that's all it took.

This trip took place over a month during our summer vacation, we flew out to Arizona and within a few days took a road trip to California to Disneyland. After we had gotten back we were laying in the couch bed exhausted talking about home and Marie started to ask a question before catching her tongue.

Me: 'Whats up?"

Marie: "I have a question I am hoping you might help me answer. There is a boy from my school I have been hanging out with and I am confused about his behavior. The other day we were in my room after studying laying on my bed talking and suddenly he sat straight up and wouldn't look at me....I don't know if I said something wrong or what but maybe you can help me figure out his weirdness"

Me: I sat there quietly for a min "Yeah....I have an idea, I think he was getting hard and trying to hide it from you" I said.

Marie: "NO WAYYYYY, not true"

Me: 'Yeah seriously Marie, it happens, guys can't control it sometimes, sometimes we see something that just makes it hard, happens to me alot".....oops

Marie suddenly got an inquisitive look on her face 'Really.....why do you get hard?"

"I dunno...random thoughts, pretty girls, sometimes I am not even sure, happens during school, its super embarrassing"

Marie: "Has it ever happened when we hang out? I guess I just don't pay much attention to that stuff"

Me: 'Yeah....I just try and hide it, simple run to the bathroom or Jump in the pool, there was that girl in the pool the other day, with the flower bikini, I think I was in the pool for 10 extra minutes because of her"

Marie: "Ewwww....getting all hard for girls.....what's it like?"

Me: 'I just gets hard and feels kinda good then it goes away if left alone"

Marie: "Thats crazy....must suck having to hide it..."

The silence grew and I couldn't handle it any more so I turned on the tv and we fell asleep watching Back to the Future.

The next day I felt like I kept seeing Marie's eyes glancing down at my crotch, but I was sure that I was just seeing things.

BD lived in an apartment complex with a nice big pool, that morning while at the pool, I found myself diving under and instantly finding my eyes drawn to Maries bikini and her body, the v formed by her legs and wondering what it looked like....up until this time I had only glanced at once or two playboys and got caught very fast by my dad so my knowledge of the female form was mainly formed by JCPENNY catalogues, de***********jons from my friends, and the scrambled adult channel at my uncle's house with the occasionally flash of boob. This is what my spank bank was full of.

My BD came home from work that afternoon and we all went golfing, it was a great evening of fun and led to him going to bed early and Marie and I back watching TV on the couch bed.

Marie: "So......did ya get hard today you disgusting creep!?" laughing and pushing me

Me: "Wouldn't you like to know you weirdo!"....... Did I want her to know?

She had a fiendish smile on her face and I know for sure I saw her eyes flick down right then....wishing I was wearing more than my boxers and a tshirt right then.

Marie: " can I fix this boy problem of mine?"

Me: "I I said its not really controllable at all times..."

Marie: "I wish I could have seen it....I have seen my dog get hard, but I dont think its the same"....the look on her face was waiting for my next move

Me: "....what's that gonna do to help you?"

Marie: "I don't know. But i'm curious"

I wasn't sure how to say what was on my mind, I was scared she would laugh at me...but I could feel the tingle between my legs and I knew I was getting hard just thinking about showing myself to her.

Me: "....I guess if it would help....if you wanted....I could show you mine The look on her face was excitement and nervousness, the silence was thick with electricity

Marie: "Would you?"

I waited a few seconds before turning onto my back, I looked at her as I grabbed the fly to my boxers, kinda waiting for her to give me a sign she was sure, she nodded. I undid the fly and pulled out my hardening cock.

I was thankfully blessed with early puberty and the one gift my BD did give me, I am not saying I was Ron Jeremy but I was 7.5 long and 3 times as thick as my thumb, the look on her face, her mouth fell open and she just kept staring at it.

I could feel my pulse in my ears and in my cock, every beat of my heart I felt it growing thicker and longer and stronger than I had ever felt before. Watching her eyes staring at me was more exciting than I had ever felt.

I saw there holding my cock as it came to full attention, letting her stare, and after a couple minutes she looked up and said "Now what?"

Me: "I have no idea, what is it you want to see?"

Marie: "I dunno, does it hurt? What do you normally do when it gets hard like this?"

Me: "No it doesn't hurt, it actually feels very good, and normally I rub one off."

Marie: "Do you want to do that right now?"

Me: "Sure......."

I started to slowly run my hand up over the tip and softly grasp myself rubbing up and down, feeling the tingles, however this was stronger than I had ever felt before. I turned my head and was looking at Marie again and suddenly she said "DON'T LOOK AT ME.......just close your eyes and think of that girl in the bikini"

I closed my eyes and thought of the girls' boobs in the bikini, feeling the tingles, I knew I wasn't far from finishing and didn't think to warn Marie. I felt the cum start to rise and arched my back while groaning, I felt the warmth spurt out and start to coat my shirt, shooting more than I ever had in my life up to that time. I opened my eyes as I finished and noticed that Marie was breathing heavy and her eyes were glued to me, her face was red and when she noticed my eyes were open she rolled over, that was it for the

night, no more questions, I figured maybe that would be the end of it and I have gone to far.

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My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E02

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